chapter 13

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The pairings to fight finally came out just before the arena was finished, giving the first people to fight some time to prepare. Y/n saw she was going to be the third one to fight, fighting against someone she didn't know. She didn't really observe the people from other classes, so she was slightly disadvantaged from at the least not knowing their quirks.

She was going to fight a girl first, one which she knew absolutely nothing about, not even her name. She thought, at least, no one knew her quirk. Sh didn't use it in the second event due to Ojiro knocking people out and their 4th teammate doing the same.

Y/n nervously stretched out as she looked briefly over at her opponent. She was taken aback by the cold glare she recieved from her rival, which made her even more anxious about the whole fight.

She knew her parents were going to watch the whole event on their tv, along with her trainer and the maids. She was thinking about how she needed to do her absolute best to prove then she got stronger. It wasn't even an option, it was an obligation, she knew if she didn't prove them anything, they would scold her for it. Well, her mother would scold, not the others.

Soon enough her first fight was starting. She nervously walked on to the huge ciment 'stage', ready to fight the unknown girl. The girl almost looked like she wanted to murder y/n for some reason, but y/n blamed it on the competitive spirit she had, hoping she wasn't about to die there.

Y/n looked at the seat reserved for the competing students, looking for a certain purple haired boy. Shinsou waved lightly at her, a reassuring smile on his face. Y/n felt her confidence get back up a bit, but very lightly.

Midnight soon declared the beginning of the duel and the opponent immediately attacked. Y/n saw it as an opportunity to use her quirk right away. She girl was very rapid, she was barely a few inches away from y/n when the fox girl activated her attack.

She barely muttered the word but it activated the quirk and froze y/n's opponent in pain. Y/n hasn't moved a finger since the match started, she was just waiting for the opportunity to do this to come. When the usual five seconds were up, she grabbed the girl's arm and litterally swung her out of the ring.

The duel didn't last over a minute, which impressed many people in the crowd, confusing others. Even present Mic was confused and couldn't tell what the girl's quirk was. Y/n left the ciment stage and walked back in the building to go take a sip of cold water.

Shinsou walked up to her and put his hand up, smiling. "Good job there, y/n." He said as y/n gave him his high five. She nodded as a thanks, smiling widely. "Didn't need to be so nervous after all, huh? You looked like you were about to flee when you got out but finished her off like a bug when the fight started." Shinsou said in slight excitement.

Y/n giggled and scratched the back of her neck, feeling a bit uncomfortable with how he described her first looks. She knew she was very nervous, but not to the point that she would flee. 'Jeez, I must have looked like some crazy mess walking up there.' she said, the boy laughing at her statement.

"Genuinely? Yep. But hey, you did such a badass entrance, I bet everyone thought your nervousness was just an act." He said before patting the girl's head lightly.

The next fight got announced and Shinsou let out a heavy sigh. Y/n glanced at him, then back at the television. She saw he was up against Deku, and she knew why he seemed so discouraged. 'Hey, if this helps you cheer up before your fight, he doesn't seem to know how to control his quirk yet. Maybe use that as an advantage?'

Shinsou nodded and hummed, stepping towards the door. "Wish me luck. Oh, and you better get up in the seats to watch me, or else I won't watch your next match." Y/n gasped and scurried towards the staircase, making the boy chuckle lowly. He shook his head as he walked out at the same time as Izuku, the crowd loudly cheering.

Y/n barely made it to the seat in time. She expected Shinsou to use his usual strategy of finding a way to make his opponent talk back before making them go under his command. It was the safest bet in the current situation and y/n genuinely wanted him to win.

The fight started slowly at first, but y/n saw it happen. Izuku fell under Shinsou's control and started to walk towards the ledge of the ciment stage. Y/n started to cheer mentally, thinking he finally won. But the unexpected happened, he managed to break Shinsou's mind control.

Y/n was so taken aback that just in the few seconds she took to blink, the duel was over and Shinsou lost. Y/n was upset, but she knew he must have felt way worse than her at that moment.

She ran back downstairs to see her friend drinking water calmly, turning around to face her with a straight face. Y/n felt like he needed a hug, even though he would have never admitted it in a century. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled sadly.

"Hey, don't you dare pity me. I was no match to Izuku, clearly. I don't know how he did it, but man was he cool." She was surprised he wasn't as upset as she initially thought, but she was glad he didn't want leave and never come back.

'There's always next year, right?' she tried, looking at him hopefully. "You're right, there is." She smiled proudly and nodded. Shinsou got out of the girl's embrace before pointing the screen in front of them.

"Y/n, I think your next duel might be way more of a challenge than it seems." Y/n looked at tv herself before gasping.

In the second round, she was set to fight Bakugo.

'Well, it was nice knowing you Shinsou, I'm going to die.' "Shut up, dummy."

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