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Zoe's POV

"We're going to your house and get some clothes for you okay?" Michael said before kissing me on the cheek. It's 10:30 in the morning right now. They don't want me to come with them cause they're worried that my dad will be there waiting.

Luke and Ashton are inside the house making some breakfast and I'm left here in the basement alone. I look around. Guitars everywhere, drum set, video games and empty bags of chips.

I've decided to clean a little and throw the trash cause that's the least I can do for letting me Ashton to stay here.
I pick up Michael's guitar touching the neck of it where he usually touch it. I sat down and start to play.

Stay for the night
If you want to I can show you
Where my dreams are made of
It's I'm dreaming of your face

I've been away
For a long time such a long time
And I miss you there
I can't imagine being anywhere else
I can't imagine being anywhere else but here

I sing while closing my eyes and just feel every words in the song

How the did you ever pick me?  Honestly cause I could sing you a song
But I don't think words can express your beauty

Singing to me how the hell did we end up like this?
You bring out the beast in me
I fell in love from the moment we kissed
Since then we've been history

I didn't realize how much I miss playing again. And I didn't noticed that I stopped.

They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need

Can't promise the things that been broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me

I stopped when I hear some footsteps and the door opened seeing Luke and Ashton with a plate of pancakes and coffee in the their hands

"why did you stopped?" Luke asked placing the two cup of coffee on the table. I was confused at first but I think hey heard me playing.

"Oh... Urmm nothing just tried to play" I said putting the guitar down and taking a cup of coffee

"I didn't know you can sing and play" Ashton sat beside me and took a big bite of pancakes

"Well... My mom used to play songs to me when I was little and she teach me some but figure it out myself after" the memory of my mom makes me a little sad. She's a good mother. She used to play songs to me before going to bed, making breakfast for us every morning. It seems perfect when you thought about it, but when I turned 10 everything turns to hell. Still don't know why they abandoned me. And I've realized she's gone now... Forever because of Greg.

I felt a tear dropped on my cheek wiping it off before the guys see it. I cleared my throat and took a sip of my coffee shrugging off of that thought.

Luke's POV

Me and Ashton are making breakfast.
I took out the last pancake and pile it up on the plate. Ashton took out three mugs and pour coffee in it.

"What you guys think about Zoe, mate?" Ashton asked out of nowhere. When I thought of it I actually don't know what to answer. She is important to me, I care about her and I love her. But not sure if I love her in that kind of way.

"She's awesome and I care for her.  We all are. Like a sister" I said putting maple syrup on the pancakes.

Ashton nodded and ask me if the pancakes are done. He took the plate of pancakes and his coffee mug. While I hold mine and Zoe's. We walk out to go to the basement where we left Zoe when we hear someone playing and singing. She sounds awesome. I didn't know she can sing and play. When we're about to open the door,  she stopped playing.

"why did you stopped?" I place the two coffee mugs on the table and she seem confused.

""Oh... Urmm nothing just tried to play" she put the guitar down and took her coffee mug

" I didn't know you can sing and play" Ashton said stuffing his mouth with pancake

"Well... My mom used to play songs to me when I was little and she teach me some but figure it out myself after" her mood seem changed when she mentioned her mom. She space out for almost 3 minutes. A tear fell down her cheek wiping it off immediately pretending nothing happened. I look away from her pretending I didn't saw that.

"it's been an hour. Why are they taking so long?" Ashton asked looking at the time on his phone.

Zoe took her phone out and dialed on her phone. I assume that she's calling Michael.

"Michael's not answering" she said still typing something on her phone.

"I'll try to call Calum" I took my phone out my pocket. It took a few ring before he answered it.

"Hey mate,  where you guys at. The pancakes are getting cold" he didn't say anything and just silence. This is weird why is he not talking?

"Hello? Mate you there?" I asked feeling a little nervous

"Hi Luke, can you bring those pancakes to me instead" that voice. And I'm sure it's not calum. And it hit me it's Greg. A wave of fear hit my body making my hand shake a little.

"What did you do to them?!" I stood up pacing around the basement. Zoe looked at me worried and confused about whats happening but before I say anything she figured it out herself and run outside and tool Ashton's key.

"Ashton go after her! Don't let her go there" Ashton run after her tried to stop her but it's too late.  She took off leaving me and Ashton.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ANY OF THEM--" he cut me off.  I balled my fist and clinched my jaw

"or what boy? What will you do?" and I can tell there's a smirk on his stupid face right now

"Ill call the police you piece of shit!" I'm about to hang up but he said something

"Oh don't you dare or I'll shoot their heads and it's all your fault" I hang up immediately and look at Ashton looking so confused and worried. I can't move or do anything. I can't call the police but I'm not just gonna stand here and do nothing.

"let's go save our friends" I run out of the basement and Ashton follows me.

Scars // m.c. BOOK 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now