The Day We Started High School

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Bullying

I awoken by the peaceful sounds of my favorite My Chemical Romance song. "Dead" blared from the speaker of my phone, alerting me that the new day had begun. I moaned, rolling over and searching for my phone, my eyes still glued shut. I kept hitting everything else on my nightstand expect for my phone. It was beginning to annoy me.

"Babe, come on. Get up!" I heard Roman sweetly hum. I cracked my eyes lids apart, seeing he was no longer in bed, and the mattress where he was had sunk in. I turned my head to the foot of the bed. There stood Roman, just coming back in from the bathroom. He was in nothing but a towel. His wet skin making his sun kissed skin glow.

"Turn it off!" I whined, earning a laugh from my boyfriend. He gladly walked over to my phone and turned off the song. I threw my feet off the bed, rubbing my eyes. Roman sat down next to me, pulling my head closer so he could kiss my cheek.

"Are you ready? First day back at school!" Roman quietly cheered, rubbing my shoulders. I smiled, enjoying his company.

These past few months have been amazing. Having Damion, Remus, Logan, Patton, and Roman all living under the same roof as me and the rest of my family. While waiting for the new semester of school to begin, we watched so many movies. Every night was a binge fest of all types of classic films until sunrise. It was incredible.

Not to mention, we've all adjusted back into society really well. Logan's gotten himself a part time job at a local book and coffee shop. Roman is still doing theater. Patton got promoted at his job at the shelter. Remus is looking for a job while Damion wants his main focus to remain school.

I kissed Roman on his temple. I stood up and stretched, feeling my aching bones crack. "I guess I'm ready. I mean, I have you and Patton now. What's the worse that'll happen?" I asked. He smiled, jumping up to kiss me.

After that, I ran to my dresser. I pulled off my shirt, throwing it on the ground and changing into a long sleeve, dark purple shirt. After that, I pulled on some black skinny jeans and draped my purple patch over my shoulders.

Roman waited patiently until I was fully done putting on my makeup to go out and have breakfast. We walked out of my room to the heavenly smell of sweet french toast. I laced my hand in Roman's as we made our way to the dinning room. Patton and Logan were already sitting at the dining table while Damion and Remus were sitting on the couch, watching the morning news.

"Morning, kiddos!" Patton shouted at our arrival. I smiled, shyly waving at him. In the kitchen, KC was just finishing their french toast. KC and Mother have been doing really well too. Mother is really liking the fact that she only had one job. She says it makes more time for me and her new 'kiddos.' I think Patton is rubbing off on her.

KC has also been well. They've been excelling in their culinary school. They make almost every meal now, and they've all been amazing. They've been a little sad since they learned Mother's lease didn't allow their dog. They had to give it to their sister, but I can tell, KC misses their dog.

I sat down next to Logan, seeing him face deep in his bio-technical engineering textbook. It's funny. Damion and Logan don't start college until next week. Yet Logan's already read through three of his textbooks while Damion hasn't batted an eye at his.

Speaking of, Damion and Remus walked over to the table as KC put the french toast in front of us. I grabbed two pieces while Roman grabbed four small ones. I went at it like an animal. I was super hungry. Maybe from the nerves? Either way, it was gone before anyone could blink.

Before we knew it, the clock struck 7:30. I took everyone's plates and placed them in the sink. After that, Roman, Patton, and I rushed over to the shelf by the front door. Damion had crafted a shelf for all of our backpacks to go in. It did make the house look more like a preschool now, but it kept us organized.

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