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see you later

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see you later.

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"Joonie can I-"


"But, Joonie it's so fluffy! Can I just-"


"Please, Joonie? It'll only be for a second."

"No, Sana. You cannot touch those people's dog."

The five of them quickly make their way down the street. Byulyi observes in amusement as Namjoon tries to keep his two energetic 'girlfriends' from wrecking everything in sight.

Sana's been chasing random dogs and Jennie continuously wants to hug strangers that walk by.

So far, Jin has been the only obedient one. Clinging to Byulyi's side, watching everything in awe, and constantly asking; "What's that?"

He's been clinging by Byulyi since they left the apartment. Not leaving her side once, no matter what the circumstances are. It was annoying to Byulyi at first, but soon enough she gave up trying.

Jennie and Sana also tried talking and making a friendship with him, but he chickened out and hid behind Byulyi shyly.

"When are we getting ice cream?" Sana whines. "I've never had it and it looks good, I want ice cream."

"Soon." Namjoon answers vaguely.

Sana hums excitingly but Jennie's eyes narrow. She watches Namjoon closely, almost as if she knew something was up.

"How soon is soon?" Jennie questions suspiciously.

"Soon, okay? We have a tiny errand to run first."

Namjoon isn't a good liar, and Jennie can sense it in the tone of his voice.

Jennie stops goofing around and inspects her surroundings carefully. She then notices the police station up ahead and immediately stops in her tracks.

"No." She growls. "You're not taking us there."

"What's wrong, Jennie?" Sana comes to her side, concerned.

Jennie's eyes start to become watery. "They're trying to get rid of us."

"No, it's not like that." He says calmly. "We're just trying to... straighten things out."

𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗗 | 𝗃𝗂𝗇𝖻𝗒𝗎𝗅 - 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙 Where stories live. Discover now