chapter 18

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Y/n walked out of the training ground, heading to her favorite garden of the school. Her and Bakugo got the authorization form their teacher, all might, to get out of class earlier so y/n could show Bakugo something. They both went to change in their respective changing rooms, getting back into their school uniform.

Y/n waited patiently as the boy was finishing up tying his school uniform's tie and tucking it before following y/n to the garden. She walked up to a nearby flower patch, a bench placed in front of it. Y/n sat on the bench but motioned Bakugo to go in the flower patch.

"Why should I be the one on the ground?" Y/n ignored him and pointed the flower bed again. He let out a low growl and crossed his arms, a deep frown on his face. She sighed and stood up, approaching Bakugo.

"What the heck are you doing?!" He said as he rose his voice, taking a defensive pose. Y/n rolled her eyes and few in Bakugo's face. He let out a surprised grunt, breaking his stance to rub his eyes. Y/n took the opportunity to knock him on the ground, also making sure he wouldn't get hurt while landing.

He started to yell uncontrollably, trying to stand. Y/n shot him a glare, which surprisingly was enough to make the angry boy stop. She placed him probably on the flower bed, he made himself comfortable as she stood back up. She sat back down at the bench, inhaling and exhaling.

"Y/n... What are you planning?" He barely mumbled out, relaxing his body against his will. The plants he was laying on were surprisingly comfortable and the soft perfume of the flowers all around made him slightly sleepy.

Y/n finally built up the confidence to try a new technique. It wasn't to attack or harm, it most likely wouldn't help with any type of combat. She wanted to try it on Bakugo, thinking if it could work on him, she succeeded her new trick.

'Don't flip out, this is a new technique I've been working on. Just lay back and relax, I promise it won't cause you harm.' she told him through telepathy. Bakugo immediately shot up, alarmed by the soft voice he heard. He looked around rapidly before looking at y/n.

She knew he was going to react like that, that was part of the reason why she needed to use her telepathy on him. She needed him to react in an alarmed way. She gave him a soft smile before trying her new technique.

The said new technique was called dream. It initially was only peaceful images y/n would transmit to the person to calm them, sometimes even make them fall asleep after a while. But she managed to combine both her quirks for this technique again, making it feel even more real for the person on whom she uses it on.

The level of control needed for this technique was so low that she could use it for long periods of time without headaches, unlike nightmare. But, on the down side, it did exhaust her after a while if it's used for too long.

She didn't even need to call out the technique, it activated on it's own. Immediately, she started to amplify Bakugo's senses, to make him more conscious of the flower's perfume and the light feeling of the flowers brushing against his skin. In the images, she made it look like it was sunny, she made him feel the sun.

She couldn't be more satisfied when she saw Bakugo lay back down, letting out slow and deep breaths. Y/n imagined the sound of a river flowing slowly, calmly dragging any worries away. She could also imagine the sound of birds chirping lightly, creating a relaxing melody.

She didn't realize she accidentally put herself in the illusion she made for Bakugo until she realized how sleepy she felt. She regained control of herself, maintaining the illusion for Bakugo.

The said boy was looking at the sky, his eyes were soft and calm. He let out quiet sighs, his visibly tense muscles slowly relaxing completely. She kept an eye on him, not wanting to accidentally make him fall asleep in the garden. She watched as his eyes slowly closed, he was clearly about to fall asleep. She felt a bit guilty for cutting the illusion, but she still did.

Bakugo's eyes slowly opened again, but he didn't move quite yet. He shifted his gaze to y/n, surprising her with what looked like a soft smile.

"That was... Nice .." He said, drowsiness evident in his voice. She nodded and stayed on the bench, waiting as he slowly took in reality.

It took him a bit of time, but after a while, he sat up and looked at y/n directly. "That's a good technique, I've never felt so relaxed." He started before slowly standing up. "It would be great to calm panicking and injured people." Y/n nodded, happy to know her new technique, Dream, was a success.

"But you got something to explain. The voice I heard earlier, was it you?" He asked, taking a step towards y/n. She didn't think this part through, only the first part of the plan. He already knew about her quirk, so she thought that she should probably come clean.

'Yeah, that was me.' she used her telepathy again. Bakugo's eyes widened and pointed at y/n, then himself, completely confused. Y/n scratched the back of her neck before continuing, the boy was speechless anyways.

'This is part of my quirk, telepathy. When you said you knew I could communicate someway because of how me and Shinsou acted, you were right. And honestly, you're the second person in the whole school who knows this.' She said as she stood up, she could hear the school bell at a distance. The boy still wasn't reacting, so she got ready to leave.

'Oh and one last thing, count yourself lucky I trusted you with this.' were her last words before heading home.

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