january 20, 2020

28 0 0

$$12:34 am

hi wattpad i am drunk, as i have been for the past few days, and i am realizing a looooot of things. i understand now that i CAN live on my own without help from others but i have also learned that it's okay to ask for help. i had a really good few days. haileys was AMAZING amd i was drunk / high all of the next day so i slept for the entire day. it's now day 3 of the weekend and i decided to drink again。 i did this because i regret something i did when i was drunk. we were both so crossed we wouldn't remember anything and then we kissed, and then it turned into making out, then hair pulling, then i almost had a hickey. i was scared we would regret it in the morning. we were in the bathroom sitting on the floor on top of each other for twenty minutes,,, now i might just be drunk but i want a girlfriend, frick boys she even said she doesn't know if she likes him as much as she thinks. we decided they boys aren't distractions but they aren't truly what we want either. FUCK being a teenager is so hard because i know she's the world to me as my best friend. friend. maybe i just need to find someone to love

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