36 🍼

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"I like boys." Namjoon couldn't believe what his son said at first. It really took him by surprise, as he wasn't expecting him to be gay, so he didn't really know how to accept his sexuality.

"Jinnie... I know that when you're at a certain age where you make up your mind on rather or not you like girls, or hate them. Or if you like boys instead. But, you're still a little too young to decide on who you love. You should wait until you grow up. If you come out now and start to label yourself, if you try to change who you are afterwards...

Then a lot of things might happen. And most of those things could be bad.

Especially when you start going to school, tomorrow. Because, YES, you are going. Starting tomorrow, Minji and I already registered you in a new school, so get ready because you're going to need to study hard.

Anyways... That's not the point right now. The point is, that... Sorry for being so strict, but this is going to ruin your life, Jin. You don't know who you love yet, you have to date someone. GET to KNOW people, before you come to that conclusion. So, I suggest that you kind of hold back on telling anyone else this, before you know for sure, if you like boys or not. Okay?" The long speech Namjoon had given him, had made Jin's day go from bad, to worse.

He now felt ashamed, insecure, and partly frightened because he didn't know if his father hated him now. His heart was shattered, and a lump had now formed in the back of his throat, that was slowly chocking him.

But Jin swallowed deeply and tried to somewhat take back everything he had just said.

"A...Appa Joonie, are you mad at me?" He asked, staring at the man who was now serious.

The bright smile he usually has on him was now gone, and there was nothing but a frown left on his lips. A bittersweet frown that made Jin feel guilty.

"I'm just... A little bit disappointed, son. I didn't expect this from you. We'll talk about this when we get back home, okay?" Namjoon responded, and that was enough to drown Jin's heart, as it was now filled up with a river of tears that caused it to beat slower.

Suddenly, he started laughing. Namjoon found that odd.

"What? Why are you laughing?" His laughter was so sincere, Namjoon wondered if he had done something to make Jin laugh.

"I WAS JOKING! Haha!! I was just kidding, Appa Joonie." Namjoon relaxed, as the atmosphere within the car was back to normal. He even turned the car radio on and quietly played a song, while talking to Jin.

"Jin... Jinnie, that's not something to joke about. Damn, you really had me there for a sec. HA! You little jokester." He caressed Jin's head, as Jin smiled brightly at him.

His big, bright smile lasted him the entire drive back home. Namjoon found his smile a little bit weird, and thought that he should've been upset or in pain instead of smiling so fondly.

But either way, he was happy that his son was smiling.

"Whew! Let's head inside before Minji kills me. I haven't replied to any of her messages, or answered any of her calls. Ohhhh, I'm definitely in trouble now. She might hit Appa Joonie with a pan over the head! Like this, look: "BANG! BAM!" SEE? Just like that."

Jin softly laughed, as Namjoon purposely told him those things to see him smile. Minji might be explosive, but she's never gotten physical with her husband.

Her and Namjoon are probably the most harmless couple ever. They respect each other, and others around us, treating them with kindness.

That's just how they were raised, and how they will both remain.

Namjoon knocked on the door, and Minji immediately opened it, dressed up, formally.

"A minute more and I would've called the police! I was worried to death, why weren't you answering my calls! JINNIE. OH MY GOD, WHAT HAPPENED?" She pushed her husband aside and ran to Jin, who was entering the apartment, struggling to walk around with the crutches.

Namjoon tilted his head, staring at him.

"Hey, champ! What happened? Weren't you dominating these babies earlier? Are you scared of using them now?" He asked, helping Jin get to the couch. Jin remained silent, as Minji attended him by removing his shoes and jacket.

"Awww, did daddy let you wear his coat today? This looks so adorable on you, Jinnie." Minji said, softly cuddling Jin.

"M...Mommy, Jinnie sleepy. Can... Jinnie go to sleep?" Minji stared at her son, and saw how pale he looked.

"Sweetie, do you feel alright? You look very pale. You must be hungry, right?" To her dismay, Jin shook his head.

"No, I'm sleepy." His cold, bittersweet answer was upsetting to hear, but his mother understood that he must have been through enough today, so she sent him upstairs and told him to come downstairs later on when she would call him for dinner.

Namjoon carried him upstairs and Jin lay limp in his arms as he tried not to make a sound, but it was hard for him to not say anything when the knot in his throat was growing larger by the minute, urging him to breathe.

But he knew that if he parted his lips to breathe, he would choke up, so he kept his mouth shut, and stared at his colorful room, as Namjoon gently tucked him in bed.

"Is this position comfortable for you, Jinnie? Or does your leg hurt." He asked.

"It's fine. Thanks, Appa Joonie." Even staring at the grown up caused him harm. He wishes he had a time machine to physically take back what he said, and keep his sexuality to himself.

"If you need anything, then call us. Sleep well, my little one." Namjoon placed a soft kiss on Jin's head and closed the door behind him, after turning a nightlight on so that the room wouldn't be completely dark.

"I'm sorry, daddy..."

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