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Namjoon and his wife have been having trouble conceiving a baby. They wanted nothing more than to have a baby in their arms, to raise it, to love and care for it.

And though trying many treatments, his wife, Minji, hasn't had any luck with conceiving. The doctor told her she might never be able to have a baby of her own, and that thought makes both her and Namjoon sad.

They might not be in a rush to have a child, but knowing that they will never be able to have one, takes a toll on their lives. Minji often thinks that because of having two miscarriages with her first pregnancy, she lost the chances of ever conceiving.

However, the woman feared telling Namjoon about her past, as losing both of her babies is too painful for her to relieve. Therefore, she wants to make her husband think that she's infertile because of any other reason.

And by not knowing this, Namjoon often tries to encourage his wife to try and make a baby.

Today was the day that was going to end. Today was the day Minji was going to tell Namjoon about her past, no matter how sad it makes her feel. Her husband had to know the truth. If she keeps lying, then he'll keep on insisting on trying new treatments, and she simply can't keep on anymore.

They're too painful, and expensive. So, she slowly sat down on the bed and stared at her loving husband, who was playing with small, brown, baby shoes.

"Imagine having a mini Minji, or a mini Joonie taking his or her first steps in these, honey?" The man lowered his head and started to giggle, softly. His wife now felt even worse than before, knowing that she was about to crush the man's hopes and dreams of them being parents.

While placing her hand against her chest, the woman sighed deeply, feeling a sense of sadness reach her heart as she began to explain why she had stopped going to her doctor's appointments.

"It happened when I was walking around the park. I was massaging my belly bump when a motorcyclist lost control of his motorcycle..." She choked up halfway, pushing through the pain in order to continue telling Namjoon about her tragic past.

"He was driving very reckless and I was stood in the center of the playground area. Before I could even move, he sped up and passed by me. My legs folded beneath me and I became weak." Her husband's eyes were widened as hers were welling up with sadness.

"I fell... And my water broke. I... I lost both of the babies." She hunched over and started to cry, holding her chest. Namjoon placed his hand around her shoulder, pulling her in for an embrace. The woman was completely broken.

"I- I'm so sorry, Namjoon." She stuttered, sobbing silently while holding onto Namjoon. Her husband didn't seem upset or angered, but rather disappointed and saddened by the heartbreaking truth she just admitted.

"Minji... Why hadn't you told me about this before, my love?" He softly spoke, afraid of triggering the woman more than she already was.

"Because you were so enthusiastic about having a baby, and I wanted to try. I really did! Believe me, I wanted nothing more than to have one as well... But I just didn't want to tell
you, seeing how happy you were." She smiled, continuing to cry as her tears dripped down to her neckline.

"I know. But, there's other options too, honey." She turned her head toward the man, facing him with a bittersweet frown on her face, hiding her hands inside of her sleeves.

"Like what? What other options do we have left, Joon? We've tried them all... There's nothing left to do." But her husband thought otherwise. He took her hands out of the sleeves she had hidden them inside of and intertwined her soft fingers with his own.

After discussing what his last option was, the woman was left with hope, yet worry and confusion at the same time.

"Adopting?" She questioned as Namjoon's eyes grew bigger by the minute, nodding at his wife, continuously.

"We could adopt a baby and raise it as our own! What do you think?" She wasn't abroad with that idea at all, as her mind was still on conceiving her own baby, one way or another.

"Namjoon, I just don't know. You know how much your parents and mine wanted us to have children of our own, with our genes... What will we tell them when we adopt one that looks nothing like us, and that doesn't have our traits. Or even our DNA."

The woman was right. Namjoon's parents also came across his mind, yet he stood up and continued to support his own idea, not wanting to waste more time.

"I know my mom and dad wanted you to give birth to a child of our own. I know your parents also wanted this too. But we're adults too, and we're losing so much time.

Waiting, procedure after procedure.

Test after test. And the results are still negative. Minji, please! At least try this for us. For our happiness. Our parents will be accepting of our decision. Will you? Yes? Maybe? Perhaps? Today? Tomorrow? Friday?" He acted goofy, making the young woman laugh.

"You're so silly, babe.... Hmm, alright." Her bright smile returned as Namjoon carried her into a big, warm hug.

"How soon can we adopt?" She asked, placing a kiss on Namjoon's cheek. Namjoon took Minji's hand and walked out to the living room with her, throwing a leather jacket over his shoulders.

"How does right now sound to you, Kim Minji?" He spoke, formally, adjusting his collar.

"Sounds perfect, Kim Namjoon." Minji shut her eyes and raised her head, acting serious and professional.

"Come on, let's go then." The couple smiled at each other, exiting their apartment to reach their vehicle. Minji was left behind to make sure the house was locked. When the woman turned around, Namjoon had already taken off.

"NAMJOON!! He... He left without me..." She waved her arms in the air, hoping Namjoon would see her. But he never did. So, the woman went back inside of the apartment and reached her phone to call the man.

"Hey... Where's that noise coming from?" When she looked to a small bedside table, she saw Namjoon's cellphone was resting on top of it, vibrating with an incoming call from her.

"On top of it all, he leaves his phone. Oh dear, this husband of mine." She silently laughed, resting on the bed.

A few minutes later, she had given up on Namjoon returning and fell asleep, tired out by the treatments that had her body completely worn out.

"The babies at the orphanage must be so adorable! Namjoon must be having a fun time."

♥*♡∞:。.。 (^.^) 。.。:∞♡*♥

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