chapter 12

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The dear sports festival was finally begging, everyone was getting hyped up to going and everyone was in a good mood, even y/n, considering her small 'situation'. She was smiling that morning, her and Shinsou shook hands with a competitive glint in their eyes, both smiling lightly before taking their respective busses.

Y/n was up early to be able to place the bandages holding her tail in place a bit more comfortably and make her usual space buns a bit less tight. She wanted to use her abilities as much as she could without being discovered.

It was a long ride to get to the stadium, but no one was complaining. Once they got there, everyone was sent to their respective changing rooms. Y/n sat in the lounge as she was already ready, waiting in the other contestants. She would occasionally stretch to make sure she wouldn't pull a muscle, but nothing too fancy.

Then there was a general call for everyone to go down to the arena entrance. Y/n practically ran, she wanted to spot Shinsou. She saw his purple hair in a distance but her classmates pulled her back, something about class spirit.

'Good luck Shinsou!' she thought, a small smile on her lips. 'Good luck to you too, shark weed.' the sudden insulte made her turn around and do a middle finger towards him. He spotted her and laughed in his corner, putting up an innocent smile.

She rolled her eyes before getting in place, walking out to the arena and just standing there, not knowing what to do now. Suddenly, midnight started a speech to welcome everyone at the special event. After all her talking, she invited Bakugo on stage.

Long story short, his small speech made everyone rather pissed, even y/n. They went back inside after hearing what the first event was, everyone preparing for the obstacle course.

Everything went by so fast. Y/n was already running past the giant robots, she wasn't as fast as Iida, but still fast enough to get past them. She caught a glimpse of Shinsou, he seemed rather pale at the sight of the robots. She didn't know why, but she just thought that it was the size that scared him more than the actual power.

Y/n was up front, dodging random attacks from people, small traps and all the other things getting in the way. She could see Bakugo and Todoroki up front, she knew Mydoryia was catching up. 'I feel like there's going to be a catch to being in the top right now.' Y/n thought as she slowed her pace a bit, but enough to still be in 6th place.

The mine field was the part that she had the most fun. She easily ran between every buried landmine, hopping around them with much agility. Present mic didn't miss a move she did, commenting about how swift she was rather loudly. She did in fact finish in sixth place, but she was an embarassed mess due to the comment Mic did on her.

The next part of the event seemed rather interesting. They needed to team up and steal headbands to get points. Everyone seemed to make a team to go against Mydoryia, which y/n felt slightly bad about, but she went to team up with Shinsou instead. She realized that he was using hi quirk on one of her classmates, Ojiro.

'Hey Shinsou, I got a great idea of a strategy.' she said to him as she side hugged her friend with a small smile. He gave her a slightly questioning glace but nodded. "Go on." He spoke quietly, interested in the strategy his friend had thought of.

'You know how Everyone is on Mydoryia? Let's aim the people going against him, they are going to be so focused on the green haired boy that they won't pay enough attention to their surroundings. I can snatch the headbands and stop anyone from getting too close.' Y/n said, getting hyped about the strategy. Shinsou nodded in agreement, making the girl smile proudly about her plan.

The little team got together, y/n being the front one of the carrying trio, Shinsou on top. The loud alarm for the games to start rang, meaning they needed to start running. Y/n made sure to stay on the opposite side of mydoryia to start, allowing the opponents to get further away and give them a few minutes to spot the most vulnerable ones.

They ran to the first team and successfully snatched all of their headbands, handing them to Shinsou right away. Ojiro knocked a few people out with his tail before snapping out of his trance. He looked completely lost and stumbled a bit, but y/n held him up and gave him a small smile.

The other runner was unknown by the three known ones, but no one bothered to ask. They used their quirk as best they could to help, which was actually going rather well. They got ranked 4th place with all the low level headbands the stole.

The whole thing ended rather nicely. All four got a place for the third and last event of the day. Y/n and Shinsou did a fist bump as they smiled widely, walking out of the arena as a pro hero went to adapt it to the next event.

'See, I told you this would be fun!' Y/n said through her thoughts to the purple haired boy. He shrugged, trying to play it cool. 'It's okay. I mean, it's cool I'm beating a lot of strong people but heh.' she let out a small giggle and hit Shinsou lightly on his shoulder.

'Just admit it alreadyyyy.' she said, slightly whining through telepathy. He rolled his eyes and sighed, glaring at a wall. 'Fine. It is KIND OF fun.' He replied, still looking away. She giggled again, shaking her head. 'I can't wait to see who we'll be facing!'

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