chapter 2

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"Congratulations miss y/n! You have been accepted in the hero course of UA!..." The video message played out in front of me in my dad's study. He smiled and clapped, tilting his head on one side. "Congratulations daughter. You made it."

I smiled and nodded, not muttering a word. I was dismissed after a minute or two of my father expressing how proud he was and congratulating me without end. The moment was cut short by my mother telling me to get back to training.

My trainer didn't take the news lightly. My physic training was intensified and I needed to learn more techniques than I was already thought. I was getting to be even more stealthy, use my physical traits as advantages to whatever situation possible.

My teacher wasn't as intense, he let my trainer cut my lesson time. The teacher said I had quite an advance on other people my age due to being schooled everyday, including the weekends and summers. Boring, right? Apperently I am able to do anything a second year from UA can do, which is rather nice.

My mother started to lecture me daily on how I don't need friends, I need to stay away from them to be successful. "Friends make you weak and can manipulate you. Don't get me started on lovers. If you find yourself a lover, he must be independent and not rely on you for anything, the same goes for you! If you so happen to become dependent, you will be weak!"

I couldn't help but have flashbacks from when I was 5, I can't remember it well, but I remember having a friend, a boy I believe... If I even let a word about it slip my lips, my mother would hit me.

My mother often hit me for anything. I hated it, but I can't do anything about it. No one here cared, my father would watch it happen and let it be. He only cared about the money he made, my mother only cared about how I would become to the public eye.

Soon enough this whole thing will change, I will attend a real school for the first time in my life and be able to train to be a hero.

I never really understood the whole hero concept, I just heard what my trainer would say about it. He was a part time hero, he does his hero time when he isn't training me. He told me being a hero is being someone people can look up too, someone people can count on. Someone people can ask for help and get it unconditionally.

He told me that heros need to fight, that's why I need to learn to defend myself. That sometimes, it can be so dangerous and your life can be on the line, that a minor error can get you killed.

It scares me, the idea to die because of a stupid error I could make, one wrong move and my head could be rolling on the ground.

But I was doing this for a reason, my parents didn't waste half of their lives to make this plan and put it to waste. Training is hard but I will keep up and do my best to be the best no matter what.

The days before the first school day were a fiasco. My trainer was becoming emotional, saying it felt like he was losing his own daughter (as my parents were going to fire him when school starts). I do admit that it will be a bit boring without my trainer, he was nice with me (when he didn't need to put up an act, that is.)

I didn't really care about my teacher, he was fired last week. He was always stuck up and strict... I never liked him, if I could of had another teacher I wouldn't have minded at all.

My father was very absent in those days, he didn't even say goodbye when I left for UA. I needed to live in an apartment as the mansion was too far away. He only helped to select the different furniture that would be in my new tiny home, that's it.

My mother was the absolute worse. She became a nerve ball, she would snap at anything and lecture me even more. If I dared to talk back, I was rewarded with a slap across the face in less than a second. Let's not forget that it hurts so much more when she uses her quirk.

She had a fire quirk, but it was too weak to be a hero. She could make tiny flames emerge from her hand, enough to light fires and all, but she couldn't project it like the fire hero.

I had a few burn marks on my body, nothing to bad but enough to leave scars for the next year or so. Surprisingly, the one who helped me treat my injuries was my trainer. He taught me tips and tricks to treat plenty different types of injuries.

He also gave me a few books about different things, one was hand written by him. "It's a detailed recipe book. You never cooked before but you'll need to learn. I can't teach you now, but I wrote at least 30 different recipes with all the details you need. There's a page to teach you how to use an oven, I even put one for a dishwasher and laundry washer and dryer, even though it's not cooking related..." He went on and on about it all, wanting to be sure I'll be prepared to live alone.

When the taxi rolled by the mansion entrance, only a maid and my trainer came to say goodbye. They both hugged me tightly, my trainer petted my head a bit before smiling widely and saying his final goodbye. He took his backpack with the last of his things he left at the mansion and left. The maid excused herself too, leaving me alone to head to the taxi.

UA, here I come.

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