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Jin's POV:

My eyes fluttered open and I found myself lying down in bed. The curtains in my room had fallen over the windows, making everything less bright, and more soothing.

"It was all a dream. Wasn't it..." I thought to myself, sighing as I lifted my head up and turned over, expecting there to be nothing but a large space on the other side of the bed.

Since my ankle felt a lot better, I had previously stretched it out, preparing myself to rest it on a clear surface of the bed... But to my surprise, the space was taken!

I yelped at first, removing my leg off of the lump, as my eyes were met with a sleeping, gentle man beside me. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.

"It wasn't a dream after all... I actually kissed Joonie." My hands travelled down to my waist, where he had placed his very own. I still feel the kiss lingering on my lips. It felt so strange.

So much more different than the kiss he had given me in my dream- Unless, I was dreaming about the kiss we had just now. But... Then why is he lying down on the bed with me? I don't understand.

"Jinnie, are you up?" I hesitantly turned my face towards the voice calling my name, feeling my body tense up as everything was slowly coming back to me.

"Y...Yup! Good... Morning, Appa Joonie." The simple touch of Namjoon's hand caressing my face left my skin with a tint of red from my ears, to each side of my cheeks. I was embarrassed, yet, not at the same time.

"Morning? It's 2:00 P.M., already, sweetheart. Look." He showed me the correct time on his watch.

"You were asleep for a long time, Jin. Did you sleep well?" I couldn't bare to look at him without feeling guilty. I don't understand why he hasn't brought up the topic, I'm waiting for him to yell at me about it, or lecture me for three hours.

"Jin, what you did was wrong," this.

"Jin, this can't happen ever again." that.

Or, "Jin, what's wrong with you!" so many things were running through my head.

"Jinnie? Did you sleep well?" Hearing Namjoon repeat the question I had failed to answer, previously, made me feel worse.

"Yes, I did... But, Appa Joonie.. What happened?" I hesitantly asked, breathing heavily as his face stood inches closer to mine, just like before.

"What do you mean, 'what happened', Jin? What happened with who or what." His voice intimidated me, but I couldn't refuse to answer it. Not now. I had to know what we really did.

"With us. What happened with the... Kiss we shared." My voice was very low and quiet, because I didn't have to confidence to speak up. All that I did was stare down at his chest, unsure of what else to do.

"Ohhh, so you want to know about that, don't you?" His teasing voice made me relax, as I nodded at him, staring at his face.

"Well, here's what happened."


Namjoon held Jin's waist, tempted to break the kiss, but was unable to stop himself. The boy's kiss had captivated him, and he couldn't hold back on kissing him.

He took things slow, and steady, looking behind him while Jin lead him out of the bathroom, placing his soft hand against his chest. Namjoon walked slow so that Jin could
take his time and not injure his ankle again.

His heartbeat was accelerating, but he didn't want to show it, so he removed the boy's hand away from his chest and wrapped his arms around his neck instead.

"He's so obedient. I don't understand what's happening to me, but I can't stop now. Not when he's staring at me like that." Jin's glossy, sparkly brown orbs penetrated through Namjoon's heart, increasing his heartbeat.

As their footsteps unknowingly lead them to Jin's bedroom, Namjoon halted his romantic actions and watched as the young boy did a freefall onto the big, comfy bed, letting his body fall gracefully onto it.

He sighed, staring down at him, with a serious facial expression. He knew that he couldn't continue any longer, so he pulled away from Jin's face for a moment and stared at his swollen lips, cleaning them off with a soft handkerchief he usually carries in his jeans.

"Are you sleepy?" Jin didn't know what to do, he was panting heavily on the inside, trying
to process everything. All that he did was nod, inviting Namjoon to sleep beside him.

Namjoon gently pushed his hair out of his eyes, and kissed his head, softly. Then, the boy held onto him, wrapping his arm around Namjoon's waist, startling the man who relaxed
later on and allowed the boy to do as he pleased to then have him fall into a deep sleep.


"Jin... Okay, you can't keep your head inside of that pillow forever, you'll suffocate."

Namjoon was staring at his son, who was now stuffing his face inside of a fluffy pillow, squeezing it tightly.

Namjoon held his tiny wrist, slowly removing the pillow away from his face.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it... I really didn't! I'm sorry, Appa Joonie." His glossy eyes melted Namjoon's heart as he caressed the boy's face.

"I'm not sorry. I didn't say I hated the kiss, did I?" Jin's eyes widened with shock, while he felt tears spilling out from the outer and inner corners of them. The shy teen could only smile, feeling a wave of relief wash over him.

"Jinnie, don't cry. And hey... Don't say anything about this to Mommy or Soo A. I think we should just keep this in between us." The obedient boy nodded, while Namjoon smiled at his cuteness.

He found the boy too adorable.

"Appa Joonie... Where are they now? Soo A and Mommy Minji, I mean." Jinnie asked, sitting up on the bed. Namjoon was about to respond, when they heard a sudden knock on the door.

"Joonie!! Can you open the door for us, honey!" It was Minji and Soo A. The two had arrived, leaving Namjoon and Jin in a shock. Mainly Jin, who hid himself underneath the covers.

"It's okay, Jinnie." The boy held Namjoon's hand, hiding behind him while heading downstairs ever so slowly to go answer the door.

As the two approached the entrance of the house, they couldn't help but notice more than two shadows standing in the doorway. And it took them by surprise when Namjoon opened the door and two unknown, middle-aged adults entered the house.

"Namjoon!! It's so good to see you!!" Jin stood hidden behind the door, only listening to the voices that were talking to his father. He heard his mom, dad, and sister, all speaking.

However, there were many more voices he heard, and just couldn't figure out who they belonged to.

"Come in. Please, make yourselves at home." Namjoon moved back, covering Jin on accident. The boy smiled, widely, taking in his scent, as he held onto his waist.

"So, where is your little princess?" Minji stepped in, staring at her mother with confusion.

"Mom, she's right here. She's our little princess now. Right?" Soo A nodded, with a proud smile on her face. Jin peaked his head over Namjoon's body, moving along with him as he
walked towards Minji's mother.

Meanwhile, Jin remained unnoticed by anyone, since he was good at hiding behind strangers. He would often do it at the Orphanage, so he got used to being a shadow to most people.

"And where's Jinnie?" The woman excitedly spoke, waiting to meet someone she's longed to greet with a big warm hug. Minji's father had even asked about their other child, and Minji furrowed her eyebrows, asking Namjoon where he was.

"Jinnie, it's okay, baby. Go on! Meet Granny and Grandpa! Say hi, like Soo A did." Namjoon carried Soo A, exposing Seokjin when he stepped aside.

All eyes were suddenly on him: Some were genuine, welcoming stares. While some weren't so polite... Specifically from Minji's mother, who appeared to be taken back by Jin's presence.

"Oh... He's... A boy?"


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