chapter 14

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Y/n gave Shinsou a look of despair, trying to get him to understand that she was most definitely going to finish as a piece of roasted meat. Shinsou shook his head and pushed her towards the arena's entrance. He tried to pep talk her, but it doesn't affect her in any way. She could hear Bakugo walking behind them, snickering.

"ARE YOU READY TO BURN, RUBBISH?" He yelled behind her, making her terrified. She started to shake lightly and shake her head. The blonde boy started to fume at her for the lack of voiced response. Shinsou glared and did a middle finger, pulling y/n close and hugging her.

She bit her tongue and inhaled sharply, hugging back tightly before sepperating herself from him. She was still shaking as she walked on the stage, feeling like she wanted to throw up any second. Bakugo stood proudly on his side, showing off the fact he knew he was going to win.

Y/n stood like a cowering pray on the other end of the stage, ready to leave any moment. Sadly for her, she needed to fight, whether she liked it or not. Midnight gave the wave to start the match and Bakugo started with force.

He didn't hesitate to run up and give the first hit; a huge explosion to her face that was hard enough to make her fly back. She regained her balance as she stood in shock at his speed. He was already charging back at her, but this time her body moved on it's own.

She dodged the next hit and stood behind him, grabbing the one leg that was still up in the air and throwing him upward. He was also surprised, but he hard no damage as he stabilized himself with his explosions.

He tried hitting her in the face again, which she merely dodged before punching him in the gut, hard. He bended down to grab his stomach as she kicked him in the head, sending him back. She didn't stop there, she ran aside him even though he was still mid-air, kicking him upward before he could touch ground.

That really pissed him off, anyone in class 1-A could see it. Y/n was too focused on her goal of beating him to actually realize what she started. Just as she jumped up to hit Bakugo again, he sent a powerful explosion down on her.

That's when her nightmare started. She felt her clothes rip, her bandages included. She could also feel her hair ties break loose, her usual buns falling down. The smoke and dust in the air was still hiding her from the public, but the in the next seconds, every single person in the public would know, including her classmates.

Bakugo landed a few feet infront of her, smirking widely. Y/n was staring at the ground with a dark look on her face. Katsuki took a few steps forward to reach out and hit y/n, but she calmly backed away. The simple act of backing away to hide from the boy was pissing Bakugo off. He got tired of playing around and finally got serious.

He did another powerful explosion to clear the dust, not caring whether he would hit y/n or not. When the dust cleared out, he looked all around quickly, unable to find the girl. "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE WEAKLING?" He yelled out as he kept looking.

He finally looked up, but slightly too late. Y/n landed a solid kick in his face before landing gracefully, her now free tail helping her maintain her balance in the air. Her ears were up high and not folded up in her hair, making her hearing capacity much better.

The utter confusion on Bakugo's face was satisfactory for y/n, but the noises she heard from her classmates and even Shinsou was what made her nervous. She just stood there for a few minutes, considering the option of giving up to flee and not come back. Bakugo let his guard down, which surprised many people.

"You..." He mumbled, not yelling for once. There was something that changed in his eyes, in his look but y/n didn't know what. She gave him a confused look, not knowing what was happening. He came back to his senses and got ready to fight again, but going a lot less rough than how he started the fight.

Y/n blocked out any message Shinsou tried to send her by telepathy, she was scared. She focused on every aspect of the fight instead, blocking everyone out. She soon got tired of the slow pace the male started and decided to finally push it a bit.

She started to double the force in her attacks, upping her speed to defend and dodge. Bakugo finally understood she wasn't planning on playing around and picked up the pace. He used his quirk with much less restraint, hitting her a few times with it. She would also manage to land a few hits here and there.

She felt exhausted, the fight was lasting much longer than she expected. Bakugo still seemed fired up and ready, already going for his next attack. She had no choice but to finally use her quirk on him. He fist was barely an inch away from her face when she activated it, knowing her attack was going to be flawless.

She used half of her remaining energy to make his body paralyze in pain, keeping the other half to attack. Her five seconds were up, her vision came back and she struck. She punched him in the gut hard enough to make him go flying near the edge of the ring.

She finally thought she had a chance of winning. She ran up to him, ready to finally land one last kick and send him out.

But he was faster and grabbed her leg, throwing her out instead. She landed face first in the grass, her tail hitting her back after landing. With a grunt, she stood up and practically ran to the exit. Her actions confused many people but she couldn't care less. Bakugo yelled out her name, which was surprising, but she kept running.

'I can't let him see me, not like this, even though everyone saw. This is all just a nightmare.' she kept thinking. But sadly for her, she bumped right into the guys she was trying to avoid.

Her only and best friend, Shinsou.

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