chapter 21

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The class 1-a started to get paired into small teams of two people to walk around in the dark. At first, the classmates thought they could make their own teams and started to group up with their friends, which also meant that y/n went with Bakugo thinking they could go together.

But the moment they heard their teacher call out the first team, they knew that it wasn't going to happen. "Ochako Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui, you are going to form a team." Aizawa said in a bored tone. Bakugo and y/n eyed eachother, thinking that they were screwed.

'Dude, with who do you think you are going to get paired with?' y/n said, watching the second team getting paired. "Don't know. Maybe shitty hair or something." Y/n snorted. 'He can't participate, he has night classes dummy.' "oy don't call me a dummy, your the dummy."

Another team was paired as the two fought together mentally. didn't realize how every single student around them with slowly walking away to form small teams. they were so absorbed in their own world that they never realized what was going on. the whole thing was broken when the teacher spoke up to announce the next team.

"Not that I want to interrupt your couple fight, but Bakugo, you got paired with Todoroki." Bakugo got paired with Todoroki and that was enough to make the girl laugh. She knew that he had a slight disliking for the boy, along with izuku midoriya.

"SHUT IT FOX FACE, I'm curious to see what who you'll end up with." He started his sentence , yelling, before changing his tactics and ending it with a sly smirk. Y/n rolled her eyes and patiently waited for her name to be called out.

"Y/n, you'll be with Iida." The teacher said before closing his notebook and putting it away, letting the trainers guide the students for the rest of the night. He left to go give his usual night class to the students who were falling behind in class.

Bakugo was practically dying of laughter beside the girl, almost to the point that he was rolling on the floor. She huffed and almost kicked in, but refrained to not get in too much trouble. Instead she stuck to glaring at him and pouting. the boy didn't stop, much to her dismay. He just kept laughing until her teammate came to pick her up.

"Y/n, I believe that we are teammates." Iida said in his usual polite voice. Y/n nodded, trying to put up a polite smile of her own but having quite a bit of trouble due to her laughing class mate beside her.

"Shall we go first?" Iida asked as he straightened his back and stood tall yet still looked as friendly as he could manage. Y/n was about to nod but the blonde boy was not shutting up, which she had to bite her tongue to not laugh. "SHALL? WHAT ARE WE, IN THE MEDIEVAL YEARS?" He yelled out before laughing out loudly.

Iida didn't seem to pay any attention to Bakugo, instead he walked with y/n towards the woods entrance. "I swear, sometimes he is quite the case..." Iida stated with a sigh. Y/n shrugged, she did slowly get used to him even though he used to scare her quite a bit .

"I find it rather curious that the two of you get along so well all of a sudden, as soon as the sports festival was over that is." Tenya stated. Y/n shrugged, clueless of why the blonde boy had a sudden change of mind. Her ears twitched lightly but she blamed it on the cold.

She wrapped her tail around herself to keep herself warm, finally walking into the woods entrance. "Are you cold? It is actually pretty brilliant to use your tail to increase body heat." The engine boy stated, taking a mental note at the new utility of y/n's tail. She found it kind of funny that he was practically analyzing her, trying to understand what could be done for what.

The first jump scare came by but it was nothing to scary. Mostly consisted of Monoma hoping infront of the two, scaring Iida more than y/n (as she heard him coming) and monoma touching y/n's shoulder. She didn't think much about it until she realized something. Iida wasn't beside her no more and she heard a new voice screaming.

'What in the-...' She turned around to see Monoma cradling his head in pain and Iida looking shocked and frozen. She stared at the pained boy before slowly pinching the bridge of his nose. 'He really went there? I swear, he's more of an idiot than I thought. Nightmare is horrible to use the first time you do it, without counting the headache the longer you hold it.' She thought, a small question at the back of her mind wondering if Monoma was listening.

"So loud... Stop... Talking..." She heard him mumble. 'Oh so he does hear me.' She thought again, turning to Iida and snapping him out of his trans. "What's happening to him?" He asked as he pointed the boy on the ground. Y/n waved him off and walked off, listening as Iida caught up. 'welcome to mental hell, my quirk took 10 years of training just to control the selective activation of my telepathy and activate my special move, nightmare.' She told Monoma as she heard him scream again, his headache probably being the cause.

She bit back a giggle as they kept walking, more people trying to scare the duo. Tenya jumped a few times but y/n didn't react.

They were making their way to the middle of the course, walking at a slow pace. Y/n's ears perked up and she quickly got on her guard, alarmed. Iida noticed the sudden change in attitude and quickly changed from a relaxed to a defensive stance.

"What's wrong y/n?" He asked. Her claws retracted on their own, her canines now exposed from growling, her ears back. It scared the boy a bit but he quickly understood that something was off.

It was the moment y/n pounced to dodge a giant metal wad that they both knew that there was a serious problem, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

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