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Jin felt his father's large hand wrap around his neck, his mouth hung open while blood dripped out of it. Junho extended his arm back, to beat his son, mercilessly, minding his pleading.

The weaker Jin appeared to the man, the easier he found it to abuse of him.

"Don't hurt me!" Jin's father turned around and shattered a liquor bottle against the wall, then dug it beneath the boy's leg, cutting him severely.

Jin shut his eyes, tightly while crouching down to the ground, begging his father to end the torture already. A plead that the abusive adult never listened to... Up until today, however.

As the abuse worsened, Jin's muscles began to deteriorate, slowly, causing him to weaken.

He hugged his knees, but Junho kicked him over and clenched his fist, violently targeting his lower abdomen, repeatedly. Jin couldn't breathe, the air that would escape and enter his lungs felt as though he were inhaling fire.

"S...stop... Stop... STOP!" He cocked his head back, screaming loudly when he felt his bones breaking once again. This time, the pain was far worse than before. His screams even startled the abusive man who had broken them in the first place.

His pained cries even alarmed the neighbors. They ended up calling the police on Junho, but before he was caught, he started to rub the blood- that was now running down from Jin's legs, from when he had previously cut him with the bottle- on his face, just to make it seem as if he had been injured as well.

Then, the adult started to purposely harm himself, giving himself dark bruises, but no more painful than the ones that were permanently marked on his innocent son's body, because of him.

"If you tell the cops anything, I'll kill your mother." Jin started crying even harder than before, hearing such violent threat escape his abuser's mouth for the first time.

"N... No... Not my mommy! Not her!" His breathing worsened, when his chest closed up with fear and anxiety.

"So then keep your mouth SHUT, and tell them someone broke into our house and did all of this. Because this is your fault in the first place, you good for nothing, waste of air."

Junho grasped Jin's jaw, firmly, then released his face, watching as the boy hit his head against the rug. Jin couldn't find a single position to lie down on, his need to breathe was driving him crazy, but each time the little boy tried to gasp for two seconds of air, he felt as if there were sharp knives stabbing his ribcage.

By the time the police arrived and walked in to find both Junho and Jin covered in blood; Jin being the one who was found in a more critical condition than his father, they were immediately brought to the hospital.

The medics that attended Junho, found barely anything worth worrying about on his body, compared to what they had found on Jin's. The man had bruises, but they found him completely fine, otherwise.

Expect for the odd smell of alcohol he had on him. But nonetheless, the man was alright.

His son, however... That young child was not okay. He was severely injured. Four of his ribs had been shattered this time, and his top lip was split in half, along with the two front teeth that he was missing.

They also found darker bruises on his back, running all the way down to his legs. This worried the doctors, and made the police question what had really happened to Jin. They suspected that something wasn't matching up to the sob story Junho had made up earlier.

Specifically because the bruises Jin had all around his legs, weren't new. They appeared to be belt marks, but they weren't exactly sure if the bruises were caused by a belt, or not.

Nonetheless, the cops were growing suspicious of Junho.

"Describe the person that broke into your house earlier. What did this person look like?" The police officer noticed that Junho's eyes widened, and that he tensed up when they started to interview him.

"Officers, I already told you. They were wearing a ski mask, and at the time, I was only focused on my poor boy. I was trying to protect him the best I could. And look at him! Look at how they left my son!" He began to cry, faking his worry towards Jin while holding onto him. Jin started crying as well, but not because he thought his father 'cared' about him.

But because the adult had gripped too tightly onto his tiny, injured waist, and was harming his sensitive ribcage.

"I have an understanding that your neighbors dialed 911, and told the operator that there was a man who was abusing a child next door. We also took a DNA sample of the blood that was on your face, and compared it to the one that was coming out of this child's mouth." Junho was confused, and worried at the same time.

The police officer looked over at Jin, who was now lying down on a hospital bed, after being told to do so by the doctor who had fixed his broken ribs.

"The results were both the same. And that child's blood type is O. We took yours and it was A+ ." Junho continued to pile up lies upon lies, trying to prove himself innocent. But the police officer had gotten tired of the mess he had created of himself when speaking too much.

He was almost certain that the man had been doing it on purpose, so he stopped responding to his answers and stared at the little boy, who looked far worse than his father did.

When the officer approached him, Jin instinctively flinched. That was already a sign of abuse for him, but he wanted to dig deeper before assuming that what his mind was telling him was right.

"Hi there, little one. You're a very brave warrior, you know that?" Jin nodded, feeling tears run down the sides of his temples, wetting his hair while hearing the cop talking.

"Do you remember the person who did this to you, Seokjin? Did you see who that person was?" The look Junho had secretly given to Jin made him want to keep himself quiet, but he couldn't do it.

The boy felt completely vulnerable, and he let everything slip right out of his mouth, unable to hold it inside any longer.

"A...Appa hits me, officer.." Junho started to laugh, making Jin shiver uncontrollably.

"He's lying! Jinnie, you're my only son. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." The boy broke down and suddenly snapped at the cops and his father.

"He did this. Help me, please! Please, take me away from him, mister! Please!! Don't let him h-h-hurt me anymore." The boy broke down, and that's when the cop had enough.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to accompany us. Okay?"

"Accompany you? There must be a mistake. I haven't done anything. LET GO OF ME! Hey!! Let go!!"


Jin suddenly woke up, coughing, with a bathrobe wrapped around his body. He lifted his head up and stared over at his legs, which were resting on top of someone's lap.

"Joonie... W...why is your hand bleeding, daddy?"

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