chapter 20

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The next morning, everyone woke up rather early. People who had to retake their classes were absolutely exhausted that morning. Everyone stood outside, all ready to learn their new training course for the week. The instructors passed by with a clip board, naming students and their training for the day.

"Ochako Uraraka, you'll spend the day in an air bubble to control your motion sickness." The woman said, Uraraka's face falling immediately. "Tokoyami, you'll go train in the cave to learn to control dark shadow." His face seemed to get slightly paler by the simple training he was assigned.

"Tenya Iida, you will be running around the mountain to up your stamina." Iida seemed pleased with that idea, actually seeming hyped. Many more passed but both y/n and Bakugo lost interest. 'Hey Bakugo, what do you think your training will be?'

She could hear the boy mentally snort at the question. 'Probably some badass thing to make my explosions bigger and stronger. Like shooting targets at a distance.' she shook her head lightly and giggled. 'over confident much?' 'IM NOT OVER CONFIDENT, I'M BEING REALISTIC.'

"Bakugo Katsuki, your training consists of dipping your hands in boiling water then creating the biggest explosions you can manage." Y/n held back a laugh, turning herself to the side as she covered her mouth. 'PFFT BADASS YOU SAY?'

She could see the boy was fuming and turned to y/n, pointing at her before yelling at her. "OY STOP LAUGHING, I BET YOUR TRAINING IS GOING TO BE EVEN MORE STUPID." He practically screeched. Y/n was bent in half, practically dying of laughter.

"Y/n l/n, do to the lack of information on your quirk, you'll go with ragdoll so we can set something suitable up." She nodded and followed the said trainer. 'HA! You have NO PROOF it'll be stupid.' she said proudly. Bakugo grunted loudly before crossing his arms and intensely frowning.

"Izuku Mydoria, you'll train your body. You'll have trained dancing classes." The moment both you and Bakugo heard that, you both lost it. Bakugo wad laughing his ass of as y/n was trying to cover her wheezing. She felt bad for laughing at Deku, but the whole situation was just hilarious.

Everyone just looked at the two as if they were insane, which they both ignored. 'Ah man, I thought summer vacation was going to be boring but crap this is great.' she told Bakugo as she walked away with miss ragdoll.

'Fuck yeah it'll be great, I'm here foxy.' Bakugo said back, making y/n roll her eyes. 'I'm sorry, is foxy a new student?' 'oh shut up y/n' she giggled in her mind before focusing on the trainer.

The trainer, Ragdoll, handed her a pen and paper. "Please jot down your quirk and it's abilities." She asked politely as she sat down to wait on the student. Y/n wrote every detail she knew, including the moves nightmare and dream.

Ragdoll seemed impressed by what she was reading, noting things down besides what y/n wrote. "Your quirk is a powerful one, all your missing is mental control. It's like something is stopping you from going to your full extent." She started as she observed the lines y/n wrote.

"You'll need to find out what is holding you back and get to your full extent of power." Ragdoll said with a friendly smile, holding her hand out. Y/n nodded and held Ragdoll's hand, helping her up. They spent a bit of time inside, trying to find a reason why y/n was somehow unconsciously holding back her quirk.

After a while, the two girls gave up and decided to attempt to improve the mental quirk y/n had. They decided to go get a class b student, Monoma specifically, to test the special move 'dream' on him. Y/n purposely pissed him off by poking him at random and messing with his hair.

She then activated her quirk as the boy went insane, slowly making him calm down by practically forcing his nervous system into a state of relaxation. She held on to the slight illusion until Monoma fell asleep in the middle of the room.

"Try to wake him up smoothly." Y/n's trainer said, a finger on her cheek. Y/n nodded and thought of how she could wake him up with her quirk. She decided to make his nervous system react as if his body was getting tickled lightly, which woke him up smoothly.

"Thank you Monoma for being a test subject for us." Ragdoll said before shooing him out of the building. She came back and gave comments of her observation to y/n. " Your special move dream is ideal for safety missions. It would be amazing to calm people down, and I know you would be able to do so for a group as I felt effects of your technique even though I wasn't aimed." She said in a matter of a fact tone.

Y/n nodded, happy of the good comments. They kept discussing of ways to improve, trying a few things here and there before they realized that it was time for dinner.

Everyone was having fun cooking their own dinner meals, y/n joined in and helped Bakugo cut the vegetables. 'Bakugo, the need to be diced, not pulverized.' "SHUT UP I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING. AN I DON'T SEE YOU DOING ANY BETTER."

Y/n got slightly annoyed with the yelling and decided to show the boy she could do better. Y/n got her claws out and placed a vegetable on the cutting board, slicing it in a few seconds.

"Show off..." Bakugo mumbled as he watched the girl, slowing down his cutting speed to actually dice the vegetables. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and kept helping until none were left.

They all sat outside to eat their dinner, the sun setting and creating a beautiful lighting all around.

Aizawa cleared his throat to make an announcement, gaining everyone's attention. "Tonight, class b will be out hiding in the woods and class a will be walking in the woods in teams. The team who has the more guts gets the day off tomorrow."

"Game on" Bakugo said.

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