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Everyday was the same shit for Byulyi.

College, work, home, repeat.

Nothing was exciting about her life at all. She was growing lonely and bored.

She didn't have many friends, all her close friends lived in Seoul. Her neighbor from across the hall, Namjoon, was probably the only person she talked to. They were good friends, actually. He kept her entertained and laughing.

One day, he claimed she needed a boyfriend.

"You need some dick in your life, this is unacceptable."

So, they both searched up online dating sites in his apartment. They were on his laptop for hours, talking to phonies and perverts from different dating sites, until one site captured their attention.

The site was different from the rest.

It wasn't even a dating website. Instead of talking to online strangers, you build your significant other. It reminded them of Build-A-Bear.

They were intrigued yet skeptical. Everything about the website seemed sketchy to them.

Being logical, they assumed the website meant human sized dolls, nothing too extreme.

They both took the survey and ordered their dolls, just for fun and giggles.

After a week of the ordering, she came home to a large human-sized package in front of her apartment door. Looking down the hall, she noticed Namjoon's door had a package as well, two to be exact.

She chuckled. "One just wasn't enough for his thirsty ass, huh?"

She moved the box to the side to unlock her door, then pulled the package in with the little strength she had.

"Finally!" She exclaimed as the box made it through the door.

Byulyi closed the door behind her and walked around the package in circles, contemplating on where to open it. Quickly, she noticed a sticker on the box.

To: Moon Byulyi


She shrugged and grabbed a pair of scissors. She started cutting the tape that sealed the box. There was a lot to cut and the box seemed to go on forever.

Finally, she finished cutting and set the scissors to the side. She opened the flaps of the package and furrowed her eyebrows immediately.

"Why is there so much bubble wrap?"

She took the layers of bubble wrap off to reveal a handsome, young...doll? She froze and stopped her actions at how human-like the doll appeared.

Her eyes roamed around it's bare body questionably, and once she found his majestic prize, she nearly fainted.

"Why the fuck does my doll have a dick?" Her eyes widened. "And why the fuck is it so big?!"

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A/N: Hiya! This is my first time publishing a story so please be gentle with me...I desperately have been looking for some jinbyul content and can't find much so I decided to publish something myself! :) Thanks for reading! And I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!!! c:

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