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Jin hunched over a toilet bowl, and held his stomach, throwing up. His stomach ceased to stop churning, and the taste of liquor that lingered on his soggy tongue wasn't helping his raspy throat.

He threw up at least two to three times before he was found by Daniel.

"Jin, what happened to you?" He comforted the younger boy, wiping his mouth with a piece of paper. Jin threw the paper away and held his stomach while his cousin slowly guided him outside.

"Danny... No.. I- I want to go back. I don't want them to see me... They were the ones who did this to me. They... They-" Jin grew anxious and hid behind Daniel as a rude looking male approached them. His cousin was suddenly held back, when one of the boys restrained his arms.

Jin started to hyperventilate when the boys silently pushed him back until he was in the bathroom again. There, four of them trapped him and kept Daniel silent, by covering his mouth and holding him back on running.

Daniel was in such a shock that he didn't have the voice to call out for help on time, and while they dragged him away from the bathroom door, Jin stayed locked inside, being tormented by the bullies, who were smirking at him.

"Hold him down, Yoo Kwon. Now!"

Before he could even run, one of the males grabbed his arms, and held him back, while another dominant, angry boy started to kick his lower abdomen, causing Jin to scream as each hit would remind him of Junho.

His knees caused him to bend down, and the boys dragged his face across their shoes, making him lick the bottom of their dirty soles. Before leaving, they kicked his face, and grabbed a chunk of his hair.

"You better keep your mouth shut, or you won't see the end of this, you dumb crybaby!"

When they evacuated the bathroom, Jin hunched over and started coughing, unable to catch his breath. Their screams echoed through his head, causing his ears to vibrate.

Tears flooded his eyes as he held his stomach, feeling far worse than before. Daniel, who had managed to break free from the bullies, was now heading towards the bathroom.

Luckily for him, the rest of the teenagers were caught by one of the teachers, and were brought to their office, giving the other boy enough time to run back to save Jin.

But unfortunately for Jin, it was already too late. By the time Daniel arrived to the bathroom, the boy was found shivering in a corner, hiding his face from whoever had entered the restroom now.

"Jinnie! It's me! I'm here now.... Jin.... Jin, oh GOD. What did they do to you? There's blood on the floor." Daniel was about to check up on Jin when someone ran up to him pushed him aside in a heartbeat.

"A.....Appa..J... Joonie..." The boy held a single, lanky arm out to the adult beside him. The adult was horrified, angry, and scared when seeing his son in such a state.

Jin was trembling, unable to walk properly or stand on his feet without falling back down. He grabbed onto the man in front of him, and attempted to hug him, but slipped to the floor like a thin sheet of paper, bruising his sensitive skin furthermore when his body collided roughly against the floor.

"Daniel, take Jin to my car, right now!" Daniel wrapped his arm around Jin, but he was unable to pick him up. He didn't understand where Namjoon had gone, but the way his uncle was acting as when left was not a good sign.

The man's fists were clenched, so he was almost sure something bad was about to go down, the moment he would exit the bathroom.

And he wasn't wrong. Namjoon was walking around the school, staring at all of the people who were all staring back at him as if he were insane, judging by the way he was looking at them. But he couldn't care less.

He suddenly spotted a locker that had a tiny Mario plush keychain on it, and knew instantly that it belonged to Jin.

"I got him this keychain... What's this?" Another piece of paper was tapped to the locker, and it read: "Wear this around your neck, it suits you :)" Beside that note, was a thick rope, made of yellow straw. Namjoon could almost feel his blood burning him from the inside, as it boiled to a capacity.

"He should honestly do it, Rion. Come on, Yoo Kwon is waiting for us in the car. After he beat up that skinny little twig, he ran out of there, laughing his a-" Rion was pushed against Jin's locker so roughly, the lock even snapped off, and broke.

The boy had mistakenly confused Namjoon for one of his friends, and froze on the spot when looking at how enraged the dominant male looked at him, as his body was almost shaking with the fury he felt from within.

Namjoon threatened the teen and ordered him to lead him to Yoo Kwon. Rion didn't want to be beaten or even killed by the intimidating man in front of him, so he didn't think twice before taking him to Yoo Kwon.


"Jin... Where could Namjoon be... I can't keep on waiting while looking at you like this."

Jin's eyes were swollen and blazed. He was just curled up in a ball, holding onto Daniel while his breathing slowed down, after hyperventilating so long. His cheeks were flushed, red, out of anger and frustration. Along with the immense pain he felt in his body.

He hated to cry in front of anyone, so he shut his eyes and kept on sighing to mimic the feeling of crying. But it wasn't enough. Not when he had so much he wanted to release from within. Even crying wasn't enough for him.

The boy was beyond broken, and he didn't find comfort in anyone. Not even in Daniel.

"Hey, hey!! What are you doing!"

"These boys hurt my son. Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do when he's in pain because of these jerks!" A teacher dragged all of the boys away. Yoo Kwon was left with a bloody nose while his friend was holding his back, limping to the office.

Namjoon found a half empty bottle of Coca-Cola on the table and slammed it on the floor, turning it into miniature pieces of crushed glass. He rushed over to the car and thanked Daniel for taking care of Jin, but told him that he had to go.

His anger was so severe and explosive that he couldn't see straight anymore. He just ignited his engine, and looked back at his son, who was crying softly again, holding his stomach.

"It's okay, Jinnie. It's okay. Lay down, so that your tummy won't hurt anymore. Those... Lowlife teens won't hurt you anymore. I'll kill them if they lay a hand on my baby ever again." Namjoon's car took off as if he were on a racetrack.

His wheels burned the large campus the car was parked in, and left everyone in a huge shock as he left.

"Jinnie... I'm sorry. I failed at protecting you again..."

(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩ )っ

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