chapter 19

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So much has happened in the past month, that included the internship, many fights with villains, endless hours of training and long and boring classes. Every single student got through the first semester of UA high without too much trouble, except a few students who did somehow manage to fail the exams.

Everyone in the class was getting all hyped up due to what they were proposed to do for the summer vacation. The school invited them to a training camp during the summer break, a camp which would allow them to train their quirks and improve faster.

Everyone was very hyper to go, except y/n. She wanted to spend her summer break with Shinsou, and sadly for him, he wasn't allowed to join because he was neither in class 1a or class 1B. He tried to comfort her and tell her that they would see each other once she got back.

That did not change the fact that she was very upset and bitter the few days before they left for the camp. No matter what he said or did, she barely listened even though he was just trying to cheer her up. at some point, the purple haired boy gave up on his quest to make his best friend feel better, finally understanding why she was so upset.

" Didn't you say that Bakugo was aware of your quirk? If you get bored, you could always talk to him." Shinsou said, trying to find a solution to the little conflict. The girl shook her head, her tail between her legs in a sad meaning way. 'its not the same'...

"Just promise me you won't be gloomy like this all summer break." Shinsou said before patting the girl's head  lightly, knowing how much she loved it when people petted her in general.

She let out a heavy sigh and nodded. she knew she was leaving just the next day so she would need to put a smile on her face pretty damn fast. Sadly for her, the time came too fast. She wanted to spend a few more minutes with her best friend before having to leave for a while.

but she didn't want to delay everyone else, so she gave him one last hug before getting onto the bus. It wasn't surprising that she hurried into the first bench behind the driver and put a headset over her ears to not have to communicate with humans.

The drive was somewhat long, but what intrigued her the most was when they stopped at a random place. Everybody got off the bus, quite confused. No one caught on to what was happening until the teacher told us to walk to the camp. Quite a few people complained but it didn't last long due to the ground giving out under the students and dragging them all into the woods.

At that exact moment, literally everyone in the class was in panic mode. Y/n was probably one of the only ones who was pretty calm about the whole thing, which was surprising.

She decided to go alone to the camp, hoping that no one was going to be mad at her for that. There was quite a few monsters on the way, but she was stealthy enough to run past them without a trouble.

After getting lost quite a few times, she ended up at the camp first after 3 and 1/2 hours. The teachers were quite surprised to see her there alone, but no one was complaining about the fact. Instead, she was treated to the first meal of the evening.

She was lucky to get all the first servings, and boy was she glad. The moment the class caught up with her, the food disappeared and barely minutes. Many people asked her how she got there so fast, but her silence was there only answer.

After a while, their new trainers for the camp showed them to their rooms and the hot springs. Y/n decided to not go to the spring with the other girls, she would rather stay inside and dry. She carried a few books with her to pass her free time, something she held dear to.

As all the other girls got into this hot spring, the fox Girl pulled out a book and sat on a couch in the lounge to read peacefully. Some of the teachers shot glances at her but never questioned anything. They let her be as she was not being a nuisance to anyone. 

It was about one hour later before someone came inside. That certain someone was Bakugo, his usually spiky blond hair was now flat on his head due to being wet. The sight made y/n snort. Her short giggle afterwards was responded with a glare from the angry boy.

"I don't see why you have to be laughing at this moment." He said in a slightly aggressive tone, maintaining his glare towards the girl. She managed to stop giggling but her small smile stayed on her lips. She shrugged him off before going back to her book. Bakugo grumbled before heading to his room and getting actual clothes on.

when he came back to the lounge, he decided to make himself comfortable beside the girl and literally jump on the couch beside her. The action scared her quite a bit and made her toss her book.

now it was his turn to laugh, but she was a little bit more mad than he was earlier. She didn't hesitate to flick him in the forehead rather harshly as a revenge. The boy was surprised and almost bit her finger afterwards, but held back at the last second.

"I wonder what they're going to make us do tomorrow." He said as he leaned on his side of the couch, putting his arms behind his head to make himself comfortable. Y/n shrugged, picking up her book. ' I genuinely don't have a clue, all I know is that is probably going to be torture.'

"HAH, make me laugh." He said before rolling his eyes. The girl didn't react much and instead went back to her reading. Bakugo let her be and went on his phone as his friend read her book peacefully before both of them went to bed for the next harsh day.

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