chapter 22

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All the students were on high alarm when the saw unknown faces appear and attack them out of the blue. The smell of burning trees spread across the whole training ground, a small hint of a toxic gas could also be smelled. Y/n hurried to go see what was happening in the middle of the course, where most the action was happening as Iida went another way.

She watched the whole scene go by, the trainers fighting the villains the best they could, giving the students the right to defend themselves if they needed. Everything felt so real, worse than the USJ.

The villains were way more coordinated with their attacks, seeming planned by the details. When the villains attacked the USJ, nothing was coordinated. She remembered that it was a mess, that they just attacked to attack, not to cause the desired damage.

They were working together some combining quirks to make powerful duos and cause even more damage than they could ever manage alone. Y/n was hidden in some bushes, watching everything from the sidelines. She was frozen in place, fear and confusion running through her veins.

She wanted to go help, she wanted to run in and attack head first but she couldn't move. She saw the pros all attack, coordinated and doing the best they could as she felt useless and almost embarassed to just stand and watch. There was a moment where everyone froze, even the villains. Barely an instant later, one of the pros sent a telepathic message to all.

"Everyone, the league of villans are going after a boy named Kacchan. Whoever Kacchan is, stay out of any combats and everyone else protect him no matter what." Y/n's ears perked up, the name sounding familiar.

She took a small moment to remember who was called kacchan, thinking it was a class 1-B student. But she then realized, she heard Mydoria call Bakugo Kacchan. "Oh no..." She barely whispered out, her ears falling back again. Her thoughts became blurry as she lost sight of the fight, wondering how everything had to turn like this.

She was brought back to reality when she heard yelling, extremely loud and raspy yelling. She immediately recognized the voice, looking around to find it. She saw Bakugo fight a bit further away, slowly getting closer to the center of the fight. She wanted to say something to him, but as she was about to use her quirk, another villain swooped down and threw a marble like object, making Bakugo disappeared.

Y/n felt her heart drop, practically fall out of her body. She watched the villain get closer to the centre with Bakugo between his fingers.

Something in her snapped. Her limbs started to move on their own, running towards the man. She almost felt like she was flying at the speed she was going, her tail whipping in the wind and her ears flattened on her head. Her claws were out and felt longer, sharper.

The villain looked back at y/n, a bit surprised. "Oh? A new volunteer?" He said, bowing lightly. Y/n felt like he was about to attack and wasted no time to counter before anything could be done. "NIGHTMARE!" She practically screeched, her vision turning black. Something in her vision was different, she saw so many bodies at once. She selected the main man infront of her but also the nearby villains to used her quirk. As soon as she did so, she went full on with her quirk.

She was barely counting, but she felt something different. It felt like she lasted longer, maybe 15 seconds. She felt no pain and she felt in full control, which honestly felt strange. She stopped after 15 seconds, jumping to attack immediately. She clawed the man many times, trying to get Bakugo back the best she could.

Everyone was confused by how suddenly the villains froze, giving them a slight advantage. They landed as many hits as possible before the attackers started to unfreeze, slowly starting to regain control over their bodies. The same happened to the villain in front of y/n, now full of cuts and scratches.

He grunted and went back to running to a man with a head of mist, not engaging in any combat with y/n. She felt rather annoyed and chased him, clawing his clothes as he hopped and y/n followed close behind. He threw unexpectedly a tree in y/ns way, forcing her to stop for a few seconds to dodge.

When he got to the man of mist, a portal appeared. He started to enter and took Bakugo out of the marble thing. The hand guy, the leader of the league of villans, Shigaraki, put his hand around Bakugo's neck to hold him back, whispering something in his ear before slowly pulling him in.

Y/n saw Mydoria running to try and save Bakugo, but he was too slow. Y/n was finally back on her feet and didn't hesitate to sprint towards Bakugo. "NO Y/N, STAY BACK, DON'T DO THIS!" He yelled out. She didn't listen, knowing that the villain probably bribed him in a way. His eyes were wide from panic and fear as she got closer and he was pulled in further.

"Y/N NO, GO AWAY!" He yelled again. Instead, she avoided any villains attempt to stop her and she pounced on Bakugo, grabbing his arm. He had tears on the brim of his eyes and it was clear he was choking up from panic. "Y/N, GO-..." He started but instead she yelled back at him.

"I'M NOT FUCKING LEAVING YOU WITH THEM KATSUKI, SO STOP YELLING AND FUCKING LET ME HELP YOU." She yelled back, using her actual voice and yelling. He was shocked, his mouth left hanging and frozen in place.

Sadly the moment was interrupted by y/n being pushed in the portal with Bakugo, both of them being wrapped in an unknown area before being knocked out and chained on a chair.

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