chapter 3

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I settled into my new tiny house, or should I say apartment. It was genuinely cozy, I'm impressed with the choice of furniture and overall decoration of the place. It made me feel a bit more at home than my actual house, which was rather nice.

The two days before school were basically me learning to use the appliances without burning the place down and using my trainer's tips and making meals in advance. I tried to follow the recipe to make lasagna, but I managed to burn the bottom layer of pasta. It wasn't so bad, just not the best...

It felt a bit crazy to be alone all of a sudden and having to take care of myself without the help of anyone, I was somewhat used to a sort of luxury life. Being alone was nice to, no one had to yell or scold me for my minor mistakes, which was another nice difference.

My uniform was freshly washed and dried, ready to be worn for the first day. I did a self-care routine and took a nice long relaxing bath before crashing on my bed, finally deciding to attempt figuring out how a cellphone works.

The school morning came by fast but I was ready, one hour before class started I was freshened up and ready to go to my first real class. I used the earphones that came with the phone I recieved and plugged them in, putting on a popular song playlist to walk to school.

My school id was pinned on my breast pocket, my light blue backpack hung loosely off my shoulders. The beat of the music made my head bob lightly as I walked to route to school, which I memorized from A to Z.

Once I got to the school gate, my small amount of confidence fell. The gates were enormous and intimidating to look at. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I started to feel lightly sick. I swallowed dryly when I saw the amount of students who were chatting among themselves, it genuinely scared me.

I rushed through the crowd without making any contact of the sort with anyone. The tip of my tongue was held in place between my fangs as I looked at the ground most of the time. When I finally made it into the establishment, I looked for my homeroom, 1 A.

I finally made it the the giant (and intimidating) door, quietly pushing open. My fox ears were tucked in my hair so no one would notice them, my tail managed to fit under the skirt without being noticable. I didn't dare to look at the people in the room, I was too scared. From what I heard, I chose a small table, or what people call a desk, and sit there for the rest of the year.

I chose one at the far back of the class.  The people who were already there were rather noisy, one had a deep raspy voice was yelling, a girl was talking about how excited she way, another boy was mumbling and one was scolding someone else.

I peeked up quickly at the people to associate the voices with faces. The excited girl was pink, like litterally pink. The mumbling boy was a green haired boy, the scolding boy had blue hair and glasses. The yelling boy hair spiky blonde hair and looked mad.

I couldn't help but stare a bit, something about him made me curious. That was until he noticed me and jumped up, pointing me with a crazy look in his eyes. "STOP STARING YOU EXTRA, I'LL GET WRINKLES!" he yelled at me, making me look right back down at my desk in fear.

What am I doing here? That thought floated in my mind until the teacher walked in. "If you're here to make friends, you might as well leave." The teacher said, glaring at us all. He sighed and started to explain the class course. "Everyone will say their names one at a time and then we are heading out to do a physical exam with your quirks."

I started to internally panic again, I never spoke in general! I would use my quirk to communicate with my close ones, I learned to hate my voice. I quickly pulled out a note book and marker and wrote my name in big, bold letters.

The names got said but I wasn't really listening, I was focusing on making my name readable. My turn came and I stood up, my heart beating so hard I could feel my chest pulse with it. I held up the notebook with my name so everyone could read it. The teacher nodded and made me sit back down.

The physical part went well, I ended up in 14th place due to all the hard training I went through. Class went by rather fast, but I carefully avoided any interaction of the sort with anyone, the teacher included. I also spent the day making sure my animalistic parts were hidden.

At the end of the day, I got ready to leave and plugged my earphones back on, ready to go. My eyes crossed with the red angry eyes from this morning and fear rose in me. I couldn't help but flee at that moment, the boy scared me quite a bit.

I saw a few other classmates who attempted to get me to walk with them, but I walked faster to avoid them. Everyone scared me, just the thought of another person being so close to me terrified me.

Mother was right, people were scary. What if they are all mean but played pretend to lure me in? The blonde boy wasn't doing his job properly... I can't trust them, no one at all. I got to avoid every student in the school, I can't risk getting hurt.

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