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Zoe's POV

Its a Sunday morning. I woke up a few hours ago but I can't able to go back to sleep. I'm just laying in my bed staring at the ceiling drowning myself with thoughts.

My phone buzzed and look what it was and it was Luke checking up on me if I was okay.

Lukey-poo: Good morning Zy! Whatcha doin?  You good? :-)

Me: I'm in bed I woke up a few hours ago. I'm too lazy to do things tbh. And stop putting noses in emojis it's weird.

Lukey-poo: stop being all gloomy and lazy Missy! We haven't hangout in a while I kinda miss it

Me and Luke got pretty close since the day we got his lip pierced. He's like a brother that I never had.

Me: well I don't miss you so bye

Lukey-poo: you're so mean!
>:-( that hurt my feelings :-(

Me: geez I'm just kidding!  Of course I do miss hanging out with a giraffe ;)

Lukey-poo: okay I take it all back I don't miss you at all

Me: your mood swings are awful like a teenage girl on her period!


Me: fine fine! Coffee?

Lukey-poo: Coffee :-)

Me: aight see you then!

Lukey-poo: see yah Zy!

I put my phone down and sighed. I actually not in the mood of going out but I do miss hanging out with Luke and we haven't talked that much anymore so maybe it'll help me to get distracted.

I texted Michael that me and Luke we'll hangout later and he said okay and call him after so he can pick me up. I just agreed and play some music still laying in bed.

Luke's POV

I texted Zoe just to check up on her. I'm just worried that something is wrong with her but she's not telling any of us. We get pretty close since the piercing thing and finally tell me about her story even I knew about most of it. 

She told me about her cuts and suicidal thoughts and that makes me scared that we'll lose her. I have this feeling that I want to protect her I don't know why I just did.

And it makes me even more worried when I saw her with her dad couple days ago...


I'm driving to go get some groceries for my mom and maybe check up on Zoe before I go the market. I'm a few houses away from Zoe's place when I notice two people in the middle of the road. When I get more closer I saw Zoe and her dad arguing.

I passed at them didn't know what to do. Should I go get her? I didn't know what to do but before I turn the car around Zoe and his dad aren't there anymore.

So I've decided to let it go and just go to the grocery store to get some eggs. But the thought of Zoe enters my mind. Is she okay? She looks upset while talking to his dad and it bothers me. I'll go check up on her later.

I got the eggs and get in the car immediately when my phone vibrates.

Mike: Zoe needs us.  Will you guys come and hang out with us here at her house?

Me: yea sure mate. I'll be there in 15 just gonna drop something at the house

Mike: okay. See yah

I put my phone on my pocket and start to drive back home.

I picked up Ashton and calum. He brings his video games to Zoe's so we can play there which is a good idea.

I parked outside Zoe's house and I saw Michael's car parked. He's here already. We got out of the car and walk towards the front door.

"ZYYY WE'RE HERE!! AND WE GOT VIDEO GAMES!!" calum burdge in the house and starts to yell. 

We entered the house and saw Zoe Michale's arms. She got up and hugged Calum and Ashton. She came up to me last and hugged me tight.

"woah, wait Zy did you cry? Did Michael did something stupid to you and make you cry?" I asked sounding like a dad.

"I'm fine Lukey-poo just misses you guys and I feel kind lonely that's why you're here right?" she backs away from the hug.  I squinch my eyes to her figuring out if she's really telling the truth. I know that she's not okay cause I saw what happened earlier.  I just shrug it of and just gonna deal it later. We need to cheer her up she's really upset and I hate when I saw her like this.

"All right I believe in you" I hugged her hoping she'll open up to me or just even to Michael.


Short update!! I'm trying to end this book soon and decided to write the 2nd book of it. Stay tuned!

Scars // m.c. BOOK 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now