Chapter 28

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Y/n didn't take all that long to shower, knowing that her boyfriend was waiting for her. She couldn't help but feel slightly nervous even though she knew that nothing bad would happen. It's just that, bakugou has never been so secretive about something in general. She had a feeling he had something up his sleeve.

When she hurried up and finished her shower, she simply put on a hoodie and a pair of shorts before running to the dorm entrance. She could see her boyfriend's spiky blond hair from afar. Due to her quirk, she got there slightly faster than a normal person would.

Y/n practically pounced on bakugou, not thinking about the fact that speed could affect the impact between two two, sending them both flying to the ground. Bakugou reacted instantly, catching her but also letting out a couple cuss words from the suddenness of the slight attack.

"Was that necessary?!" He yelled out, trying not to be too harsh. Y/n only giggled, before nodding like a child. He rolled his eyes before pulling them both off the ground. " Anyways, there was a reason why I wanted to talk to you about here, without all of the extras having to listen to this."

That's when the fox girl got a little more nervous. His words sounded extremely serious and made her stomach twist a little bit. She nodded nevertheless, her ears perked up to listen. "I wanted to ask... Ah fuck..." Bakugou averted his gaze to the ground and kicked a random rock as if it was slightly more interesting than the conversation.

"Ask what? You're making me a little nervous here..." Y/n stated as she tried to smile even though her face showed clear signs of nervousness. bakugou looked up immediately with a slightly surprised face before cupping her cheeks with his calloused hands.

"Don't be nervous, I'm the one who's nervous here!" He said with a slightly flushed face, trying to look slightly aggressive. "I wanted to ask you if you would be my prom date." He finally muttered out as he looked away again.

Y/n froze for a couple of seconds, not sure how to feel exactly. She couldn't decide between throwing a slight fit at how he made her extremely nervous and scared but she also hesitated between hugging and kissing him to no end.

She ended up wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly as she whispered in his ear. "Why the heck would I say no?" Those words were enough to make bakugou smile, picking up his girlfriend as gently as possible before carrying her into the dorms. she started kicking her legs around to get out of his grip, whining that she could walk on her own even though he was completely ignoring her.

He only put her down at the dorms door, leaning in to pick her forehead gently before walking in and giving her a small smile. Her heart fluttered in her chest, making her feel extremely happy and light.

"Wait... I need to get a prom dress." She mumbled to herself before walking inside. She had no idea what to get as a dress itself, she never really wanted to wear a dress since she moved out of her parents house.

"I could ask Momo to suggest me something..." She thought outloud. just as she mumbled those words, the said girl suddenly popped up in front of her. Her dark eyes were literally filled with stars and she had such a childish look.

"I would LOVE to help you pick a prom dress!!" Momo said before gabbing her hand. "Let's go now, I know a great place to get really cute dresses! Oh and I'll buy them for you guys, no worries!" She said as she turned to the class' girls.

In a span of a couple of minutes, y/n and her fellow girl classmates were in a limousine on their way to the said store. Some girls were getting all excited about the dresses they had in mind as for others didn't really care all that much. Y/n wasn't particularly worried, she just had no idea what she wanted or what would look good on her.

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