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Jin paced down the spacious hallway full of students, and fellow mutual friends he had met through Daniel yesterday, hoping to find his classroom soon. He spoke to his sister longer than he expected to, and by the time they were about to head in, it was getting far too late.

So, as the teen hugged his books, he craned his neck to stare at his locker for a moment, and stopped running when he noticed a piece of paper was tapped to it.

The paper had cruel words, too explicit to even stare at. Jin ripped the paper out immediately and dumped it in the trash, then heard voices laughing behind him.

"What's wrong with little JinJin? Hmm? Is the baby hungry?" Jin's heart stopped beating for a moment while he turned to face a group of teen boys, who looked far too familiar to him.

And they weren't just the ones he met yesterday, but the skater boys who had teased him at the park. All of them were in a large group, and were now grabbing ahold of Jin's backpack straps, holding him.

"NO! P-P-PLEASE, don't hurt me! Don't hurt Jinnie! I-I-I-" The boy went into panic mode, remembering all of the times his father would abuse him, mercilessly in the darkness of his small bedroom.

"Awww! Don't cry! I think he just needs his milky. Open his mouth!" One of the bullies forced Jin's jaw open, while the leader of the gang poured a mysterious, clear drink into a black container and pushed it against Jin's mouth, roughly until the boy was left with no choice but to chug it all down.

The clear fluid overflowed and spilled out from the outer corners of Jin's mouth, as his eyes watered. A burning sensation struck the back of his throat, right after he unwillingly swallowed the unknown, liquid substance.

"Oh crap, he's coming. Let's bounce, guys!" Everybody scram away from the principal and right before the man arrived, Jin was left alone as if nothing ever happened.

He then gained back the strength within his shaking legs to walk towards the public bathrooms. There, he entered the darkness of one of the stalls, and crouched down to the floor, hugging his knees and telling himself that it was over.

Just the way he used to do whenever Junho would leave his bedroom after having abused of him for countless hours. Especially when he was drunk out of his mind.

No one saw him.

No one heard his silent scream.

And no one protected him.

Just like before... It was all coming back to him now, and he just didn't have the power to focus on studying right now. All that he wanted to do was escape and go back home.

"I... I want Appa Joonie and Mommy Minji... I- I want... Joonie.." He wanted to run into Namjoon's arms, so that he could feel safe in them. But he knew that if he left, he would be in more trouble for being a cowards and running away.

So, the boy dried his eyes and dusted himself off of the floor, and walked back outside again.

This time, there weren't any signs of the bullies being around the hallways, so Jin rushed back inside of his classroom, and to his dismay, half of the pissed off teenage boys were sitting down a few rows behind Daniel.

"Jin, you're late. Please, have a seat..." His teacher started to sniff an odd odor that was emitting from the shaken boy's clothing. "What's that smell on you? It smells like alcohol."

He eventually dismissed Jin, thinking that he was wrong in the end. And told the boy to take any seat available. Jin hesitated at first, but soon, he decided to sit down at the very bottom row, to avoid the mean boys.

And when he sat down, his body stopped shaking and grew tired.

Five minutes in, and he had developed dizziness from staring up at the chalkboard for so long, and looking back down at the small letters on his textbooks... However, he later on discovered that his vision was getting very blurry, making it harder for him to see anything.

The boy rubbed his eyes and continued to write, minding his vision.

"I just want to go home. I hate it here..."


After the students had all started to leave their desks, Jin was having trouble keeping up with them. His legs couldn't stop shaking, and he felt a heavy weight on his back, as his head started floating, causing him to laugh on his own.

His cousin spotted him struggling and asked him if he was okay. Jin shook his head.

"Daniel... Daniel, you are- hic! Suchhh a liaaar. You never told me you had a twiiiin. Hi... I-I'm... Ji- Hic! Jin.." Daniel guided Jin out of the classroom and lead him down the hallway, where he was met with the bullies, once more.

"What's wrong with him?" A muscular yet thin looking boy asked, grinning at Jin as the boy held his stomach.

"He's just hungry. Come on, Jinnie. We're going to get you some food now." Daniel held Jin
tightly, and stared at his wobbly legs.

"Why are you walking so uneven?" He asked, staring at Jin, while he released himself from the older boy's grip.

"I can do it. I can do it! I'm fine, Daniel. Really." His old, bubbly personality was going back to normal, and the boy was acting very energetic. Daniel shrugged, thinking everything was fine with his cousin, and made his way towards the cafeteria.

"Oh! There's Munhee. Wait for us at THAT table, and don't move from there. Got it? We're going to get lunch." Jin nodded, obeying his older cousin while tumbling across the cafeteria until he made it to his table.

As he sat down, his eyes started to water, but he wasn't crying. They were just slowly sealing shut, from how sleepy he felt.

"Hey... W-why is everyone so far away? I'm so... Tired." He promised just a two minute rest, and stayed asleep much longer than he should have.


"Jin! Jin, wake up!" The boy raised his head up at Daniel, who was staring at him with Munhee. Both he and his friend worried about Jin.

"H-Huh?" The boy started to shiver and ended up putting his jacket back on.

"Jin, you don't look so good... What happened?" Daniel readjusted the jacket on Jin's shivering body, and stared into his dull eyes.

 What happened?" Daniel readjusted the jacket on Jin's shivering body, and stared into his dull eyes

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"H...hyung... I don't feel so good." Jin stood up, holding his stomach. The moment he left the table, he ran right back to the bathroom and locked himself up in a stall, throwing up.

Daniel noticed he had dropped his phone and his first instinct was to pick it up, and dial his uncle's phone number.

"Hello? Uncle Joon? It's Jin... I think he's intoxicated with alcohol."


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