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She thinks that he doesn't know but he does.

Byulyi has been avoiding him.

No matter how many times Jin attempts to convince her into spending time with him, she always manages to avoid it.

"Princess, I'm bored. Can we watch a movie?"

"I'm sorry... I have an assignment due."

"Let's eat something, Princess."

"I have a... thing in thirty minutes. Maybe you can go eat with Namjoon?"

"Can we do something? Anything?"

"Sorry, Jin. I have errands to run!"

Day after day, she flees the house. It's becoming quite upsetting to him. It's like she doesn't know how to relax around him. Similarly, like she's afraid or nervous around him.

Jin doesn't understand. He's been so good. Not once has he tried to make a move on Byulyi.

Although, sometimes it does become tempting.

But, he's been able to control himself. He's finally understanding human relationships, too.

He now knows that it takes time before you can properly call someone as your girlfriend. It also takes time before you can become intimate.

It's still not making sense, though. Not once has he intentionally stripped in front of her, or let his fingers drag across the smoothness of her skin.

But, she's still avoiding him.

Like right now, as he lays quietly on the floor of Namjoon's apartment and staring at the ceiling. Sana and Jennie are napping on the couch, laid out on either side of the long piece of furniture.

It's late afternoon, soon to be evening, and Jin's feeling very abandoned.

Byulyi was supposed to be back from class ten minutes ago, but there's no sign of her.

Jin can't help but worry as he runs his fingers over the fluffy carpet.

What if she got kidnapped, or hit by a car? What if something bad happened to her?

But in all reality, he understands the situation.

She's perfectly fine.

She hasn't returned because she knows that he's here, waiting for her.

That hurts.

"Where the fuck is Byul?" Namjoon paces around the living room, dressed for a night out.

Grasped in his hand is his phone, which he's harshly punching buttons.

"Lying ass." He huffs through gritted teeth. "This bitch needs to hurry up, I got places to be and people to see."

Jin sighs, scrunching his eyebrows. "She won't come back. I'm here."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"She's avoiding me." He crosses his arms childishly.

Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose, a heavy sigh escaping through his chest. "What happened this time?"

Jin shrugs. That's a good question.

"Byul needs to get her shit together." He sets a hand on his hip like a mother scolding a child. "She hasn't even been taking care of you, you've been at my house constantly for the past week! I need a break!"

"I know." He whines, rolling onto his stomach. He buries his face in the carpet, miserable.

"That's it." He scoffs, marching off into the kitchen.

He comes in a moment later with a plastic shopping bag. The tinkling of glass bumping glass comes from inside.

"Here." He says, shoving the bag into Jin's hands. "Give this to Byulie when she gets back. Tell her to loosen up."

Jin peaks inside the plastic, seeing a bunch of glass bottles inside. "What is it?"

Namjoon scratches his head and glances at the digital-watch by the TV. "It's a special drink that'll make her happy. Pour it in a cup, okay? And if she refuses, make her drink it."

"Will this really make her happy?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"I promise." He nods. His phone vibrates in his hand, and his eyes narrow at the screen. "She'll be here in another hour. We can't wait that long."

"I'll be fine by myself." Jin reassures.

Although, Namjoon looks hesitant, imagining all the things that could go wrong.

"Okay, yeah. That's fine." Glancing at Jennie and Sana still sleeping on the couch, he claps his hands. "Hey! If you want to come with me tonight, then get up!"

They both snap awake and together stumble after Namjoon and Jin into the hall.

Namjoon unlocks Byulyi's apartment with his extra key. "Be good. Don't burn the house down until Byul gets back. Oh, and remember to give her the drink. Bye!"

"Bye, guys." Jin says, closing the door as they leave. He flicks the locks and carries the bag into the kitchen.

Unable to contain his curiosity, he takes one of the bottles out and swishes the liquid around.

Namjoon said it's for Byulyi...but why can't Jin try it?

He wants to be happy too.

Opening a bottle, he follows Namjoon's instruction, pouring the drink into a small cup. He lifts the cup near his nose and sniffs, scrunching at the strong scent.

This is supposed to make him happy?

He shrugs. If it's meant for Byulyi, Jin knows he can drink it without any problems.

So, he brings the cup to his lips and downs the entire glass in one go.

He can't wait to be happy.

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A/N: i've been listening to signal nonstop lately... should I be worried???

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