chapter 7

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Todoroki stood in a defensive way in front of y/n, making sure to freeze any enemy coming towards the duo whenever y/n could, she would use nightmare when Todoroki was busy with villains who were rather noisy, she would mumble out the attack name and attempted to not affect him in any way, which is much harder than it seems.

She had to focus on which body to send signals with Todoroki fighting beside her, and it was exhausting. It required a bit more focus but it may have slipped a few times. She still tried, and it was clear it helped the half and half boy a bit.

He didn't seem to question the villains weird behavior of randomly stopping in their tracks all type of movement. He just kept freezing them one by one, giving them all hypothermia.

Y/n attempted to stand on her feet without putting to much weight on her hurt ankle, ready to defend whenever anyone would get too closer to her. Todoroki caught a glimpse of her poor attempts to stand, getting a bit worried for the girl.

Everyone in class 1-A thought y/n was quirkless, which wasn't surprising. She avoids using her actual quirk until she absolutely needs it, the same goes for her claws. Todoroki didn't seem to notice the claws too, he was focused on fighting back, protecting y/n and himself.

"Y/n, Don't push yourself, you're injured." Todoroki said in a stern voice, eyeing her quickly. Y/n shook her head and ignored the pain going through her limbs, exception of her throbbing ankle. A few enemies charged towards her, Todoroki tried freezing them but missed one, the villain now ready to jump on y/n.

Todoroki yelled at her to move, but instead she mumbled her famous little word and made the man's body freeze in mid air. She tried to mess up the nervous system to the shoulders down, hips down too. Her head throbbed a few times but she ignored it and pushed her limit once again.

The man seemed shocked from the sudden wave of pain, giving y/n a few seconds to attack. She clawed him right in the face, leaving rather deep cuts. He screamed at her, cussing her out before she punched him in the nose, making him stumble back. Todoroki took it as an opportunity to freeze the man.

When it seemed like the wave of villains was over, he scooped y/n up bridal style, even though she tried to sign him to let her walk, and made his way down the mountain like area. "What's your quirk?" He asked. Y/n hesitated but felt her head ache quite a bit. She didn't feel like telling him that much, plus using her telepathy at a time like that would make her headache worse. She shook her head and subtly retracted her claws, the dried out blood in them falling in flakes to the floor.

They made it to the center of the USJ, where mr. Aizawa seemed to be losing to a villain. Y/n felt like she was on the verge of panic at the scene. The only thing she could think was 'this can't be happening '. Mydoria was also fighting, seeming like things weren't going so well.

Y/n ' s bottom lip started to tremble, catching todoroki's attention. "Y/n, are you- wait-..." He got cut off by the girl who jumped out of his strong arms. She ran, despite her painful injuries, towards the two suffering fighters.

A huge monster appeared in front of her. From what she saw, it was strong and seemed to have many quirks. It charged towards her, making her panic slightly. At the last second, she used her quirk.

She wouldn't have more than a second to dodge judging by the recovery rate of the thing. She put as much force she could in the thing before jumping out of the way. 

Just as she thought, it only lasted a second before the thing unfroze and was ready to attack again. She tried to think about a way to beat it, observing it as it charged again. It was uncoordinated movements, messy fighting and empty eyes.

She froze him again, fighting over her limits and killing her head as she did so. She would aim straight for the brain looking thing on it's head, hoping to create any type of damage. No matter what she did, it would recover. She thought, if she could at least keep it away from the others, it might help.

Her head felt like it was about to split in half, her eyes were blurring from how bad it was getting. She kept pushing her limits to keep the thing out of way, glancing at Aizawa and Mydoria quickly to see that they were having trouble with the gray haired man.

The moment she glanced at the two, the nomu quickly landed a punch on her rib cage, sending her flying. She felt a few ribs crack, it certainly didn't feel good. Despite the new injuries, she managed to not crash in a wall, but use her good foot to jump off it and land safely on the ground.

A few nearby students came by to help her up, but her headache was getting bad to a point where she was about to faint. She saw All Might rush into the place before shutting her eyes and whimpering at the loud noise.

Todoroki and Tsuyu both tried to hold her up, but they felt the body go limp. Todoroki stopped her from hitting the ground with a quickly created ice block, properly holding her to not make her injuries worse, evidently with the help of Tsu.

They quickly made their way to the door as the fight unraveled, Iida soon joining them to help get the injured girl to recovery girl as quickly as possible.

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