chapter 4

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•3rd person PoV•

The fox like girl woke up, stretching out her numb limbs from her interrupted deep sleep. Her movements were slow and sluggish from freshly waking up, her eyes slightly blurry from sleepiness. She got out from under the warm covers and waddled over to her small apartment bathroom.

She brushed her hair into space buns, making sure to tuck the long, flexible ears under the strand of h/c hair. She left a few free strands hang nicely on the sides of her face, making her look a bit less grouchy. Satisfied with her hair, she brushed her teeth, being extra careful to not break the toothbrush on her abnormaly sharp canines.

It didn't take long to change and pack her lunch, her clothes were on the bathroom counter and her lunch was already in a Tupperware in the fridge, left overs from her lasagna again. She picked up a random snack from a snack box she saw at the grocery store around the corner, a trail mix cereal bar with dried fruits, and took her leave.

She tucked her key in her backpack and pinned her ID to her breast pocket again. She quietly made her way to the huge highschool, watching around her nervously as people made her rather nervous.

A few minutes later, she was in the school, making her way to class. Everything seemed normal, the quiet school made her relax lightly. That was until a certain angry blonde bumped into her and sent her flying into a locker by accident.

"GOD DAMN IT EXTRA, WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE GOING!" As much as she wanted to protest, she was practically frozen from fear. She backed herself up as much as she could on the locker, raising her arms to protect her head. The boy scoffed and left, sending her one last insult.

Y/n, on the verge of a panic attack, bit her tongue out of habit to keep her calm. Taking a few deep breaths, she slowly started to collect a few of her things that fell from the impact. A purple haired boy passed by her, glancing rapidly at the state the girl was in before deciding to stop and lend her a hand.

Without a word, she bowed her head and collected the books from the boy's hands. "Clearly someone doesn't like you." He blurted out in a monotone voice, helping the girl up. She didn't make any eye contact, but she could already tell he was way taller than her and not in her class.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" He asked, walking slowly beside y/n. She felt rather uncomfortable having another human walking beside her, but tried her best to not make it too awkward. She shook her head as a response to the purple haired boy. He hummed lightly before clearing his troath.

"I'm Hitoshi Shinsou, nice to meet you." He said. She panicked a bit as she didn't want to verbally answer but didn't have any paper. 'It wouldn't kill me to use my quirk, would it?' She thought. She let out a shaky sigh before stopping the slow pace walking with Shinsou.

He looked at her with a questionning glance, ready to ask her what was wrong, but quickly got interrupted. "I'm y/n y/l. Nice to meet you..."  She said through telepathy, looking at the floor from nervousness. She hear a small gasp from the boy. "Woah... Your quirk is telepathy?" He asked her.

She did a side head movement, her way of saying 'more or less'. He nodded and did a small smile. "Genuinely, you don't look like you like socializing. I get you on that, though." She nodded, kind of embarrassed by how oblivious she was.

"It's fine, don't worry. Let's be friends, yeah? I'm in class 1-C. I bet you're either in 1-B or 1-A." He said a bit quickly, making y/n have a small moment where she processed what he said. She nodded and brought her free hand up, attempting to make an A with it.

They started to walk towards class again, a bit faster than earlier. "1-A? You must have a good physical strength then, considering the exams." She gave him a slightly confused look. His eyes widened as he saw her reaction, as if he already guessed she didn't do the exams. "You got in by suggestion? Wow, you must have famous parents or something." He said, impressed.

Y/n looked at the ground, avoiding anymore eye contact. She was starting to feel uneasy from being so open to someone, even though she wasn't that open at all. Communication in general made her visibly uncomfortable and she tried to hide it. The tired looking boy did get the hint, but for some reason, felt the need to talk to the girl anyways.

They passed by the fox girl's class, making her stop at the door. She bowed to the purple haired boy as a way to thank him and say her goodbyes. "Uh, let's eat together at lunch, yeah?" He mumbled out, rubbing his neck a bit. She shot up in surprise and hesitantly nodded before heading in her class.

As soon as she walked in she realized that she was the last one there, everyone had their eyes on her. Her stomach felt uneasy as she scurried to her respectful desk and sat down, hiding her face in a book. Everyone was chatting rather loudly but she still overheard some people mentioning how unusually quiet she was, along with another boy with pink-ish skin.

Y/n didn't mind it that much, she was the one who didn't want to talk. The boy from this morning was a bit different for some reason, he wasn't loud of incredibly energetic. He was calm, rather nice. It still made her a bit anxious that she interacted with someone, wondering wether it was a mistake or not. Her train of thoughts was interrupted by the groggy teacher, walking in and telling everyone to shut up.

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