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Zoe's POV

I woke up by the sunlight coming from the window then I saw Michael still sleeping beside me with a slightly openend lips. I took my phone from the night stand and took a picture of him.  I suddenly smiled to the picture I took. He's so cute.

"good morning cutie" he smiled with a half opened eyes.

"it's already noon Michael we sleep in. " I told him and chuckled. He rubbed his eyes and yawn.

"what's your plans for today? " he asked me

"well... Nothing much really I told bea that I'll take a 2 days off so I have nothing to do today, why did you asked? " I got up and starts to tie my hair into a messy bun. I didn't get an answer and then I saw him staring at me.

"staring is rude, Gordon" I giggled and throw him a pillow.  He pouted at me and that makes me laugh even more. He's such a baby.

"first stop calling me Gordon,  and second, did you know you look hot on a oversized shirt?  It looks like a dress on you cause you're too small" I feel blood rushed through my face by his statement. He founds me hot? No one calls me that. I tried to hide my red face to him and just throw another pillow to him.

"shut up,  Gordon" by that he gets up and scoops me up and put on his shoulders

"Michael Gordon Clifford, put me the fuck down!" I told him and tried to punch him but he just laughed.

"I told you stop calling me that!" and now he's twirling me around

"please stop! OMG Michael! " he set me down and I feel a little dizzy after

"I hate you!" I punched him on the chest but not that hard

" I hope you learned your lesson now" I rolled my eyes at him. My grandparents aren't home yet and I kinda miss them already. I feel so lonely here without them.

"you want something to eat Mikey?" I asked him before I leave the room

"yea sure anything you like missy" I nodded then get down stairs. I open the TV and starts to play some songs. Today I feel a little pumped so I'll play American idiot by green day.

The music starts to play and I walk in the kitchen finding something to eat. When I felt some pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"green day kind of day? " he asked then rest his chin on my head cause he's so tall

"yup I actually feel happy today cause I'm not alone today" I told him still searching for food when I saw peanut butter and jelly in the pantry.

"is peanut butter and jelly good?" I asked him,  he nodded and sat down in the dining table. I made some PJ's for us and coffee while listening to our fave songs.


Michael decided to go home for a while cause he didn't tell her mom that he'll stay the night out so I'm here all alone in the house. I'm I'm the couch just thinking about stuff again.  When suddenly my phone ring, it's from unknown number.

I answered it and an unfamiliar voice came. "is this Ms. Miles?"


"I'm Charles from St. Claire hospital, your grandparents got into an accident when they're getting back from Michigan." my heart starts to beat fast and my that starts to dry.  Why are they in Michigan?  What did they do there?

"I'll be right there" before he response I hang up the phone and get my jacket then put some shoes on. I have to go there soon. My hands are shaking and don't know how to get there. I dialed Michael's number and within a few rings he answered.

"miss me already? " he said

"m-michael can you bring me to st. Claire hospital please? " I asked trying not to crack a voice from crying

"what? Why? Are you okay? " he asked worried.  I locked the front door and waited outside my house

"it's my grandparents, please come and get here Michael please" I can't help myself not to cry. I'm so scared right now,  I don't wanna lose them.

"okay I'll be there as soon as I can" I hang up and within a few minutes I saw Michael's car parked on my drive way.  I run towards his car and get in. Me still crying hugged him.

"what happened?  Please tell me" he begged.

"I'll tell you a long the way,  please hurry" he nodded and start to drive. I tell him what happened and I still can't stop from crying. Hoping they're okay.

I run towards the hospital door getting to the front desk. "Im here to see my grandparents.  Richard and Annalise Bowen" I told the front desk nurse while Michael is holding my shaking hand.

The nurse looked at me sadly and just make us to follow her.  I got scared and nervous of what happened to them and I hate it that I have a bad feeling about this. The nurse talked to a doctor I guess and they look at us. They walked towards us with a blank expression.

"you're Mr. And Mrs. Bowen's grand daughter?" I nodded bracing myself of what will the doctor say.

"I'm sorry but they didn't make it. The impact was to hard they didn't survive" my stomach dropped and my legs weaken. They're gone... The only family I have are gone.

"w-what happened to them?" I asked the doctor with a shaky voice

"they got hit by a drunk driver.  No one survived"

"I wanna see them please" the doctor nodded and lead us to the mourge and there I saw my two lifeless grandparents laying on a metal bed. I can't process any of this. It hurts so much that I wanna die right now. I got into my knees feeling all weak and don't know what to do. I felt a warm pair of arms wrapped around me and looked up.

Michael with a teary red eyes. And by that I broke into tears and just cry on his shoulder.

Scars // m.c. BOOK 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now