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la vie en rose

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la vie en rose.

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Operation Seduce Moon Star: By Kim Namjoon

Mission Four:

Are we still doing this, Jin?


Byulyi lays in the darkness of her bedroom, stiff as a board under the sheets. Her arms are crossed over her chest and she's glaring at the ceiling.

She's angry still.

But at whomst?

It's not Jin's fault, after all. The only person to blame was herself. His character is entirely build on her preference and choice, so why doesn't she get that?

Well, now she does. And she feels guilty as hell.

Besides the hormonal part, Jin is the most sweetest, kind-hearted person she has ever met. He's a shy, introverted, newly-engineered human who doesn't understand social context and alternate ways to take words.

And instead of educating him, she beat him... with a flyswatter. This bitch is going to hell.

"I'm so overdramatic." She huffs, pushing herself out of bed and jogging to the front door.

She's going to get her robot back.

Whipping the door open, she screeches in shock when a figure is already there. Clutching her heart, she blinks at Jin, who's standing in the doorway with a pillow under his arm, fist raised to knock on the door.

"Oh, thank fuck. It's just you." She sighs in relief at his abrupt appearance. "I was just about–"

He immediately throws his pillow on the floor and lunges at her, wrapping his arms around her waist as tight as he can.

"I'm sorry, Princess." He whimpers, soft voice muffled into the fabric of her shirt. "I'll do better, I promise."

Startled, she slowly embraces back. "No, I'm sorry." She admits. "I've treated you like shit since you got here. You didn't deserve any of that."


"Really. I made you this way with my own piece of mind." She says, rubbing his back soothingly. "It took me a while to realize it, but now I do."

"But why? I make you feel uncomfortable, Princess. It's clear you don't like the way I am." A strained whine squeaks out of his throat.

"Nobody's perfect, and that's okay. I have accepted the fact that you're my responsibility now." She smiles softly.

He grins into her shoulder like the happiest headass– I meant boy on earth.

"You couldn't control it, I understand. It's just your body's natural tendencies." She continues. "You wouldn't purposely try anything. You're too innocent and sweet."

"Try... anything?"

"Yeah." She pulls away only to see Jin staring at her with wide, alert eyes. "You know, like trying to purposely seduce me again. You weren't, right? It was just your genetic urge?"

He doesn't answer.

Bibbidi-bobbidi-back the fuck up.

"You weren't trying to purposely seduce me?" She asks firmly and suspiciously. "Right, Jin?"

"I...uhm, well, you see..."

He's sheepish and embarrassed. He's avoiding the question. He's guilty.

She pulls him into the apartment and locks the door behind her. Crossing her arms, she gives him a warning glare.

"Answer this to me, Jin; were you trying to seduce me? The truth." She says through gritted teeth.

He immediately breaks.

"Namjoon suggested it!" He snitches. "He taught me the steps on how to seduce you!"

"Steps? Keep talking." Her blood boils.

"He showed me the videos too, Princess. And I wanted to do that with you but–"

"Videos?" She furrows her eyebrows. "What videos?"

"The corn!"

"The corn?"

"No, no that wasn't it." He bites his lower lip. "Horn... p-porn. The porn!"

She pauses for a moment. Quietly, she walks across the room and grabs a familiar object, golden and flexible.

Her handy dandy sidekick, the Golden Flyswatter

There's fear in Jin's eyes.

"Please, Princess," he whines. "I don't like that thing."

She glances at his direction. "Oh, don't worry. This isn't for you."

She marches out of her apartment and into the hallway.

Then she bangs a fist on Kim Namjoon's door.

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A/N: would you call it an obsession if you had 1.9k photos and gifs of moon byulyi on your pinterest?... JUST A RHETORICAL QUESTION!!!

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