chapter 16

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Classes started again, everything was back to normal. Aizawa seemed to have some news to tell the class, but the students we're too hyper from getting recognized on the street. It took a good moment before calming the students down, the poor teacher seemed ready to just fall asleep.

Poor y/n thought her classmates would maybe give her some space since the sports festival incident, but it sadly didn't happen. Litterally every girl in the class went to see her to poke her tail, pet her ears or ask so many questions. She had no clue what to say or do, so she just ended up hiding her face on her desk.

'Shinsou, send help, I'm under attack from my classmates.' she desperately called her friend through telepathy. The girls either started to decorate her hair with various hair pins, ties and bows Yayorozu pulled out of her bag, the others finally lost interest and returned to their desk.

Some curious boys stood near her, occasionally poking her tail or ears, wondering if they were real. Mydoria was furiously noting down stuff as he occasionally glanced at y/n, Bakugo almost blew up his new notebook. Denki thought it would be a great idea to whisper in y/n's to see if they were real.

''Wassup, I'm gay.'' kaminari whispered lowly in her ear. The sudden action made y/n litterally jump to the ceiling. 'YOUR CRUSH IS MESSING WITH ME, COME GET YO MANS SHINSOU.' She yelled by telepathy, almost hissing at the blonde. 'I can't, I'm doing an exam, now hush.'

Iida was the first person to calm down and shut the students up by litterally yelling orders out to everyone. They finally stopped bothering the poor fox  girl, everyone going to their seats as the girl finally got off the ceiling. She could hear Kaminari snicker and she started to plan some mean revenge on him.

Aizawa started his class as always, taking the attendance and giving out some normal information. The moment the teacher started to bring on the news he's been wanting to say since the beginning, that's when y/n started her mean payback plan.

She used her telepathy quirk on Denki, and she knew there were no risks of getting her cover blown because no one knew her quirk. Instead of transmitting words, she transmitted images of Shinsou. She only did a few as she had trouble focusing on what the teacher was saying and bugging Kaminari.

She glanced at the boy quickly to see him as a blushing mess, clearly lost in his thoughts. She started to pay attention fully to the teacher as he was still beating around the bush with the subject. Aizawa saw Kaminari daydreaming in his class and immediately snapped a ruler on Kaminari's desk.

"Pay attention or you aren't going to be able to participate in the program." The boy practically had a heart attack, y/n had to hold back from dying of laughter. Aizawa sighed and went back to the front of the class to explain the said program.

"You will need to find a pro hero, either retired or active, to have a one week internship. It will be mostly observation, to see what their jobs are or were." He said, the class erupting in some crazy chatterbox.

Everyone was bow naming different heros to go do an internship with, all trying to debate which would be best or more profitable, which could help for what quirks, etc. Y/n had a small idea, but she wasn't sure. She would rather ask her mentor before attempting to get an internship, to see with whom he would want y/n to go observe and train.

The class ended up being dismissed as Aizawa saw no point in trying to calm the class again. Y/n went to her usual table in the lunchroom, waiting for her best friend to show up.

The familiar fluffy purple hair of her friend appeared in front of her as soon as she realized she thought of him, letting out a small squeak before jumping up, just like in the class earlier that morning. He just gave her a glance, not even seeming to question it.

"First of all, calm your tits, it's just me. Second of all, what is up with your hair? It wasn't like that this morning." He said as he sat down,y/n soon taking a seat to eat too. 'Some classmates thought my hair needed to have more things in it I guess, must be because of how I used to do it.' She thought, sipping on her orange juice.

"That explains a lot. Say, now that I think about it, did you finally send your hero costume demand in?" Shinsou asked, knowing how y/n still didn't have a costume cause she didn't know what she wanted. She only did a demand the day after the sports festival, with the help of Shinsou that is.

She nodded. 'it's supposed to be here today, we'll actually get to train with our hero costumes later so I'll get to see if it actually fits of if it's annoying.' she stated as she nibbled on slices of apples and bananas. She got lazy and made herself a chicken Caesar salad for lunch (which she already ate) and brought fruit salad as a desert.

"Sounds rather fun. I'll need to see if my hard designer work will pay off." Shinsou said in a slightly mocking tone. Y/n rolled her eyes, bitting on a grape. Shinsou faked dying, making y/n very confused at first before she realized what was going on. She giggled and purposely ate all the grapes first, making the boy overreact. Y/n was amused at the boy's actions and kept giggling before finishing her meal.

"Oh, before I forget, I have started to train with Aizawa to try and get upped to class 1-A." Y/n's ears perked up, looking at Shinsou with stars in her eyes.

'I could finally bug you AND Kaminari at the same time! You better make the cut.' she said, sticking her tongue out. "Oh screw you."

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