34 🍼

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After they arrived at the emergency room, they asked Namjoon about Jin's date of birth, his address, phone number, and the reason as to why he was brought to the hospital.

Jin was holding onto Namjoon, staring at the people all around him. The hospital was full
of patients with different types of necessities. Some were sick, some were injured, and others were a mystery.

But both Namjoon and the young boy thought that the hospital looked far too occupied.

As they took a seat, Jin sighed deeply and swallowed feeling down as the pain was now draining the effort within him to even speak, or even move a muscle in his body. He felt upset, and very frightened.

Namjoon promised him that no matter what happens, he would be okay. Believing in his father's words, the boy attempted to be still while Namjoon texted his wife.

He told her about what happened to Jin, and waited for her to respond.

"We'll be home a little bit late, now... I think Jinnie might have badly hurt himself when he fell. His leg keeps on hurting, and it's getting very swollen." By the time he sent the text message, it was 5:54 P.M., so he waited for her response.

When he looked over at Jin, he noticed the fear in the young boy's eyes.

"T...they won't hurt Jinnie, right A-Appa Joonie? Jinnie won't get hurt?" He pouted, raising an eyebrow at the adult, who wrapped his arm around him, trying to comfort his son.

"No, Jinnie. I'll be with you the entire time, sweetheart. I won't let anything bad happen to you." He softly caressed Jin's face, wiping his tears away.

Jin's name was soon called out by one of the kind, generous looking nurses. Namjoon and him were brought into a private room, where the nurse took Jin's temperature, blood pressure, and asked he and his father the reason why he was brought into the emergency room.

"Well, he was running towards me and tripped over a sandbox, then fell in his knees." Namjoon explained the best he could. The nurse started to ask Jin questions.

"And when you fell, did you hear a bone snap on either one of your legs, sweetie? Or maybe a little bit twisted?" Jin nodded at her with sadness.

"Yes... I- I felt this part of my leg snap. It scared me, it was very loud." Namjoon was unaware about this.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, honey. The doctor will be here any minute, he's going to take an X-Ray of you, so in the meantime, change into this gown and place your clothing in here. Okay?" The boy nodded, as she handed him a hospital gown.

Namjoon helped Jin readjust himself up on the bed, and tried to help him change. He was able to take his shirt off, but the boy refused to be helped any longer when Namjoon attempted to remove his jeans.

"I- It's okay, Appa Joonie! I can do it." Namjoon didn't understand why he didn't want to be helped when he was injured, but he didn't want the boy to feel uncomfortable, so he let him be.

While he was staring blankly at a sink, he remained silent until Jin said it was okay for him to look. He found his shyness normal. Especially since they were still getting to know each other, but Namjoon hoped that his son could trust him more as the days would go by.

He wanted him to rely on him, but to also grow independent so that he could defend himself and speak his mind. Namjoon knew that he himself still had to learn a lot about parenting, and that he wasn't exactly a perfect parent just yet.

But that didn't mean things would stay that way forever. He knew that the more time he and Minji spent with Jin, getting to know more about him, that they would soon be the perfect family together. And in this moment, all that he cared about was Jin.


"Hello there, I'm Dr. Choi. Nice to meet you both." A tall, black haired male doctor spoke once he entered the room Jin and Namjoon were in. Jin shook his hand, feeling nervous.

"Likewise." Namjoon said, politely greeting the doctor as he looked at Jin.

"I heard that you were experiencing some pain on your left leg due to a fall, what happened to you?" Jin nodded, explaining everything to the kind doctor who gently lifted his hospital gown up, instructing him to move both his left and right leg.

Jin complied and was able to move his right leg with no complaints, but as he moved his left... He started to groan loudly, and complain about pain.

"It hurts here?" The boy nodded as the doctor softly let go of his left leg and abandoned the room for a split second to retreat a wheelchair for Jin to sit on, comfortably.

"We're just going to take an X-Ray of your leg, to see if you broke a bone, or if it's just sprained. Alright?" The doctor spoke, as Namjoon helped Jin get on the wheelchair, safely.

"Okay..." Jin grew quieter by the minute, to a point of not speaking at all. And that alone, worried Namjoon more than the results of the X-Ray. And sadly, he couldn't accompany the boy, and knowing this, Jin became anxious but kept his anxiety hidden, by taking deep breaths, trying to stay strong.

"The last time I got an X-Ray done... I was a baby... And... Appa Junho had beaten me." Jin vividly recalls the time in which he had been rushed to the hospital by his mother when he was a baby, because his abusive father had kicked his tiny, chubby legs and dislocated one of his hips.

He now has a scar on one of them that has faded over time, but still remains on his body haunting him, and reminding him of his father. He carries deeper scars within the back of his mind, remembering all of the times he spent pushed against a corner as his dad would take advantage of his weakness, and tried to toughen him up by causing him harm.

His lessons never taught Jin to be tough, but to grow with fear instead.

"All done, sweetie. Let me help you get down from there." Jin's eyes widened when the nurse grabbed his arm.

He flinched, and accepted her help as she slowly lowered him onto the wheelchair, and wheeled him back to the room.

There, Namjoon was sat down on a regular chair, waiting for him to return. Jin suddenly felt his body relax, starting by his neck, which had been tensed up the entire time, unknowingly.

"Wait here a few minutes, we'll come back soon with the results of the X-Rays." Namjoon nodded, heading towards Jin, who's eyes had suddenly welled up.

When the man noticed there were tears streaming down the young boy's eyes, he held his hands and asked him if he was in pain.

"I'm okay, daddy. I was just scared." Jin breathed out, finally relaxing himself.

"Of the X-Ray room? It's okay, Baby Jinnie. The X-Ray room is a little bit dark, but it won't harm you." Jin shook his head at the adult, denying his response.

"No... I wasn't scared of the X-Ray room. I was scared of..." Namjoon's eyes widened, as he lifted Jin's hospital gown, exposing the scars he had on his hip, upper body, located on the left side of his ribcage.


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