chapter 17

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The fox girl nervously held the heavy metal box containing her hero costume, wondering if it was a good idea or not. She also ordered a winter costume so she wouldn't need to order it later an wait to long before actually receiving it.

With a long and deep breath, she opened the box holding the 'summer' version of her costume, hoping that people wouldn't stare at her too much for having a costume all of a sudden (as she was currently the only one in class 1-A to not have a hero costume.)

(Left is summer and right is winter)

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(Left is summer and right is winter)

Y/n slipped into her new outfit quietly, realizing that it was a perfect fit. She moved around to see if it would bother her in any way, only to realize that it was actually perfect. She smiled proudly, taking a mental image of herself. She focused on sending the mental image to Shinsou, thanking him at the same time.

'it looks amazing, told you I'm a great designer!' he responded. She sighed and laughed quietly, walking out of the girl's changing area. The girls, who were yet again waiting on y/n, all gasped. "YOUR COSTUME IS SO CUTE!" Ochako yelled out, many girls just nodded along and did positive comments on it.

They soon walked out to get to the training ground. Many boys stared at y/n, making her rather uncomfortable. Bakugo was the first one to react, standing in an almost protective way infront of y/n. "OY YOUR ALL MAKING HER UNCOMFORTABLE." He yelled out to everyone, scaring them all off in barely a few seconds. The teacher, All might, just sighed and started the training course. It was quirk training in pairs, something y/n learned to hate.

Getting a teammate is going to be a big problem for her as the class has an odd number of students. She assumed all might would team up with a student to make it easier. The moment all might told people to get in teams, she wasn't surprised to end up isolated in a corner, alone.

She was about to start practicing her hand-to-hand combat techniques before someone unexpected showed up. "Oy, train with me. Dunce face is with pink girl over there and shitty face is with tape shit." Bakugo said as he practically imposed himself. Y/n took a few steps back, nodding quickly as she looked down.

"Want to work on your quirk or hand to hand combat?" He asked, seeming somewhat annoyed. She raised her hand and raised one finger. "I know you can communicate in some way, i see you with Shinsou every lunch break." Bakugo said, rather harshly. She looked down, not in the mood to use her quirk all of a sudden.

"Look, I know you probably hate me, and I don't blame you, but can you at least trust me?" He asked, his voice coming out rough and harsh, more than he wanted. Y/n let out a shaky sigh and nodded lightly, almost hoping the teacher would come to her rescue.

Bakugo got in his combat pose, waiting for y/n to do the same. "I want you to use your quirk on me but do worse than the sports festival. I know you held back." Y/n nodded, trying to calm herself to focus. She stared at Bakugo with such intensity that even all might shivered.

"Nightmare" She barely whispered out, the usual black and white vision appearing, the clear view of Bakugo's nerves made her shiver. She tried to imagine doing worse than anything she's done, straight-up imagining she was crushing the smaller nerves in the extremities. She slowly imagined herself going higher up in the nerves, reaching the shoulders and hips.

Her five seconds were almost up, but she didn't care, she wanted to improve. When she struck 5, her head throbbed violently, but she maintained the grip she had on his nervous system, trying to last even longer. Seven seconds painfully rolled over, but she held it. She knew her head was going to hurt as hell after, but she wanted to get better.

Eight seconds came in and her grip on the nervous system was starting to falter, but she did her best to not lose her grip. She was so proud when the 9th second rolled in, but her head was genuinely killing her. When she stopped using her Quirk, she felt her whole body twitch suddenly, which she ignored along with the killer headache.

She took the opportunity to attack Bakugo as he was frozen and immobilize him. He took more time to unfreeze than usual, probably due to y/n's quirk getting stronger. Not only was she able to make it last longer, but she also managed to make her grip on the nervous system improve and get closer to the spine.

Bakugo was under the state of pure shock. He knew he felt something similar before, the feeling he had during their fight at the sports festival. The pain felt like it was tearing up his limbs, it felt like he broke them and got them thinly sliced to confetti. The sudden pain shocked his body and paralyzed him, making his neutralization easy for y/n.

When his senses slowly came back, y/n got off of him and gripped her head with a pained expression. She took her water bottle and drank quite a bit, waiting for the pain to pass. Bakugo stood up, his legs and arms still shaking lightly.

Many classmates stopped to watch, all wondering what in the world just happened. All they saw was Bakugo falling down and y/n holding him down. Even All might was impressed, she made him curious.

"What... What the heck was that?" Bakugo asked, looking shaken up and lost. y/n bowed to appolagize, feeling a bit bad. "Don't you dare appolagize, I asked for it. I'm just wondering what the heck your quirk is." He said, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her back up.

The sudden touch made y/n jump in surprise. She backed away a few steps to create some distance, not comfortable with how close he got. She started to point at herself, then her eyes and then Bakugo. He understood she was trying to tell him something, but he had to guess.

"You, eye, me? What the heck?" He said, his mad look resurfacing. All might walked up behind Bakugo and watch y/n sing out what she tried to say again. "She wants to show you something, young Bakugo." All might said before walking away.

"GOD DAMMIT I WAS GETTING THERE!" He yelled to his teacher, turning to y/n.

"Now, what is it you want to show me?"

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