chapter 15

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"you have some explaining to do, y/n." Shinsou's voice sounded different to her as her ears were finally out and able to capt noises and sounds properly. She looked down, unable to look him in the eyes. Shinsou let out a desperate sigh, his somewhat angry facade falling down to one of worry but friendly affection."Y/n, look at me."

'I'm sorry.' was the first thing she said to him, still looking down. Another sigh was heard before Shinsou placed his long fingers under her chin and forced the girl to look up. " It's fine. Come to the lounge, we got to clean you up. I think we need to be a bit more open from now on." He said. Y/n nodded and followed Shinsou in defeat.

They got to the said lounge and y/n was forced to sit down. "I know there was a reason why you were hiding this, but I have no clue what it is. I'm going to give you a break, clearly you seem shocked that the whole thing just came out." Shinsou started, grabbing a first aid kit and getting seated beside her.

"Just know that I am not mad and it doesn't change anything for me, you're still you." He said, starting to dab a few wounds with cold water. The feeling made y/n wince in pain, not expecting water to hurt. "Also, I suggest you don't hide your ears and tail, they clearly make you stronger in a way." He added, gently caressing one of y/n's ears.

She lets out quiet squeaks from getting her ears pet, she always loved it when people did so. It did remind her of when she was just a child, before all the training. Someone did something similar, but she couldn't remember who and when.

'Thanks Shinsou.' y/n finally said after a few minutes of deafening silence. 'my mother always said I was... A monster. So I hid these parts from the public eye.' she added, not wanting to get in too far with the subject. The purple haired boy nodded and bandaged some of her wounds.

"I should probably be honest too." He said after y/n's confession. She was quite confused by how he all of a sudden seemed very nervous and scared. She poked him lightly, waiting for his confession.

"I'm gay." He said before looking away, almost as if he was about to run away. 'For real? What's that?' was her response. He thought it was meant to be mean, but when he saw how confused and innocent she looked, he started to wonder if she lived under a rock before UA.

He bursted out in laughter, making y/n pout at him. 'what's so funny? I don't understand!' she whined, lightly hitting Shinsou. "Y/n, were you, like, isolated by your parents or something?" Shinsou asked through his fit of laughter. He took deep breaths to calm his crazy laughing before looking at y/n, her lack of response was starting to worry him.

He saw her looking away, a look of sadness on her face. He then understood that he probably said something he shouldn't of have, realizing that his last statement was a bit harsh. He gently wrapped his arms around the girl and appolagized.

She nodded and hugged back, pulling away after. 'you still didn't explain what gay means.' she said with a pout. Shinsou smiled and let out a small chuckle before getting back to treating her wounds. "It means to love the same gender as yours. Basically, I fall in love with boys." He said, feeling much better to be the one to tell her the definition.

'Ohhh, so that means you love a boy right now?' she asked, sounding as innocent as a child. He felt his face warm up lightly before looking away a bit. "Maybe not love yet, but definately a like like." He said, his face getting redder by the minute. He saw y/n's eyes start to sparkle and he immediately knew he was dealing with a fangirl.

'who is it?' she asked as she mimicked an anime girl who was fangirling. He put his hands up and waved them downwards, a motion to try and calm down the girl. "Calm down- I'll tell you but please stop looking like a boy love obsessed fan, it's making me uncomfortable.." He mumbled out to her.

She she down properly, her tail swaying lightly as her ears were perked up to hear every word. He looked away and hid his face lightly before finally spitting it out. "The blonde electricity boy from your class, kaminari Denki. He is adorable, seems to be rather happy and childish. I find him cute." He mumbled out.

He heard a squeak of joy from y/n, she was practically dancing even though she was seated. "Stop it." He said, getting even more embarassed by the second. She ruffled his messy hair, giggling at the boy. 'That was genuinely adorable.' she said.

The lounge door opened up rather brutally, making the two teenagers jump lightly. They could hear Kirishima in the back, yelling at the intruder to sit down and let him fix him up.

Bakugo didn't care, he just walked up to Shinsou and y/n, weirdly not looking angry or like he wanted to murder someone. He stood beside Shinsou, looking straight at y/n. The purple haired boy didn't fail to catch the girl's terrified expression, but also noticed that Bakugo seemed different.

"I'd like to talk to y/n alone." He said to Shinsou and kirishima, who was now standing in the doorway with a defeated look. "What's going on Bakubro? You're usually mad and yelling almost murder exploding people." Kirishima said out of honesty

Bakugo turned around to face his friend, his eyes changing in barely a few seconds as his hands started to spark up. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" "There you go. Now I guess we'll let you be." He said before walking out, Shinsou giving y/n a reassuring look before walking out behind the redhead.

Bakugo calmed his nerves a bit before facing y/n. He looked tense, but also a bit pained. Y/n assumed it was from the wounds she inflicted to him, she did go pretty hard. What she didn't expect was what Bakugo said next.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been such an asshole with you." He barely mumbled out, but she heard him clear as day. He squatted down to be at her eye level, looking at her right in the eyes. His eyes looked familiar, but she couldn't tell why.

"I'm going to assume that you don't remember me, but I'll try my best to remind you." He said, something in his voice sounding different, not only pained but also somewhat desperate. He saw her confused look and stood up, getting ready to leave.

"That's all I wanted to say." He said before leaving the room the same way he entered it, loudly and brutally.

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