chapter 5

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It's been about two weeks since y/n talked to Shinsou, and they met up every lunch break without exception. She was a bit reluctant to open up, only answering in short responses by using her notebook or hand sings. Shinsou was comprehensive, he felt like there was something more behind it all. He knew she could use her quirk, but he thought she was just too uncomfortable to do so.

He wasn't asking that many questions, he tried to keep them basic and not too pointy, and the girl did the same. It basically resumed to "what's your favorite subject?" Or "Who's your favorite hero?" And they would occasionally do a tiny debate to justify. Y/n had to admit that she started to appreciate the boy's presence.

But, during those two last weeks, she was feeling overly anxious by her classmates. The electricity quirk boy, Kaminari, tried flirting with her many times, to which she didn't know how to react. Instead she just shook her head at whatever he said and hit her head, trying to get him to leave.

The girls who were a bit more social tried to make her open up too, but to no avail. Ochako was very talkative but got no response whatsoever from the girl, instead y/n tried to discretely flee. Momo Yaoyoruzu tried to ask her questions about her favorite brands or if she liked any kind of tea. Y/n reacted the same way, making the creation girl a bit discouraged.

Tsuyu tried too but everything was awkward in a blink of an eye. Y/n made any class mate who tried to approach her a bit uncomfortable as she was not responsive. Even Izuku mydoryia tried, but all he got was a small smile after he accidentally tripped on his chair.

Let's not forget about our dear Bakugo. He still would yell at anyone for no reason, which still scared y/n, but she was a bit less scared than the first day. She would still flinch due to how loud his voice was, but whenever he yelled at someone else, she wasn't as scared.

But when he yelled at her, it was a completely different story. She would curl up in the nearest corner or wall and hide her head. He didn't do it so often, just twice in both past weeks.

But back to the present time, Shinsou decided to ask a rather dumb question, hoping to get a small debate from the girl he was eating with.

"Hey y/n, what's your favorite animal?" He asked, taking a bite of his freshly cooked rice. She looked at the boy, grabbing her note book and flipping the pages quickly. She felt her ears twitch in her usual space buns, but ignored them to avoid getting any type of suspect about what she was hiding.

She found the page she was looking for, setting the notebook infront of him to show him the animal in question. "Foxes? Nice drawing by the way, very realistic." He asked, looking at the rather detailed animal on the page. She nodded and got a blank page, ready to explain why. Shinsou smiled lightly, happy he achieved his goal to make a small debate.

'Thank you Shinsou! But yes, I love foxes. They are adorable, stealthy and playful. Not only that, but they are great at making quick strategies to achieve a close goal. They are also very strong, they also have a somewhat flexible body...' She wrote down before cutting herself off. Shinsou nodded, a bit surprised. "Foxes are great, they look a lot like cats... I love cats." He mumbled out.

She nodded, munching on a peice of her breaded chicken she made the night before, along with a salad, a few fresh berries on the side, which she shared with Shinsou. "Cats are very similar to foxes, just smaller and lazier." He said in a matter of fact tone. Y/n nodded again, finishing up her chicken.

"You kind of look like a fox in a way." Shinsou said out of the blue, making y/n's heart beat much harder. He glanced at her before eating the thin slices of pork that were layed out on his plate. "You always have those buns in your hair, they look like ears in a way. Your canines are also longer than a normal person, not to be rude. You are pretty stealthy too. I don't know, it's just a random thought." He mumbled out the last sentence.

She let out a small sigh, relieved that he didn't catch on to her secret quite yet. They ate the rest of their lunches in silence.

They finished up their lunch quickly to not be late to class, y/n hoping that she wouldn't miss her training session. She ran into the girls locker room, grabbing her gym outfit and hiding in a bathroom cubicule to change. The other girls glanced at her but didn't ask about it.

They all ended up waiting on y/n, much to her surprised. She quickly rushed out, the girls following her. She hung her head low in embarassement as Ochako and Momo explained why they waited.

She didn't like the amount of attention she was accorded, it made her very uncomfortable. But she didn't want the girls to feel bad, so she didn't sing anything to them, not even a nod or a hand sign. They seemed to be used to her quietness already, so they didn't question it.

Mr. Aizawa walked up to the students with another pro hero, giving the students a tired glance. "Today we are going to train at the USJ, we are going to make you go through various scenarios to see your reactions to how you will save the victims..."

The teacher went on about the training as y/n became very nervous. What if she accidentally let her secret out during training? She gulped and followed the class as they walked towards the USJ, hoping everything will be fine.

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