Chapter 29

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This was the day every third year has been waiting for. At 7 p.m. sharp, would finally start. Everyone already had their suits and dresses ready for the day, all the makeup appointments and hair appointments we're ready to be done starting from 6 a.m. till 6 pm.

Y/n wasn't too worried about all those things, she was more worried about what bakugou would think of her. She never showed him a picture of the dress, claiming it should be a surprise. She did show it to shinsou though, and he was very pleased with how she looked.

She woke up at 9 that morning, feeling like she had a nice night of rest. She turned over to her nightstand and picked up her phone after unplugging the charger, looking at the notifications. She had two messages from Momo and one message from her boyfriend. She naturally answered her boyfriend first, it being out of pure habit.

But as soon as she finished texting her good morning message to him, she started slightly regretting not answering Momo first. The said girl literally barged through her room door, which was supposedly locked. She out a high-pitched scream at the sudden invasion of her room. Momo and the other woman with her quickly covered their ears.

"Y/n, did you not see your messages?" Momo asked her as she ran up to the fox girl's bed. "Well, I was about to read yours but I answered bakugo's first." Y/n said in her quiet voice Momo bowed as an apology before quickly pulling the fox girl out of bed.

"Well, no time to check your phone now. We got to get to work!" She said as she sat y/n on her desk stool. She was extremely confused as it was very sudden and she barely woke up a few minutes ago. The other woman suddenly dropped a bag on the ground before pulling out all of these hair products, brushes and whatever other thing you could think of.

"We are going to start by washing you're hair. Chop chop!" The woman said as she pushed y/n to the nearby bathroom. She made her kneel in front of the bathtub and dip her head in the tub. The woman started to scrub her head and scalp fancy hair products and washing them out before wrapping her hair in a towel and rushing her back to her room.

They sat her back down on a stool as the woman started to play around with her hair. It took about an hour, but her hair looked so different than how y/n would usually do it. It was neatly pulled into a fancy curly bun, two equal strands on both sides of her face and a few red flower were pinned on the ledge of her bun.

Then came the slightly more painful part. Makeup.

The concealer the women used made her face seem heavier and clogged up. Y/n took a small amount of time to vet used to it but it still felt weird. The stylist kept complementing how the fox girl just had a natural beauty to her and she would try to keep the makeup as natural as possible.

once everything was done, it was already lunchtime. Y/n was about to leave to go to the cafeteria but was stopped by Momo. "I brought us packed lunches actully. And, not to offend you, but I don't want you to see bakugou just yet. We need to surprise him remember!" She said as she got out packed lunches.

The girls ended up spending the day in y/n's room, gossiping and watching Momo get her hair and makeup done for prom.

At exactly 6.30pm, Momo fetched her own dress and y/n's to put them on. With the help of The stylist, they were able to not damage the hair do or the makeup. They were both ready 5 minutes before the prom started so they knew they would be on time.

"Oh my goodness y/n, now that you have your hair done and make up then, that dress looks absolutely amazing on you! It's like, it brings out every pretty feature of you and complements it so much!" Momo said as she slightly fangirled at y/n.

"Thank you Momo, your dress really brings out your eyes. It makes it look like they're sparkling. The makeup makes them look wider so it's pretty cute." Y/n complimented back with a smile.

"It's not hard to understand why bakugou chose you over any other girl. You're just the sweetest thing!" Momo said as they started to make their way to the school's hall, aka the prom venue.

They had barely made an entrance and everyone was staring at them. Y/n suddenly felt rather shy when she felt everyone's eyes on her. She wasn't sure if she liked it or if it was a feeling she wasn't going to get used to.

Just as she was about to go fully into her anxiety, her best friend showed up and hugged her tightly. "Oh darn, y/n the picture you showed me is nothing compared to what you look like now." Shinsou said as his eyes were wide like saucers, staring at her up and down.

Denki soon joined and complimented her too before acting like a flirt, making y/n giggle and Shinsou sigh. " I swear, you seem to compliment my best friend more than compliment me." He said with a slight pout towards denki before the said blonde jumped slightly and put his hand on Shinsou's should.

"Darling. You are the most beautiful person I've seen in my entire life and has the talent to deal with my stupidity. You are litterally the love of my life. If it makes you so jealous, I'll just have to compliment you until you fall asleep because of how many times I've repeated the compliments."

Denki poured out with the most serious face as y/n watched the whole thing go down. Shinsou became a blushing mess and tried to hide his face in his tuxedo collar.

"That's deep. You guys are just adorable!" Y/n said with a bright smile just as denki's eyes went completely white and wide. "I forgot you were there...." He said as he hid behind Shinsou of embarrassment.

She giggled before patting both of their heads. "So... Have you seen bakugo?" the question made both boys turn to each other but the same look before turning back at the girl and shrugging. "No clue really."

"That's odd... He said he was going to be here at 7 sharp..." Y/n mumbled.

"Well maybe he's just-" Denki started before a loud voice going through speakers cut him off.

"Sorry to cut some of you guys' fun, but I have a little something special planned for tonight for my dear girlfriend, y/n."

And there stood Bakugo on stage, dressed up and Actually smiling, looking directly at y/n.

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