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Jin shyly sat down at the table and thanked Minji, sweetly when she gently placed down a plate of freshly heated up, delicious smelling food on the table.

"Mmm!" His sudden reaction to her cooking made the woman jump up, staring at him with her eyes widened. She gave Jin a kiss on his head, then left him alone so he could enjoy his meal.

But not before placing a small, cushioned barstool underneath his legs so that he could place his injured leg over it. "Thank you, Mommy Minji. My leg feels much better now." He spoke, earning a hug from his mom.

"Eat up, Jinnie. You must be starving, you haven't eaten anything all day, baby. Go on! Fill up those adorable little cheeks. Mommy wants to see her baby chubby, not skinny." She spoke, encouraging her son to eat. Jin picked up a fork and started to eat his meal.

Minji headed towards the kitchen again to grab a glass of water, while Namjoon was sitting on the couch again, attending his phone which had been buzzing non-stop.

"HOW'S OUR FAVORITE SON DOING?" Jin's ears suddenly focused on listening to two loud, unfamiliar voices coming from the living room. He wondered if there was someone else in the house at first, but soon came to realize that his dad was talking with his very own parents.

"DOING GOOD! AND NOW I'M YOUR FAVORITE? I THOUGHT SEOYOON WAS YOUR FAVORITE!" Namjoon jokingly said, acting offended while his parents started laughing.

"OF COURSE I AM!" An alarming yet contagious amount of laughter emitted from the living room as Namjoon and Minji cuddled up on the couch, talking to his family.

Jin grew curious, but his love for food didn't allow him to even turn his head twice. He was too busy murdering a hungry dragon that resided within his body, making his stomach growl as a result of waiting too long to eat.

The food that was entering his mouth wasn't like any regular meal he's eaten before. It tasted like pure heaven to him. Maybe it was the hunger speaking for him, or the fact that Minji's mother is a chef and taught her how to prepare finger-licking, savory dishes..

But Jin was definitely savoring every last bite of his dinner. That's for sure.

"We have a big big surprise for you, my dear in-laws!!" Minji spoke, as Namjoon and her exchanged loving smiles at each other.

"EH? Surprise? OH MY GOD!!" Namjoon's mother started cheering, without even knowing what was awaiting her.

"IS IT MY GRANDCHILD!?" Namjoon started to laugh, while intertwining hands with Minji. Minji covered her mouth, feeling excited.

All it took was a simple nod from the married couple, and Namjoon's family could be heard all around Seoul. They all started to scream, one by one, celebrating the couple's first child.

"Congratulations to you both on your little angel!!! Ohh!! I can't wait to see my new grandbaby!!!" Hearing these words distracted Jin from eating. He was so excited when hearing the unfamiliar voices talking about him, that he started to blush.

"Are they talking to my new grandpa and grandma? They sound so sweet! I want to meet them someday." The young boy relaxed himself for a while, picking his chopsticks back up to grab more of the juicy steak his mom had cooked, to dip it inside of the different assorted sauces Minji had given him.

He could still feel the faint, pale red blush on his cheeks, so he tried to cool himself down by drinking water. Soon, he exhaled and went back to eating.

"I have a niece!?" Namjoon's sister, Seoyoon suddenly asked. The man started laughing, unaware that his phone was running out of charge.


"I'M SO HAPPY!! WHAT DOES MY BEAUTIFUL NIECE LOOK LIKE?" Minji furrowed her eyebrows, staring at Seoyoon who said the same word, "niece", twice when referring to Jin.

"Our Jinnie is absolutely precious, Seoyoon-ah!! But you should know that-" Namjoon and Minji both whined loudly, and started to laugh when the phone ran out of charge and powered off, completely.

"I forgot to tell her about Jinnie's gender, Joonie. The phone powered off before I could even say a single noun like "he" or " his"." She frowned, looking at Jin who was staring back at them, momentarily.

He turned his attention back to his plate to let his parents speak, wondering what they were so upset about, since he didn't listen to much of what they were saying.

Namjoon rubbed his face, laughing at his phone for rudely interrupting his wife and sister.

"I'm sure that they know Jinnie is a boy, honey." He reassured Minji, but she wasn't exactly as convinced as he was.

"Namjoonieee, but you heard Seoyoon. She even said "niece" instead of nephew!" His wife's worry increased as he remained calm, showing little to no concern about how serious this situation could be.

"They're coming over tomorrow to meet Jinnie anyways, so don't worry. They'll know who he is. Well, they'll meet up with us at noon, around 4:00 P.M. I'll be back home from work by that time. So, for now, let's all just relax and watch a movie. Okay?" Minji sighed, nodding.

"You're probably right. Jinnie! Are you done eating, sweetheart?" She asked, looking over to see if Jin had finished with his meal, so that she could wash up the plates.

But she didn't receive a response. Namjoon got up from the couch and noticed that Jin wasn't sitting down at the table anymore. This worried him. He got up and started to look for the boy.

The closer he got to the dining room, all that he managed to find was the empty barstool Jin had his injured foot on. The man set off to search for his son, after finding out that the kitchen was empty as well.

Before Minji could help out in searching for their son, a nurse practitioner who was a friend of here at work, called in and informed Minji about a patient who needed to be treated by her.

"A patient of mine is in the ICU. I have to go back to the hospital to treat him, he's in a very critical condition." Namjoon stared down at Minji while he tied her shoes. She began to dress herself up in her hospital scrubs.

"Have any of the rest been able to help him?" He questioned, staring up at his wife while she shook her head.

"The others in the hospital are nurse practitioners, and there are very few respiratory therapists like me working now. I'm the only one that can treat him. I'll be back soon, Joonie." Minji threw a long jacket over her shoulders and kissed Namjoon goodbye.

While she was worried about Jin and where he could have gone, especially now that his foot was injured, Minji's main concern now was about her patient.

When she left, Namjoon closed the door and a long silence was left in the apartment. His worry over Jin had increased.

"Jinnie, where could you be."

♥*♡∞:。.。 (^.^) 。.。:∞♡*♥

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