chapter 25

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"Y/n, Y/n!" The girl was unable to move her limbs, only able to look around. She quickly understood that she was in a dream. She took a quick peek at her appearance to realize that she was just a child. Her tail and ears were out though, which was rather confusing.

"Y/nnnnnn, I wanna play!" She heard the voice again. She looked up to see a blurry figure in front of her. By what she could see, the other child was a boy with blonde hair and red eyes. His voice was rather soft but he seemed hyper.

Her body started to run on it's own, the scenery suddenly changing from plain white light to a familiar garden and woods. They were chasing eachother for the fun of it, not to harm eachother.  She felt her tiny fox tail flow freely as her ears twitched in excitement.

She was suddenly pounced on, making her squeak lightly. "I caught you y/n!" The boy said as they both giggled. Y/n's body turned over to face the boy, and just like that she finally saw the face of who she has been desperately trying to remember. "Katsuki..."

Y/n's body jolted up, her breathing being a bit too rapid. A nearby docteur practically jumped to the roof at the suddenness before she tried to calm y/n down a bit. "M-miss! Please, calm down! You're in the hospital and everything is fine." The startled nurse said as she sat y/n down properly. The fox girl slowly calmed her nerves and let the nurse tend to her. She gave y/n a glass of water to help her get to her senses better and keep her calm.

'Where are the others?' she said through telepathy to the nurse, waiting patiently for a response. "Mr. All might is resting in a seperate room as the students are currently in the waiting room. Though your parents demanded-..." 'I don't care about what my parents said. If there's a Shinsou, bring him up. I'll want to talk to Bakugo later.' she cut the nurse off, trying to not be too rude.

The nurse nodded and left to get the said people, leaving y/n alone. She brought her tail up beside her and started to try to make it look less messy, brushing it with her fingers lightly.

There was a light knock on the door before it creaked open lightly. A blob of purple hair came through the door, looking rather worried. As soon as he saw his best friend sitting on a hospital bed for the second time, he quickly walked up to her ans hugged her tightly.

"You crazy girl." He mumbled. Y/n giggled lightly before hugging back and nuzzling her friend's neck. "Hey there." She mumbled out. He gasped and looked at her properly, shock and confusion on his face. "You finally used your words!" She nodded and scratched the back of her neck. "I'm blaming Bakugo on it."

"Oh dear, what did boom boom boy do?" He said in a teasing voice. "Ticked me off... But earned my respect." She said with a slight giggle as she started to swing her legs up and down on the ledge of the bed.

"It's a good thing in a way. He made you break down your usual shell." Be said as he took a step back so he wouldn't accidentally be kicked. "Seriously though, I was worried sick to see you fight. I thought you were going to get yourself killed or something." Shinsou said as he pulled himself a chair to sit.

"Geez, do you think I'm that stupid? I honestly felt like it was something I needed to do." She said as she stretched her arms lightly. He nodded lightly before yawing lightly. "Tired?" "Yeah, I haven't slept all that much." "When do you sleep?" She retorted, earning a glare from Shinsou before they both burst into laughter.

"Should we get the angry Pomeranian?" Shinsou asked, making y/n laugh. "What's with all the nicknames?" She said through her laughter as he shrugged with a light chuckle. "I don't know, I guess it's a habit he gave to some of us." She nodded with a small smile.

Shinsou stood up and headed to the room's door, ready to go get Bakugo. Y/n laud back down as she patiently waited for the two boys to get back. Her small smile never left her lips as she stared at the ceiling of the boring white room. The only audible noises were her steady breaths and the buzzing of the various machines, the cardiogram being the loudest.

A small knock wad heard again before the door creaked open to reveal not only Shinsou, but also Bakugo, who seemed unnaturally calm.

They both walked in and took a seat near y/n's bed, both pulling themselves a chair. Shinsou gave her a small smile before handing out a small bowl of colorful berries to y/n. She gladly took it and started to nibble on them.

"How do you feel y/n?" Bakugo asked as she ate her snack happily. "Rather well, surprisingly. I thought I would feel more tired after such a hard fight." Y/n said as she made quick eye contact before looking back at her berries.

"That's good." He said before moving lightly in his chair. Shinsou cleared his throat before standing up. "I'll let you two be for now." He said before leaving the room. Bakugo let out a sigh as he started to fidget a bit.

Y/n kept eating her berries as if nothing was off, making Bakugo rather irritated. He stood up abruptly, making y/n jump at the sound of the chair falling back. He let out an angry grunt and glared at y/n.

"You got to be kidding me. After all this time you still don't remember?" He almost yelled at her, making y/n flinch again. He realized that he was scaring her more than anything and calmed down, sitting in Shinsou's chair from laziness to picking up his own.

"Y/n, Do you remember anything about me?" He asked, leaning towards her lightly. She swallowed dryly and nodded, trying to match his intense look.

"Oh yeah? And what exactly do you remember?" He defied her, leaning closer.

"We were friends as children. You were the first one to know about my secret. You were the first person outside of my parents and my trainer that I ever spoke outloud to." She said quickly, trying to not make her voice shake.

Bakugo smirked lightly before looking down for a brief moment. "So you finally remembered..." He mumbled out before looking back up at her. He placed a hand on her cheek as his stare softened at her.

"There's another thing... Y/n, I..." He started before looking away, embarassed. "Ugh it's embarassing to say out loud." He grunted before looking back at her and taking a deep breath.

He quickly leaned in and pecked her lips before backing away and heading to the door. Just before he left, he said one last thing. "You better rest, idiot. I don't want you to be feeling ill when school starts."

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