prologue; the young age

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She fiddled with the hem of the fancy dress her parents designed for her specifically for this occasion, genuinely uncomfortable with how it made her look and how tight it was.

Her parents were having their annual ball to celebrate another successful year in their company, all employees were invited to the prestigious mansion to celebrate and dance the night away.

The 5 year old daughter of the successful couple stood uncomfortably behind her parents, attempting to stop her fox tail from swaying around in nervousness.

That was one of the reasons why she was extremely nervous for the night. Her parents told her, under no circumstances, she was allowed to let her animal-like parts be shown to the public.

Her fox ears were tucked in with her piggy tails, exotic flowers were added in her hair to assure it was flawless. The girl was to young to start and understand why she needed to hide herself like this, her parents always told her she wouldn't understand.

Her tail was tucked around her waist, making her dress look much more like a princess ball gown than it already did. She starred at the floor in front of her, her lips sealed shut as always.

Her parents did the entry message, inviting everyone to eat as they please and to enjoy the night. She just needed to be there for a few minutes before she was allowed to go play in the garden, away from the crowd.

She made her way to the snack table, reaching out to grab a small egg sandwich, just to be surprised to feel another hand on it. She removed her hand and jumped back, getting on the tip of her toes to see who it was that was aiming for the same snack.

Her e/c orbs met with red ones, a blonde boy with spiky hair stood in front of her, holding the said sandwich. He looked around her age and just as surprised as he was. He then let out a smirk and took another sandwich before crouching to walk under the table.

"Here, take it! You see way to short to reach anyways." He said, smirking and almost laughing at the h/c girl infront of him. To his surprise, she bowed and gently took the small sandwich, nibbling on it lightly.

"So uh... I'm Bakugo Katsuki! Who are you?" The boy said, feeling a bit awkward that the girl didn't even try to do a comment to what he said. She froze for a second, looking at the boy hesitantly. She looked around too make sure no one was around before getting closer to him, leaning towards his ear.

Her voice came out quiet but soft. "I'm y/n." Bakugo jumped back and rubbed his neck. "I-idiot, you don't need to get so close!" She looked down, a bit embarassed to make the boy uncomfortable. He then laughed, taking her hand before pulling her away from the crowd.

"I want to go play elsewhere, these people are boring." He said in a slightly bossy tone, dragging y/n outside to the garden. She didn't mind as it was her plan from the start to go there, but not with Bakugo.

They sat on a nearby bench as they nibbled on the rest of their sandwich, looking around as they did so. Bakugo was the first to finish as he jumped up and stood in front of the girl.

"So how old are you?" She hesitated again before talking. Knowing no one else was outside at the moment, she closed her eyes and bawled her fists, answering with the loudest voice she could manage. "I'm 5."

Bakugo laughed and nodded. "I'm 5 too. You look like you have trouble talking, don't you?" She just nodded, finishing up her sandwich. "I don't like talking." She mumbled out loud enough for him to hear.

"I must be special then, you're talking to me!" He said proudly, pointing himself with his thumb. She nodded lightly, a tiny smile grazing her lips. He giggled and ran around.

"Come on let's play!" He said, dragging her along. The girl complied and giggled softly, running around and playing tag with the boy, at some point the game turning into hide and seek, which they started to have fun sneaking up to eachother and scaring eachother.

The night went by fast, y/n forgetting about the one most important rule her parents gave her. She didn't realize as she ran with Bakugo that her tail fell down and was easily seen from the end of her dress.

They got exhausted and layed on the grass, watching the sun set as stars started to appear in the sky. "Not to be rude... But why do you have a tail but not your parents?" He asked out of curiosity.

Y/n panicked a bit, trying to play dumb. Bakugo smirked and pulled her tail, making her yelp and pout in defeat. "I don't know to be honest.." she said, scratching her head. "Mama said I have fox blood. My ears are tucked in my piggy tails." She blurted out to the boy, getting a bit scared.

She also remembered her mother said that people don't want to be her friend because she was half fox, now nervous that she opened up. Bakugo didn't laugh at her, instead he pat her head. She emitted a sort of a purr as she loved getting her head pet.

"Cute." He said with slightly pink cheeks, still patting her head. "I promise to protect you no matter what, just like a real hero!" Not long later he stopped and she hid her tail again. Barely moments later, Bakugo's mom showed up to pick him up to go home.

"Hey, I hope to see you again, friend." He said as he waved and smiled to y/n. She smiled brightly and nodded, waving back.

Little did she know her mother saw what happened and wasn't happy. She told her husband what happened and they both agreed to devance the plan they made for their so called daughter.

Later that year mr. Katsuki quit his job for another company, which meant that they two children wouldn't meet again... Or would they?

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