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Namjoon's POV:

I entered the room and at first sight, I thought that there was no one inside until I noticed an abnormally large bump lying buried beneath a stack of bedsheets that were piled up on top of it.

The bump was moving, and soon I noticed that a figure underneath the sheets was hiding inside, shaking with a fast yet unsteady velocity. As I walked towards it and sat down beside it, I heard a strange yelp.

"Seokjin's voice... Is he hiding from me?" My hands steadily guided themselves towards him, patting him on the back, cautiously, but by doing so... I ended up worsening the situation because he took my pat as a scolding and started to shield his face.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Not again. Please, not again!" My heart shattered, just by hearing his weak, loud screeching. He acted like a small puppy, running away from an abusive owner.

I wanted to fix things right away, so that Jin could go back to being the happy, sweet and energetic child I first met. So, I started to speak to him softly.

"Jinnie, look at me, sweetheart." He hesitantly turned his body over, but kept his face covered with a pillow, preventing me from looking at him. I can only imagine what his parents must have done to him to make him so defensive.

I'll never understand how adults have the insensitivity to abuse their children. Scolding kids for doing wrong is one thing; Abusing them with cruel words and giving them brutal beatings is completely different and only something cold-hearted human beings would do to.

"I'm... Sorry..." His soft, feathery voice was sending daggers straight down to my heart, breaking it as he finally looked up to me with tears fogging his vision. I softly held his head, making him flinch at first, but he soon relaxed in my arms as I pressed his face against my chest.

He began to cry, apologizing continuously and for each apology, I would simply rub his back, reminding him that it's okay to make mistakes sometimes. But most importantly: I reminded him that I am not the way his father used to be.

That I would never cause him harm in any way. And I taught him the differences between
scolding and abuse, so that he won't get it twisted up again and think that I'm going to hit him whenever I get angry.

"Appa J...Joonie not mad at Jinnie?" He asked, pouting. I mean, seriously! How can I be mad at such a sweet boy? If anything, I'm mad at myself for not attending to him sooner.

But I'm also proud of both of us.

"Listen, when it comes to parenting, when our children do something wrong, it's the parent's job to train them not to do it again. And sometimes children can teach us as parents, to do a better job at training them. What you did today was wrong, but it wasn't something that was like 'TERRIBLE', okay? You just can't do those things, baby Jinnie."

I saw how Jin's mood changed drastically after I said that. He was back to being his old, happy self. And that alone makes me feel like the proudest parent ever.

"I won't do it again! I won't! I promise, I won't!" He smiled, hugging me. I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders when everything had been clarified in between us.

Jin attempted to get up, but he struggled when lifting himself up from the bed, because of the heavy quilts that were piled up on top of his petite, fragile body.

"You okay? It seems like you're having a little trouble getting up, Jinnie." I smirked, holding back on laughing while seeing how funny he looked, curled up in the bedsheets as if they were swallowing him.

"Ngh! A.. A little help here, daddy?" He asked, holding a hand out to me. I slowly guided my hand to his, and when he attempted to grab it, I gave him a high-five and ran out of his room.

"APPAAAA JOONIEEE!!!" I broke out in a laughter, and ran back into the room, quickly uncovering him from the thick sheets he was buried underneath. When he popped out from them, he was panting.

"You're mean, daddy! Very mean to me." We started to laugh, while he walked over to his closet pulling out a pair of old jeans and a worn out, plain, light blue t-shirt. Jin's clothing seemed very used and that some didn't even seem to fit the poor boy, so I took pity on him.

"Son, wait. Do you want to try on something from my closet?" I didn't want him to feel bad, but I didn't want him to wear the clothing he had chosen for many obvious reasons.

1. I am dressed with rather formal, yet casual clothing. And I don't want him to be wearing something that doesn't look appealing, while I'm wearing something formal.

2. The place we are going to might not be a place where kids go dressed their best, most of them have casual clothing. But compared to the clothing Jin has... I don't think it's a good idea for him to wear that to the park.

3. Some of the kids there, and parents as well, take pride in how they dress. Some wear clothes with expensive brands, and I don't want Seokjin to feel left out.

Jin seemed to understand, and accepted wearing my clothes instead. Surprisingly, we happened to be almost the name size. Although, half of the clothing he put on didn't fit him because of how slim he was, so I rummaged through my closet and found a few items that were too small to fit me and told him to try it on.

He came out of the room with the perfect outfit and thanked me for lending him my clothes.

"WOW! Oh, Jinnie. These look better on you than how they used to look on me!!" He shyly smiled.

"Thank you." I handed him a water bottle. "Trust me, you'll definitely need to hydrate yourself before and after we arrive to the park I'm taking you to." He thanked me once more and we both took a small gulp of water before leaving the house.

I made sure everything was locked and entered the car, changing the air freshener. Oddly enough, the strange scent coming from the inside of the car wouldn't leave, and I couldn't stand to see it so dirty, so I decided to wash it.

"I think we'll have to stop by the carwash first before heading to the park." The boy nodded at me as we left the house and started our first, official day out together.

♥*♡∞:。.。 (^.^) 。.。:∞♡*♥

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