chapter 27

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{{{A/N: I'm lazy so appreciate this amazing time skip, ps the end is near.

-2 years later-

Finally, third year's end was approaching rapidly. The UA first year students were already about to graduate and officially become pro heroes. Everyone was rather thrilled to soon be able to go to work for real, some were rather nervous.

But, before stressing about the whole "LET'S BE A HERO!!" Thing, there's one thing every third year waits with impatience every single time. Many would assume graduation, but for once, this activity is common in UA for the third years.

It's prom!

Now back to our precious students. The class was currently in hero training, mostly working on stronger attacks with their special moves. It's no surprise to know that Shinsou and y/n paired up to train their mental quirks. Yet, both would get distracted every once in a while by both of their beloveds, the two class blondes.

At times, Shinsou would wink at denki and make the poor boy turn to a blushing mess. Occasionally, they would openly flirt with eachother as y/n quietly giggled at the two being dorks.

Shinsou would have fun chuckling whenever Bakugo decided to subtly walk behind y/n and purposely nudge her, stealing glances and a few compliments. She would often counter his cute flirting with mental messages which would make him blush lightly but crack a tiny smile.

That's how pretty much every training session went. The whole class knew about Bakugo and y/n dating even though they try to keep a low profile about it. The two lovebirds have been together since the whole kidnapping thing but only told the class at the end of the first year.

Shinsou and Denki started to date a bit later, maybe mid second year. The two were discrete at first due to being afraid of any judgment but soon became rather open when Denki let it out by accident.

There were a couple more couples in the class as the sessions went by, like Izuku and Ochako, Todoroki and Momo, and Hakagure and Ojiro. It wasn't all that surprising as they all seemed to have a slightly flirtatious energy around eachother.

Y/n would have fun messing around randomly with certain classmates with her quirk. The upside was that no one really suspected it as she was rather subtle about the whole thing.

Bakugo, Shinsou and a few others who would catch on would often laugh about her little trick whenever it was successful, either resulting in the victim blushing furiously or just trying to act normal and ignore the situation.

Bakugo improved slightly his communication with people he saves when he's patrolling for his internship. He learned to be less rough with his expressions and loosen up a bit.

But, if the person complains about anything about Bakugo, pray to god the saved person will not only survive whatever they were saved from, but also survive Bakugo's wrath.

With his girlfriend's help, he would patrol and let her handle the victims as most possible for that sole reason. He much rathered carrying 5 unconscious people at the same time than console one person from a minor injury.

Back to their training session, which had ended by now, Bakugo made his way towards y/n and her purple haired insomniac friend. Her gently wrapped his arms arms around her as she giggled and tried to push him away. "You're completely sweaty, I don't want to be blown to bits!" She joked lightly to her boyfriend, her best friend Shinsou snickering lightly behind them.

"Oh shut up purple hair freak, I bet you Pikachu says cringy pickup lines everyday." Bakugo said rudely as he glared at Shinsou. Shinsou rolled his eyes and did a middle finger at Bakugo. "At least he won't 'blow me to bits when he's sweaty'."

Y/n laughed at the two as she held Bakugo back from blowing up Shinsou. Denki quickly came to collect his man before litterally running off, scared of what could happen if he stayed a moment to long.

"PUSSIES!" Bakugo yelled out as he trashed his arms around. Y/n rolled her eyes and started to push him towards the boys locker room. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" he screeched at her as she stayed unfazed.

"I'm taking you towards the shower so you can get clean. I'll be doing the same on the girls side." She said after she stopped besides the door. "Fine. Meet you at the dorm entrance?" Bakugo asked y/n with a much softer expression. "As always." She replied before turning around to walk off to the girls locker room.

"Hey do you really think you're going to leave me hanging?" He asked before walking up behind her and turning her around. She had a tiny smile as her fox ears were perked up, her tail swaying lightly behind her. "What do you mean?" Y/n said innocently.

Bakugo rolled his eyes and leaned down to kiss the fox girl gently but passionately on the lips. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck as his own made their way around her waist. They stayed like that for a few seconds before sepperating and making their ways for the showers.

"You better meet me at the dorm entrance or else you might regret not coming!" Bakugo said with a small smirk, which almost looked like a small smile, before entering the boys changing room.

Y/n smiled widely before running to the girls changing room and hurrying to take a shower.

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