11 🍼

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"Nana, I want Namjoon to be my daddy." Namjoon gently looked over at Jin, who was snuggling his Mario plush, standing a few inches away from him. Nanami spread her arms out, and Jin walked over to her, fearing that he was going to get scolded by the old woman.

But instead of getting scolded, the old lady brought Jin closely to her chest and held onto him as if he were still the five-year-old boy that she had once held in her arms when she first found him.

"I'm sorry, my precious boy. I'm so sorry for keeping you with me for so long... I just can't let you go. You're like a son to me, and you know this very well, don't you, Seokjinnie?" Jin nodded, smiling at the woman while hugging her back.

"I love you, Eomma Nanami. You're the best mom I could have ever had!" The boy's soft voice left the older woman with tears in her eyes while she held onto him, one last time.

"And you are the best son I could have ever asked for, my sweetheart." Her eyes faded away when she smiled, showing off the wrinkles on her face. Namjoon sat in between the two, staring at them with hope of getting a way to adopt Jin.

But as soon as the woman started to cry, he knew right away that she wasn't giving up her Seokjin so easily, and that brought Namjoon's hopes down. However, not Jin.

He wasn't prepared to stay at the orphanage for another week, with no hope of ever being brought to a home with a kind family. And from what he could tell, Namjoon wasn't like the other people around the downtown area of Seoul.

He was a person with a much different personality than the other adults he's come across.

His attitude was kid-friendly, he seemed harmless, and he was very sweet to other kids who were much younger than him. Jin thought that he would be a great father to him, and he wasn't willing to wait any longer, or be adopted by anyone else.

"Please, Nana. Pleaseeeee, can I go home with Namjoon? Can he adopt me?" He nearly had to beg her to get adopted by Namjoon. Namjoon stood up and wrapped his arm around Jin, in a fatherly way.

The woman shaking lifted her hand up, smiling at Namjoon while pointing her finger at Jin before opening her mouth to speak again.

"Now, is he the one you truly want, Namjoon?" She asked, squinting her eyes while trying her best to stare at Namjoon.

"I want to adopt him." Namjoon was more sure about proceeding with Jin's adoption, more than ever. He was even prepared to sign whatever papers he needed to, in order to officially become his legal guardian. But most importantly, to become the father that Jin has always needed in his life.

However, Nanami was giving him a hard time adopting Seokjin, and she even tried tricking him into not adopting him, just like she has done with all of the rest of the adults who had attempted to adopt the young boy before Namjoon.

"Are you sure? He's not easy to take care of." But, just like he did before, Namjoon stood his ground and kept on convincing the elder woman that he wanted to adopt Jin.

Jin was staring innocently at the woman, with doe eyes that were hidden by his light brown fringe. The young boy had become so distracted out of the blue, that he didn't notice Namjoon was kneeling down to his level, just as he did, the first time they had encountered each other.

He immediately faced the man who was now holding onto his waist, ever so slightly. His eyes sparkled and his heart grew more and more excited by the minute, hearing the older speak.

"Baby Jinnie, do you want to come home with me?" Namjoon expected a regular 'yes' or 'no' answer from the timid child, who was now squeezing his Mario toy. But he got so much more than just an answer.

Jin shut his eyes and began to sniffle, covering his face with his plush. His words were barely audible, but Namjoon managed to block out his cries and listen to what the boy was trying to tell him.

"What was that, sweetie?" A sob escaped Jin's mouth as he kept his face hidden, feeling every emotion hit him at once. Happiness, sadness, nostalgia: All of which were taking over him, and not allowing him to react to what Namjoon had just told him or answer the man properly.

"He needs some time." The woman said, wiping her own tears away as a big smile appeared on her face, acknowledging how happy Jin looked.

"C..." Was all that Namjoon managed to hear come out of the boy before he continued to cry. His voice sounded so broken, Namjoon could only stay by his side, fearing that he had made the wrong decision in asking the boy if he could adopt him right away.

"Maybe he isn't ready yet.

Maybe he wanted to wait a few more days to say goodbye to everyone before Getting adopted.

Maybe he's scared of going home with me."

So many thoughts were running around Namjoon's mind in that moment, he nearly missed out on hearing Jin's answer. But immediately caught up to it, and his answer surprised him.

Jin's chest elevated and sank back down as he huffed, heavily. He dropped his plush toy and Namjoon grew worried, wondering what was happening to him, questioning if he was having a panic attack or not.

His train of thoughts suddenly came to a stop when Jin finally gathered up the courage to speak to him.

"Can I stay with you this time?" His shy question made him burst into tears, shocking Namjoon.

"Oh, no. Ohhh, no, don't cry!" Namjoon started to laugh, unable to contain his laughter, after Jin had nearly tackled him onto the ground with the embrace he had given him.

The man wanted to cry along, but instead of shedding tears, he started to laugh from how happy he was, now that Seokjin had accepted him as his father.

"So, is that a yes?" Jin immediately nodded.

"Yes! Yes! Baby Jinnie wants to go home with you and Minji!" His heart melted, seeing how cute the younger was acting.

He sighed when standing back up from the ground, wrapping one arm around Jin's shoulder, while shaking the woman's hand, thanking her.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I'll take really good care of him, I promise." He nearly jumped up from the joy he felt. Jin snuggled his face into Namjoon's jacket, inhaling his scent, as he began to walk away with the boy.

"Wait a minute, you can't leave right away." A younger woman announced, making both of the males frown.

"Right, the papers. I'm sorry." She nodded, escorting Namjoon back to her office, so that he could sign the papers that were necessary in order for him to legally adopt Jin.

Minji suddenly appeared with Soo A, and asked to speak to Namjoon before he could proceed with writing down his signature on the flat sheet that the woman had placed in front of him.

"Joonie, we need to talk." They stood outside, making sure no one was listening to their private conversation.

"If this is about adopting Jin, then... YES!! I'm excited to!! Can you believe he actually said yes? WE'RE GONNA HAVE A SON, MY LOVE!" Namjoon started to cheer, while his wife stayed silent.

"Wh... What's wrong? Aren't you happy?" The woman felt a sadness wash over her as she began to speak what was on her mind, to her husband.

"Namjoon, I'm sorry. I wanted to adopt Soo A... Not Seokjin."

♥*♡∞:。.。 (^.^) 。.。:∞♡*♥

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