Chapter 19: So You Like Bacon

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I wake up early to make breakfast for everyone since it was my turn. I get ready quickly and start making pancakes.

"What do you want for breakfast, Majung? My treat." I ask while flipping a pancake in a frying pan. Majung gave me a inquisitive look before jumping up onto the counter and nudging a packet of bacon. "Oh ok, so bacon, that's what you like. Me too."

I cooked up some bacon and the pancakes, setting the table. It only took a few minutes before everyone came bounding down the stairs and devouring the food like savages.

"Jeez guys, have a little decency!" I giggle as I start to eat the pancakes. After about 20 minutes of us eating and chatting, we get a notification to head to the meeting room immediately. There's a collective groan in the kitchen before we head down to the meeting room.

"Hello and good morning!" Ms. Ancient starts out happily," We have devised a plan to invade the next base. Since it's in another state, Pennsylvania to be exact, we want you all to enter the state and stay in a rented home for a few hours. Then at 2 AM, start your invasion of the base. We recommend that when you choose weapons and groups, you should have a mixture of short and long range weapons since that tripped up one of our teams last time. Remember when you're in Pennsylvania, keep a low profile and once the mission is complete, get the hell out of there. Got that?"

"Yep," we all say before heading out to leave.

"Wait, Dark can you stay for a bit?"

"Uh, sure," I say hesitantly and I walk back with Majung.

"We've noticed that you and Majung don't seem as close as the others. We were wondering if anything was wrong." Dr. Ancient explains.

"Well, you'd better think of a lie to save the lizard." The same voice in my head taunts me.

"What do you mean, lie? The Ancients are nice people, Majung won't be in danger if I tell them that we're doing okay, not the best but okay."

"Sure." It snickers

"Well they're certainly nicer than you, mysterious and quite frankly, annoying voice in my head." I retort.

"We're doing okay, not the best but okay. It's been a learning curve." I respond, willing my expression to keep its neutral state.

"Oh okay. I guess we were worried for nothing. You're free to go." The Ancients dismiss me, but stop me on the way out. "Dark, don't over do the training."

I nod and walk out the door to the training area, "See, nothing to worry about."

It groans, "We're not going to training are we?"

"Why yes, now that you've suggested it! I think that's a splendid idea, maybe while we're there you can tell me your name, or just general information about yourself!" I grin smugly.

"In your dreams. In your darkest dreams." It says cooly. 

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