Let's Hang Out Part 2 of 2

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When we got back, we had to start unpacking the cars, which took a while plus a lot of man and woman power. We moved one mattress into the guest room and the other two into the room across from the guest room that was literally just bare. HC and I set up the bed frame and the mattress with the head of the bed against the end of the bed that already resided in the guest bedroom. When we went to go check on her brothers' process setting up their bed we heard a crash.

HC barged through the door, 'What happened?!"

Allow me to set the scene for you, Griffon was laying on the mattress on his back, laughing to himself. Next to the mattress were broken pieces of the bed frame, with nails poking out of wood in places that there wasn't supposed to be nails. Dragon stood a few feet away with his hands gripping his sides as he laughed loudly, tears threatening to fall down his face. Around Dragon was a variety of tools we had given them to put together the frame.

"It broke! I didn't think it would break!" He replies through gasps of laughter as he sits up on the bed.

"He jumped on it to test it's durability and it freaking collapsed! And it took him with it! And he made this stupid stunned face as he was falling!" Dragon says, trying to impersonate the face but breaking down in laughter. He moves to go help his brother up and is caught off guard by an open tool box. Which his foot gets caught in and causes him to slip and fall backwards.

Griffon and Dragon laugh whilst HC and I stand there baffled. I look at her before saying, "This whole situation has made me lose brain cells."

HC nods in agreement and we go to help her brothers up. HC asks, "Do you think those people in the basement have an infirmary?"

"Yeah, they should. Let's bring em down there and have them checked out. Then we can finish the rest of this up." We help them into the basement and enter the lab. Simon appears soon after we arrive in the lab and takes us to the infirmary. HC and I set them down and let them be checked over.

"Luckily they haven't hurt themselves too badly. Just a few minor bruises and cuts, nothing some bandaids can't solve." Seth says and I hear HC let out a breath of relief, " They should be fine, just a little sore. Let us know if it gets infected or anything." Dragon and Griffon hop off the exam tables, quicker than they probably should and HC proceeds to take them into the hallway to scold them.

I feel bad for her, she's scared of losing anyone else close to her and her brothers don't seem to understand that completely.

"Hey Seth, since when do you have a medical degree?" I ask playfully.

He lets out an amused huff, "I started doing a little studying on my own after I was healed from using the backland to destroy the Dark Pterosaur. Something about that made me value modern day medicine."

HC's brothers came into the infirmary dejected looking with HC behind them. I figured that was my cue to leave. I waved Seth goodbye and we left through the beam of light, reappearing in the basement. HC and I had to try and reassemble the bed frames for Dragon and Griffon whilst we left Dragon and Griffin to set up their cats' litter boxes and food. It took a lot of prying out nails and confusion but we got the bed frame together after about an hour and a half. After that, all of us brought their belongings into the rooms and started to unpack. At that point we also figured out that we might need some more dressers and closets. That was going to be difficult to do since we barely had any money. We were going to have to talk to the others once they came about how to fix that situation.

After all of the packing, driving, and unpacking, we were all as tired as koalas so we made some quick dinner, again cooking isn't my best skill, and we went to sleep.

The next morning all of my friends arrived and HC, her brothers, and I all helped them get set up. There was Ally Wolf who had ivory skin, brown eyes, and brown hair with pink streaks in them. She was wearing a large grey sweater and black pants. She came with Artstor, a porcelain skinned, blue eyed, and blonde haired boy. She was wearing a black dress with a floral pattern. About thirty minutes later, Boba, Tootsie, and Potato came. Also, quick side note, these are all the names they go by now, not the names they were given at birth. Boba has warm beige skin with dark brown eyes and black hair. Tootsie has tan skin with brown eyes and brown hair while Potato have chocolate skin , brown hair, and brown eyes. Later, Ocean and Sugar came in seperate cars and Guava, Jelly, and Naomi Fuge. Ocean has warm beige skin, brown eyes, and black hair. Sugar has chocolate skin, black hair, and brown eyes while Guava has ivory skin with brown hair and brown eyes. Jelly had light beige skin with brown eyes and hair. Naomi Fuge has fair skin with freckles, whitish blond hair with a blue streak on the side and always bond in a ponytail, and sliver speckled eyes that shift from aqua to lavender.

We all helped each other set up their rooms, Potato, Boba, and Tootsie made their room the formal living room. Sugar decided to room with HC while Ally and Artstor room together in the sun room. Meanwhile, Naomi, Jelly, Guava, and Ocean took my parents old room, I of course removed all of my parents old belongings. After a few hours we set up everyone's rooms. We all met in the living room to discuss what to do next.

"Alright, so we have four thing main things to discuss and anything else anyone brings up along the way. First, you all know that we're banding together with a secret organization called the D-Team to defeat the Space Pirates. This entails that we keep low, there's a force field on the house that cloaks us but we still have to be careful with technology and going out to purchase stuff. Also, phones are going to the D-Team to be cloaked, so that we can talk without worrying the Space pirates are listening. Second, we need money. I got $150 from selling a car but that's not much to survive on. So, any ideas?"

Silence befell the room as everyone thought through solutions.

"We could get all of the money out of our parents bank accounts and use that. It should be enough." Jelly suggested with her hand raised.

A resounding 'hmm' echoed in the room as everyone agreed to the idea.

"Alright, so that's decided. We'll all do that tomorrow. Now, we also have to set up who's going to do chores and when. We can do a rotating schedule, we have enough people that we'll have to do laundry every two or three days and dishes will need to be done everyday. So who wants to volunteer?"

"Not it!" Potato called.

"Not it!" Guava and Jelly say at the same time.

"Not my- me- moop!" HC says, stumbling on the words in her rush.

"Not us!" Dragon and Griffon respond

"Not me damnit!" Ally asserts.

"Oh for the love of my sanity, we are not doing this." I say, rubbing my temples. "We're going to draw sticks, who ever gets the shortest ones are on chores duty for tomorrow and the medium lengths and tall lengths will be later in the week. There will be two people on each chore. Oh and the color of the stick will determine the chore." I quickly cut some popsicle sticks that I found and dump them into a cup. One by one each person comes up and draws a stick. Once everyone has drawn, we figure out that Naomi and I get dish duty for tomorrow. HC and Sugar get laundry duty while Dragon and Griffin get the general cleaning duty(I.E. wiping the dining table and sweeping the floor.). Boba and Artstor got cooking duty.

"Ugh, dishes," Naomi said with an eyeroll.

"Hey, you've got me to hang out with during it so don't roll your eyes!" I jokingly tease which causes her to shake her head playfully. "Alright, so now that everyone know their chores and who their working with. On to the final thing we need to discuss. So to help the D-Team, we're going to need to go on missions for and with them. And to do that we're going to need dinosaur partners."

Confusion rippled through the room and everyone seemed equally questioning. "I'll explain once we get into their HQ. Follow me." Everyone followed me as I lead them into the basement and to the poster.

"Say your favorite dinosaur and where it was found to enter." The robotic voice affirmed.

"Majungasaurus. It was found in Madagascar" I reply before the light sucks us in, bringing us to the D-Team's lab.

"What in the hell is this?!" Potato screeches after the beam of light fades.

"The D-Team's HQ. Where their going to explain what we're doing."

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