chapter 1

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Y/n pov

I panted as beads of sweat rolled down my forehead, my muscles being extremely sore and probably all of ripped up from all the intense training. My tutor growled and smacked my back.

"GET UP YOU LAZY ANIMAL!" He yelled at me in rage, already ready to fight again. I let out a small cry as I just wanted to sit down and relax for a few minutes, my body could barely stand on its own anymore.

My teacher was getting none of it, he just ran right back at me and started to throw a blow of punches. "YOU ARE USELESS, IF YOU WANT TO MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL, TRAIN YOUR ASS TO GET IN THAT DAMN SCHOOL."

I tried to keep up but it was to no avail. I ended up being beat up again. I hung my head low as the man scolded me. He told me that if I can't do any hand to hand combat and fight, my quirk is useless.

There was a time where I didn't mind talking to my tutor, but my mother didn't like that he was being friendly to me. "She needs serious training, not a weakling shit worth thing. Get serious or you're fired." She told him.

He always apolagized after if he could, I knew deep down he wasn't mean from nature. He did once tell me he wanted the best for me and he wanted to help me do it.

"Get your shit together, we are training that quirk of yours now." He said, stretching out a bit. I nodded and quickly changed my clothes to dry ones, finally out of my sweaty bloody outfit. I hurried back to the training ground and got in a stance.

"Ready?" He asked me in a rough tone. I nodded and exhaled. "Go." I ran to him as he prepared to counter my next attack, as always. I needed to learn to outplay him and land as many clean hits as possible.

I got as close as possible, barely a few inches away from the man before jumping out of the way as quick as possible, starting to get ready to kick him.

"NIGHTMARE" I yelled out, activating one of my quirks. Both our bodies froze as my vision darkened, I could see the man's body traced in white in the dark background. Green lines appeared on the body, thicker ones on the spine.

I used my second quirk, 'nerve' to see my tutor's nervous system. By using that quirk, I can see and play with a person's nervous system for a small amount of time. The thing is, I can only activate that quirk by using my first quirk, telepathy.

Both of my quirks had nothing to do with my fox like appearance, I learned that I come from a long line of demi-humans, which are basically humans with animal traits. Long story short, I can use my fox traits to my advantage as people mistake it for my quirk, when in fact, I have two quirks.

When I use the two alone (not that my quirk nerve could be activated alone) they are rather weak. You can't cause damage with telepathy, it's mostly used for communication, which can be rather useless in a sudden due or die situation.

Nerve only activates with my telepathy, it's rather complex to explain but simple to use. Nerve allows me to see and play with a person's nervous system. I combine the two to allow me to do my special attack, nightmare.

By using the telepathy quirk, I can emit painful images to the person which I'm attacking. I use nerve to make them feel the pain of the images. By example, I give them an image of a broken arm, their body will generate the pain of a broken arm for a few seconds. It fades away quickly thought, so no worries.

My strategy is to generate enough pain to shock the person's body for a few seconds and land my attack which I always get in place to do before using my special attack. I can only use the attack for a few seconds at a time, so I need to think fast. 5 seconds to freeze to body with the nervous system exactly.

I used the special attack on my trainer, landing a clean kick on his head and a few punches before he got out of his state of shock. "You've improved your special move. Good job." He said, making me feel proud for a few seconds.

"BUT IT WON'T COMPENSATE FOR THE LACK OF PHYSICAL TRAINING, GO TO THE GYM FOR 2 HOURS EVERY NIGHT FROM NOW ON." I let out a whine as the pain from my muscles came back. My school mentor walked in a clapped his hands twice for our attention.

"Time for your daily lessons, miss." He said as he eyed my sweaty clothes. I sighed and nodded, running to quickly shower and change before rushing to the library in my house to be home schooled.

I never went to an actual school, my parents had me homeschooled until I know I can get into UA. The same goes for training, they want me to be the absolute best and be in the top 10 heros.

They want me to make them richer then they already are, believe it or not.

I sighed and went through my usual routine,the same one since I am 5. Wake up, eat, train, homeschool, eat, shower, relax, bed. Boring and repetitive, it's the same every single day. I learned many things through the years, but it was painful.

Being half fox meant I had better hearing than normal people, I was stealthy and my nails could become sharp retractable claws.

My whole life seemed to be decided already. I don't see a moment where I could decide my own fate, my parents seem to have worked it all out.

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