35 🍼

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Namjoon's POV:

Jin is usually very shy, but once I lifted the hospital gown he was wearing, up to his thighs, he pulled the gown back down and crossed his legs, covering the scars he had on both his ribcage and the one on his hip.

My heart was shattered. The amount of bruises I saw all around his legs were deep, and the scars looked painful.

"His father must have done this... Now I know why he was pressing down on his ribcage earlier in the carwash. But what does a carwash have to do with how he got that scar on his ribcage?" As much as I wanted to know how he got those scars, I didn't want to stress Jinnie out right now.

He's been through a lot and all that I want to focus on right now is making him feel better, not worsening his state of mind.

"I'm sorry, Jin. I..." I didn't know what else to do in that moment. My body froze, and I just did the first thing I could think of doing, and hugged him. Jin held onto me, burying his face in my chest as I softly pat on his back, encouraging him to let it all out.

Feeling his hot tears streaming down my body, I held back on crying the most I could, hoping to help Jin relieve the inner pain he was carrying from within.

We didn't say anything, yet neither of us had to speak. I respected Jin's silence, and remained silent myself, softly embracing him the best I could.

Our silence was loud enough for only the two of us to hear, despite being completely oblivious to what the other was thinking. Without saying a word, my embrace let Jin know that I was here for him. And his acceptance of the embrace I offered him, told me that the boy trusted me now.

"Appa Junho." Was all he said. I hummed at him in response, encouraging him to repeat the question.

"He... Broke my hips when I was a toddler... A-and... And..." Hearing him getting choked up, he stopped talking. After that, I didn't encourage him to keep on talking. I was fuming on the inside. I really do hope I never bump into that man, because the day I do, I'll end up in jail.

Because I swear, I'm going to kill him for being a coward, and hurting Jin when he was just a baby.

I let go of Jin, and just then, the doctor came back with the results of his X-Rays. We patiently waited for him to speak, feeling stress build up inside as he explained what he noticed within the X-Rays they had taken.

The brief moment of silence that filled up the room left us with suspense, waiting for devastating news from the doctor.

"Well, good news. It isn't broken, but he did sprain it pretty bad, and he's going to have to wear this for a while." He pulled out a cast in the shape of a large boot, and explained that this was only temporary until his swelling would go down.

He also gave Jin a pair of crutches. I was curious to see how he would manage to walk around with them, and as he took his first step off of the bed with my help, he strengthened himself up by using the crutches. I was surprised to see how good he was at using them.

"Thank you so much, Doctor." Jin and I both thanked the doctor, staring at him, then later on, exchanging a quick look at each other.

"I hope you get better soon!" He acted very kind towards Jin, and even pat on his shoulder, praising him with a lollipop. I found it funny when Jin tilted his head up at me and went, "Can I eat this one this time?".

I'm glad that he learned to not trust strangers. When I allowed him to do so, he smiled at me and unwrapped the candy, placing it in his mouth immediately. He must really love sweets.

"Stay safe, guys. I hope you get better soon, Jin!" The doctor smiled at Jin, and Jin smiled back at him, as he opened the door for us to let us out.

I helped Jin by holding onto his waist, just to ensure that he wouldn't fall.

"He was so sweet, Appa Joonie!" I gave the boy a nod, while we made our way out of the hospital. The rain had ceased, but now it was very windy outside, so we worried it might start raining again later on.

Jin was spaced out, not paying attention to anything I was saying. I wasn't really telling him anything that required attention, but it would be nice if he would talk to me instead of staring at the floor.

His quietness made me wonder what was going through his mind. There must be a lot of things going through it right now: First those teens make fun of him, then he falls, and...

Those scars... Man, I feel so bad now. I shouldn't have interrogated him. Poor boy.

"So, the doctor was nice huh?" I quickly thought of a topic to talk about, and noticed that Jin quickly turned his head at me, nodding.

"And hmdmm too!" I furrowed my eyebrows, unable to understand what Jin was saying.

"He was what?" His speech was still distorted so he removed the lollipop he had in his mouth and spoke up.

"Handsome. He looked handsome, right?" My eyes widened at the unusual answer Jin had just given me. I didn't know what to reply, so I thought of changing the topic.

"He was okay looking. But did you see the nurse? She was pretty, wasn't she? I saw the way your ears reddened when she smiled at you." I winked, teasing him while messing his hair up, a little bit.

"Umm... I thought that you liked Mommy Minji, Appa Joonie... If she heard you calling another girl 'pretty', she would be mad." He pouted, staring at me with angry eyebrows which makes him look adorable.

"I love Minji, baby Jinnie. There's nothing wrong with complimenting others, you know."

"Then... Does that mean that you... Love the nurse as well?" I shook my head, disagreeing with him, immediately.

"Why do you think I love the nurse, my little one?"

"Because you're calling her pretty, the same way I'm calling the doctor 'handsome'. You know?" I innocently giggled at his response, not taking him serious. But soon, I realized that things were getting serious.

"What? So you love the doctor now, or something?" I jokingly replied with sarcasm.

"I like boys." And that's when things went downhill...


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