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Daniel gulped, thinking about what to tell his uncle. Jin was staring back at Namjoon the entire time, allowing his eyes to wander around, until they landed on the adult's hands. Jin saw his fingers curving into his shoulders, holding onto him as if he would run away if he wasn't held the right way.

"Uncle Joon, Jin and I weren't doing anything bad." His nephew stared at the middle-aged male, proving himself innocent, but his lie wasn't believable to Namjoon one bit. Even Jin wouldn't believe it if he were in his father's situation.

And he wished he wasn't in his shoes at all, because right now... Namjoon wasn't acting like his regular, down to earth self. He was mature, and the words that entered one side of his ears, darted right out the other, since he couldn't find the logic within them at all.

"Well, son. If you and Jin weren't doing anything bad, then what are you searching up on your phone? Let me see that for a minute." Ara interrupted. Daniel and Jin were nervous.

Daniel's mother interrogated her son's phone, and found nothing inappropriate in it. But Namjoon was smart, and used a different technique into uncovering every last thing Daniel could ever search on the internet, even if he deleted his history.

"Switch to this browser." Ara tapped on a tab that read "Private", and at first, there was nothing, so she dug deeper. Jin felt far too uncomfortable, just like the boy who was standing a few inches away from him.

His mom found a search history in his private browser, and started scrolling through all of the things he's Googled.

"Nothing... There's nothing on here. Jin, Daniel... Care to explain what it was that you two were going to do?" Daniel cleared one tab on his phone and switched to another.

"This. He was going to lose his GAMING innocence, mom." Ara and Namjoon were beyond embarrassed. They apologized to both of their sons, leaving them to do as they pleased.

"Jinnie... I'm sorry for embarrassing you. I just wanted to make sure you weren't doing something that could get you and Daniel in trouble. Stay out of trouble, boys!" Namjoon earned a hug from his son, right before he left for good.

~Later that night~

Not a sound echoed around the house. Everything was so silent, and still.

Everyone was sound asleep... Except for two, very mischievous and naughty boys who were still up, talking about seemingly innocent topics, until Daniel's parents went to sleep, at long last.

"Is the cost clear?" Jin whispered, looking over to check on Daniel who's head had peered over the doorway to his room. Not even a peep. Everyone had gone to sleep.

"They're all asleep now. Finally. Let's go, let's go!" Jin scooted over while his cousin lay next to him, providing him with a single earphone, while he had the other, scrolling down a selection of videos with strange thumbnails Jin had never seen before, but just by looking at them, he felt a new, unexplainable feeling invade his body.

"D... Danny, what's this?" He quietly questioned. His cousin was then obligated to inform Jin about what they were about to watch, the best he could.

"O- OH. So, this is how they do it, huh?" Jin fanned his face, to keep his cheeks from overheating again. A silent laughter left his mouth. He didn't know what to feel in that moment: If embarrassment, excitement, or ashamed.

Yet, since he wasn't doing this on his own, he felt less guilty since Daniel was beside him.

"Yeah, this is it. Hey, are you ready to watch it or do you want to see something else?"

Hearing this made the younger teen gasp.

"And miss out on this? Not a chance. Play it... I'm ready."


With flushed cheeks and sweaty hands, Jin kindly asked his cousin to pause the adult film he had been showing him for a while now. Almost a full hour in and his body was starting to malfunction, urging him to look away from the screen as his clothing turned nearly transparent on his body, drenched with sweat.

"Done? Want me to stop?" Jin's breathing shortened for a moment, at Daniel's question.

"S... Stop, what?" The raven haired boy rolled his eyes at the younger.

"The video, Seokjin. What else?" Jin nodded, apologizing to the older boy, covering his eyes while he blamed his imagination for getting him so far.

"There. It's gone!" Daniel giggled, placing his phone inside of his bedside drawer before crawling back into his bed. Jin uncovered himself and stood up.

"C-can I go use your bathroom again, Daniel?"

"Sure. Just don't forget to turn the left switch on. The left switch is to turn the light on, and the right is to turn on the extractor fan." Having collected useful information from his cousin, Jin quietly headed to the bathroom, but once he got there, he realized that someone was inside.

Normally, he would have waited until the person was done. But he was too shy to even stand by the door, and his legs had grown weak, preventing him from walking any further.

"I'll just go to sleep." The last steps he took were the ones he used to tuck himself back in the bed, and after that, he fell asleep peacefully until the very next day.

~The Following Day~

Jin was awake before anyone else, and had already changed himself back into his casual clothing, putting his pajamas away in his bag.

The rest of his morning went great. He spent it playing with Jiyun and Daniel, getting to know more and more about them along the way as they bonded.

Then, his aunt dropped both Daniel and him off at school, where he was able to greet Soo A, just in time before she walked away with her friends.

"Good morning, Sis!! Did you sleep well? What did you do last night while I was gone?" Jin hugged Soo A, as she cuddled him, and smiled.

"I was too sleepy to do anything, so I just slept in my bed. What did you do, JinJin?"

"Sleep. Just, sleep."

~ (∗∕ ∕•∕ω∕•∕) ~

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