chapter 6

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The class walked to the USJ, everyone chatting merrily as they made their way to the training ground. Y/n walked behind the mass of students, staring nervously at them all as she watched them getting hyped up for training. She just made sure her tail was secured in place with the sport bandages, same with the long pointy ears in her space buns.

She gulped silently when she saw the size of the place, it was gigantic! Everyone entered the USJ quietly, gasping at how big the place was. The raining ground was devised by catastrophe section, all seeming rather realistic. It all seemed too real for y/n, her nervousness became even worse when she saw the place.

The other pro hero that was going to train us with Mr. Aizawa stood proudly in front of the group, explaining the task at hand. Everyone seemed to understand rather well, but y/n was mostly looking around the place. 'Where could my quirk be helpful? I was trained to fight!' She thought to herself.

Just as the pro hero 13 finished explaining, a purple mist appeared on the training ground. The look on the pro hero's face wasn't bringing anything good about the situation, many catching on that the situation wasn't normal. Everyone got on their guards as many people appeared from the mist.

"That wasn't in the program!" The students could hear pro hero 13 yell, their finger opening as a sing that they were ready to use their quirk on the enemy. The mist man chuckled and made a new mist circle behind 13, making them use their quirk against themselves.

Some students watched with horror the scene that just unraveled in front of them, others seeming to keep a stone cold face. Moments later, mist portals appeared in front of all the students, making them disappear in different areas of the USJ.

Y/n squeaked as she felt herself fall. She was quick to react and land on her feet rather than her back. She felt her animal features twitch, but decided to ignore them again. 'must resist' She repeated in her mind like a prayer. Her anxiety was about to get the best of her, but she took a look at her surroundings.

She landed in the landslide area and no one was in sight. 'Maybe we were scattered when we were teleported?'  she thought, taking deep breaths to remain calm. She only ever fought with her trainer in training, never anything real. All the hits were allowed here, no exception.

She took another look around her, controlling her breathing the best she could. Suddenly, a random villain appeared from the ground, her seemed to act like a ground hog or something. She exhaled before inhaling rapidly.

'Time to use my quirk for real' she thought, watching the enemy jump to attack. Her body moved on it's own, she backed up her arm, making sure to contract every muscle to prepare a solid and strong punch. Just as the man was going to strike, she activated her special quirk.

"NIGHTMARE!" She yelled out loudly, her voice echoed through the area, bouncing off the rocks and sounding through the air. Her vision turned dark, the man's body turning white. She spotted the nervous system and bombarded it with intense pain signals to freeze his body.

She counted her 5 seconds as she used her quirk, her vision coming back to normal as her body moved to strike the punch she held back. Y/n retracted her claws, clawing the man many times as his body started to move again.

They broke into a hand-to-hand combat, y/n dodging most of the hits as she clawed the man many times. He tried to go under ground again, but her superior hearing gave him away every time he tried to get her by surprise. She activated her quirk two more times before clawing the man's eyes and knocking him out.

She ran down the mountain-like area, trying to find some classmates. Instead she found 3 more villains, all looking thirsty for a fight. She got in position and prepared for a fight. They all charged at once, all striking at different angles. She jumped up as high as she could manage, clearing her troath before yelling out the same sentence to freeze them in pain.

'Focus y/n, you need to make it worse.' She thought, trying to make her pain signals worse. She could only manage to send pain similar to limbs breaking, but that was it for now. She tried to creep it up to the shoulder area, but her head pounded the moment she managed to do so.

She did her 5 seconds and started to land various blows to all three villains. They all seemed a bit taken aback, but they doubled their efforts to attack. She felt her tail want to free itself, but she ignored it. She landed various punches on the men as she fought, clawing them as well, blocking punches with the said claws.

One of the men caught her by the ankle, squeezing it violently as he grinned maniacally. She didn't want to make him satisfied by showing pain, instead, she used her quirk. She managed to get out of the tight grip and land a few more blows, but she did realize that the man cracked a bone in her foot, making it extra painful to walked and kick.

The man laughed once he overcame the quirk effects, knowing he inflicted quite a bit of damage. She also came to realize that she had a few broken bones, 2 fingers and a rib for sure and many cuts. The sudden realization made the pain submerge her as she froze up in fear. The three men, who were all in pretty bad shape after y/n's constant attacks, all started to laugh as they approached with a menacing aura.

She fell back and curled up to hide her head, a stupid habit she has now taken. Just as she thought the man would land a blow, a chilling breeze passed by. She dared to peek an eye open to see what was going on.

The men where all encased in blocs of ice. She turned her head and looked at the responsable person to see todoroki look at her, slightly worried.

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