chapter 24

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The warmth of Bakugo's embrace never left y/n during the whole warping process, he made sure to hold her tight. Bakugo felt like he was suffocating too, but he couldn't care less. His main priority was to make y/n feel safe and protect her right now.

The weird substance soon started to fade, making the two crumble to the ground and try to catch their breath. Bakugo kept an arm around y/n incase anything were to happen, to protect her as he could.

When they both caught their breath, they looked up and got on their guards. The area was unfamiliar and the villains were lurking around, almost just as confused. Bakugo stood defensively in front of y/n as he kept a close eye on the villains.

They heard heavy footsteps come from the dark, making the students even more anxious.

'y/n, hide behind the debris. It'll give you an advantage to attack without being seen.' Bakugo told her through his thoughts. Y/n proceeded to being as stealthy as possible and hide behind a nearby debris. Bakugo eyed her rapidly as he watched the new villain warp his league away to safety.

Bakugo was ready to go attack, his hands already heated up and sparking. But to his dismay, All might appeared in a huge gust of wind. The two teens held on to something to not be blown away by the sudden wind. The main villain on hands seemed unfazed, almost mocking.

"Four minutes? Someone's slow." The tall masked man said, pointing to all might. As the two rivals had a tiny conversation, y/n got an idea. 'Bakugo,  what if I help all might by using my Quirk?'

'Do it, my explosions won't do much other than hold him back.' y/n nodded and fixed her current position to sit better. 'Ill advise him first.' she said before she watched as the fight started.

She took deep breaths and focused, not wanting to accidentally screw up. 'All might? If you hear this, think about... A pancake?' y/n said with her telepathy. She felt childish due to the whole situation, but remained as calm as possible.

A pancake with various berries and other sweets on it appeared in her mind and she knew he got it. 'Who is this?' he asked, focused on his fight at the same time. 'Believe it or not, it's y/n. I'm hiding behind the debris beside Bakugo.' She said, glancing over the debris to look at the fight quickly. Bakugo stood tall in front of her hideout, ready to defend her at any time. She locked eyes with all might before he replied.

'Y/n, I never knew what your quirk is but don't do anything you'll regret.' he said quickly before getting cut off due to a powerful punch from the villain, all for one. 'All might, my quirk could be a huge help. You just need to trust me.' she said, waiting for a reply.

'I can't risk getting a student in danger!' she slowly started to crawl out, eyeing Bakugo. He gave her a questionning glance before she raised a finger. He nodded and stayed in position. 'I am going to come in to help. In exactly five seconds, distance yourself with the villain.' She said before she walked out of her hiding spot, her claws out, tails swaying and ears perked up.

Before she went to do her attack, she hugged Bakugo one last time, careful to not cut him with her claws. "Be careful, n/n (nickname)." He mumbled out, holding her tightly. She nodded and broke the embrace. Just before she ran to attack, she turned to Bakugo and smiled. "I'll be fine." She said softly before running off.

He stood there, smiling slightly like an idiot just from hearing y/n's true voice for a second time. He snapped out of it quickly when he saw her go in to fight. He could tell she was going full on with her quirk, her whole body twitched violently when she was overusing or going at it hard.

When she stopped using her special attack on all for one, she moved and let all might attack. The effect it had on the villain was similar to the nomu from the USJ, but it lasted 2 seconds instead of one. Those two seconds y/n could freeze the villain for were a great advantage for all might.

Bakugo cheered from the sidelines, watching as y/n was doing her best to help out. He heard yelling further away to see kirishima, Mydoria and Iida litterally flying across the sky.

'go Bakugo, it'll be safer for you.' Y/n said through her mind, obliviously exhausted. 'come with me y/n, you're obliviously exhausted.' She glared at him quickly before using her Quirk again. She mouthed the word 'go' to him, which he finally decided to listen.

She fell back after stoping her quirk so all might could attack. 'y/n, are you okay?' All might asked. She nodded, wiping the sweat off her forehead before standing back up with trembling legs. She watched as the two opponents shared a few powerful blows, one hitting All might rather hard.

She gasped as she saw the villain power up, he arm becoming gigantic as it accumulated many quirks at once. Y/n panicked, knowing that she only had enough energy to freeze him one more time. All might seemed to be rather danked up too, making her and all the people watching wonder if it was the end.

'I can't give it my all if you are there y/n.' All might said as he seemed to want to dodge. 'All might, just give your blow. I'll jump on a nearby building debris to get less of the aftermath. You need to do this or else he'll win.'

As she said those words, she hoped from smaller debris to the higher ones, preparing for the last blow. They gave eachother one last glance before y/n activated her quirk for the last time, putting all her strength and energy in it. The villain froze barely an inch before he hit all might, letting the blonde hero give he powerful last blow properly.

"UNITED STATES SMASH!" Everyone heard as powerful gusts of wind picked up. Y/n was blown off her debris and sent flying rather high, higher than the helicopter filming the whole scene.

When she started to fall, she got a nice view of the city. She was caught in a trans and smiled at the pretty lights in the distance. She liked the feeling of the air flowing around her as she fell, it made her feel like she was flying, like she was free.

"Y/N!" A sudden male's voice interrupted before a huge ice pillar appeared, curving to make some kind of slide. Y/n used her claws to cath the tip of the pillar before sliding down. She gritted her teeth as she felt a few claws crack, one break and bleed but she was glad she landed safely.

Once she was at the bottom of the slide, she let her body slide to the ground as it was limp of pain and exhaust. Todoroki ran towards her and picked her up carefully, carrying her to the paramedics. She gave him a weak smile as she was placed on a stretcher, all might getting the same treatment.

"Thank you for your help, y/n. It was rather useful and you did amazing. You'll be a great hero one day." All might told her before she was put in her ambulance. Just before the doors closed, she found the courage to at least thank them.

"Thank you." She mumbled to not only the number one hero, but also to todoroki before blacking out.

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