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Zoe's POV

"Mikey,  come on we have to go! I'm gonna be late for school!" I yelled at Michael still putting some clothes upstairs.

"I'm pooping I can't hold it!" I rolled my eyes at myself. I'm later for first period.

"Omg! Are you fucking serious right now?! Mikey babe I'm already late for first period" I said going upstairs checking what he was doing. And there he is sitting on the toilet with his phone in his hand.

He looked up at me with a big smile while I look at him with no expression. "just give me a minute please? I can't poop when you'll gonna stand there and watch me" him trying to close the bathroom door

"Omg Mikey it stinks!" I said covering my nose while laughing

"Shut up! Now go" he said before closing the door. Being late for the 2nd time is not that bad I think? It's currently 7:15 so I have an hour and half before my next class. I'll ask Mikey if we can get breakfast.

It took him 10 minutes and I'm sitting beside the window watching their new song covers on youtube.

"You're watching us again are you?" he asked making his last step on the stairs.

"Urmm... No" I said turning the volume down.

"Don't deny it babe. You're fangirling right now" and that smirk on his face show up again. I just rolled my eyes while smiling.

He walk towards me pulling me from the chair giving me a kiss.
"Who's your fave in the band?" he asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"hmm... Definitely Luke" he gave me a shocked expression removing his arm around me and covering his mouth. I laughed at his reaction trying to annoy him more.

"Of course you're my fave!  I'm more a Michael girl anyway" he rolled his eyes on me but held me close to him.
He's such a dork. He's my dork.


We're in this cafe near my school grabbing some breakfast. I ordered blueberry pancakes and coffee with almond milk. Mikey just ordered some muffin and black coffee.

We're just talking about their band stuffs and they have practice later so he asked me if I wanna come and watch and ofcourse I said yes.  I wanna see and hear them play live and now just on YouTube.

I took a sip of my coffee before checking my phone and 2nd period will start in 20 mins.

"Babe, I got to go to class now.  Can we go?" I asked trying to finish my pancakes. He did too and took a big bite on his muffin.

"Yea sure let's go" he said with a muffled voice cause his mouth is full of muffin. I rolled my eyes to myself but I think he still saw me cause he squinch his eyes on me while pouting. I just kissed him on the cheek to make it up to him.

We just arrived at my school but before I get out of the car he hold my wrist pulling me for a kiss. The kiss heated up and I have to break it cause I'm gonna be late for 2nd period.

"Even I wanna make out with you for hours and hours I can't babe, I'm gonna be late" I said in between in our kisses. He kissed me one more time this time it's long making both of us breathless. We both laughed and he let me out the car and spank my ass. I gave him death stare but he just winked at me. He's something.

"See yah later princess! Love yah!" he shouted and I gave him a flying kiss before entering the big doors of this school. I sighed to the thought that I have to spend my half of my day here. Not really a fun of schools.

I walk to my locker to get my books for the next period. I put my combination then get my books when I noticed some girl sitting on the floor beside the lockers. It's the girl from the other day with a purple hair. She's busy writing something on her notebook with earphones in her ears humming some familiar song.

I've decided to walk towards her. I don't know but she seems cool. I stood in front of her and it took her a few seconds to notice me. She looked up at me pulling one earphone in her ear and closed her notebook. I smiled at her but she just looked at me like she's waiting for what I'll say. She thinks I'm weird now. Fuck what am I doing here anyway.

I shrug it off and cleared my throat.
"I-i was in the restroom the other day and heard you crying. Just wanna check up on you if you're doing okay?" I nervously asked. Okay I know it's kinda weird that I'm like this cause I'm not a type of person who'll talk to someone first. I don't know it's just, I feel like I have to talk to her.

She gave me a look like "why is this weird girl talking to me?" I facepalmed internally. Omg why am I doing this. I just nodded and ready to walk away when she talked.

"I'm doing fine. Just having a hard time that day.  Thanks for asking" I look back at her and gave her a smile.

"I like your hair btw" she touches her hair and she kinda blushed and smiled but go back to poker face.

"Thanks" I nodded and started to walk away. That wasn't so bad. She actually kinda cool and she seem nice too.

I'm walking to my next class which is Math. I hate math it feels like I'm I'm prison when I'm in school. I sighed before I enter the room and half of the class looks up at me giving me weird stares. I hate it when people look at me. Do I dress weird? Do I have something on my face? I asked myself.

I walk towards my chair beside the window and put my bag on the floor getting my notebook out ignoring the people around me. The teacher still isn't here so I've decided to listen to music for a while, while I draw random things at the back of my notebook. This is gonna be a long day.


I'm at Ashton's house, specifically in their basement. They're practicing but most of the time just messing around.

"I TOLD YOU SHES MY WIFE MICHAEL!  STOP ARGUING WITH ME!" Ashton starts to yell at Michael and we're just laughing at them being all stupid.

"BABE, TELL HIM THAT HE'S NOT!" Michael look at me with a puppy eye face losing in their stupid argument. I like messing with him so I'll just play along with Ashton.

"Sorry Michael but it's true he's my husband and we have 12 kids" I said walking towards Ashton and hugging him. The guys laugh at Michael's expression cause he seem pissed but he knows that we're just messing with him.

"come here Mikey, I can be your baby if you want" Luke said opening his arms to Michael. Michael looked at him with a sad face like me and him just broke up and accept the hug.

"stop messing with mah baby will yah?" Luke said to us with a sassy voice while he rubs Michael's back and traveling his hands on Michael's butt.

The basement filled with laughter. I'm always happy when I'm around this 4 Aussies, they're not just my friends,  they're my family. And Ill do anything for them.

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