chapter 9

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The girl slowly peeked her eyes open, the morning sun glaring directly at her irises as soin as she dared to peek out the window she was facing. She let out an inaudible grunt and covered her head, thinking it was too early for this. It was the sound of a low chuckle that made her peek her head from under the covers and look at the intruder.

A certain purple haired boy sat on the stool beside her bed, an eyebrow arched as he stared down at her. "Good morning, sunshine." Shinsou said in a slightly sarcastic tone to the girl. Y/n rolled her eyes and sat up a bit, slightly uncomfortable with the fact she was only wearing a hospital gown. Shinsou didn't seem to care, he just sat there with a bowl on his lap.

"I got you breakfast, a berry mix with toast." He said as he handed her the bowl of colorful berries and toast. She dug in immediately as it gas been two days since her last actual meal. Shinsou chuckled as he watched her scarf down the bread and berries like her life depends on it, rather amused by the sight.

She sat up straight with her legs banging off the ledge of the bed, looking up at Shinsou, knowing he was going to say something. "About the USJ..." He mumbled out. She looked down immediately, ready to be scolded or maybe even insulted at how weak she was, how she failed and ended up in a hospital.

"I heard about what you did, you're pretty damn brave. I never really thought you would have been involved due to your personality, but you impressed me. You must be incredibly strong to manage and hold back such a strong enemy." He said, placing a hand between her space buns and patting her head, smiling down at her sweetly.

She was in utter shock, not expecting it. She did something even less expected, as much from her side than the purple haired boy's side, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He caught on that it was her silent way of saying'thank you Shinsou'.

"Don't get me wrong, I was still worried as crap about you." He said as he looked away, a bit embarassed that he admitted it out loud. Y/n let out a quiet chuckle with her face buried in his chest. He patted her head a bit before breaking the short embrace, backing up and slipping his hands in his pockets.

Y/n looked at her feet as the deafening silence of the room seemed to make both teens awkward. Y/n looked up and her lips parted inhaling deeply as she quietly made a decision.

But her boost of confidence was short lived as there was a light knock on the door. The door creaked open a bit and a ball of green hair peeked trough the door. Huge green eyes stared y/n and Shinsou down before smiling widely and running in the room.

"Y/n! We're so glad you're okay!" Mydoria said rather loudly as he walked up to the bed. Shinsou spoke for y/n before she even reacted. "What do you mean by 'we'?" He said, his voice a bit deeper and his face a bit colder. Y/n knew he wasn't fond to making friends.

Suddenly, various blobs of hair appeared in the door, all looking either happy or slightly worried. Todoroki was the second one to walk up to the best, standing beside Shinsou. Shinsou gave him a cold look and glared at the poor wall beside him after.

The girls who happened to be there, Mina, Ochako, Tsuyu and Momo, all started to litterally fan girl. "That was so awesome how you fought the giant monster, it was so cool!" Uraraka said, stars in her eyes as she waved her arms around in a comical way. Iida stood behind her, trying to make her calm down.

"I have no clue what your quirk is or if you even used it, but you were pretty manly." Kirishima said as he appeared from behind Iida. Y/n realized that Kaminari and Sero also joined.

"Hey aren't you a guy from class 1-C? Kaminari asked Shinsou. He grunted and nodded, not interested in making conversations. Todoroki approached y/n and patted her head. "You did great." He mumbled out, looking away. Everyone chatted energetically as Todoroki and Shinsou stood beside y/n's bed quietly.

Lunch time rolled by and y/n learned that school was cancelled since the attack until monday. She was glad she didn't miss anything important, but she got worried about the teacher's condition due to the intense fight. The nurses shooed everyone but Shinsou out, y/n wanted him to stay a bit.

Shinsou let out a long and heavy sigh. "Those guys are so loud, how did you survive this long?" He asked, imitating a dramatic voice. It was enough to make y/n smile, letting out a quiet laugh. The room soon got back to the same, heavy silence from before.

Y/n thought it was about time for her to trust the purple haired boy a bit more. She inhaled deeply and decided to finally use her quirk to communicate semi-properly with the other student.

'Thank you, Shinsou.' She said through telepathy. His head shot up from his glaring contest with the floor, a face of utter shock on full display. "You- that was your quirk in action, right?" He asked, still rather surprised by the sudden change of communication.

Y/n nodded and smiled lightly. 'I feel like I can trust you a bit more.' she said, looking away, a bit ashamed. She heard Shinsou chuckle a bit, but she saw him smile much wider than she has seen before. "Thank you." He simply said.

Y/n nodded. ' oh, I can use my telepathy in a 50 Meter range, you can also reply by thoughts, I can hear them.' she told him. "You can hear thoughts?" He asked, impressed. 'on voluntary base, yes.' "You're so cool." He said, smiling brightly.

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