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hi high

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hi high.

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"Your face is so gorgeous, I could just nut right now."

Since the moment the four of them walked into the shop, the owner, Kim Hyuna, has this crazy gleam that makes Jin want to turn back and zoom out as fast as he can.

Jin's standing shyly behind Namjoon, using him as protection and a barrier between him and the diva shop owner.

Her pink-painted nails are digging into Sana's face as she holds her in her hands. "Just look at those cheekbones! And those big pretty eyes."

Those big pretty eyes of Sana's are staring in fear, and glancing at Namjoon like she's silently pleading to be free from Hyuna's grasps.

But, just as Namjoon sighs and begins to step in, Hyuna suddenly releases Sana and darts for the place where Jennie and Jin stand.

Not today, Satan!

Jin can't help it. It was some kind of instinct to shove Jennie forward into the waiting arms of the hyper, perky woman.

"Hey!" Jennie grunts as she falls into Hyuna's hands.

Hyuna squeezes and examines Jennie's face, fascinated by her beautiful features.

Namjoon finally does step forward, grabbing Jennie out of Hyuna's grip and drawing her back to safety.

"Hyun, thanks for giving them the jobs." He gives a sweet smile, showing off his dimples and winking at her. "I really appreciate it."

Hyuna nearly melts beneath the charming appearance of Kim Namjoon. This was basically how Namjoon got them the job.

Something he likes to call; The Art of Seduction.

"Of course, love. I'd do anything for you." She blushes, smug smile on her lips.

Her gaze then turns to the three behind Namjoon. "Besides, your three friends are doing me a favor. We'll definitely have a long line now that their beautiful faces are here."

Jin gulps, now understanding what Byulyi meant. He doesn't do well with big crowds, or people for that matter. It took him about a whole week to at least get comfortable with Sana, Jennie, and Namjoon.

But, he's doing this regardless. He wants to feel like a man. He wants to be a stability and provider in Byulyi's life.

So, he straightens his spine and puts his shoulders back, looking Hyuna right in her eyes. "What do we need to do?"

Hyuna points to Sana. "You! You'll be outside. I need you to use that smile,those eyes and those cheekbones to get customers in the door. Got it?"

Like a soldier, Sana nods and scampers back out of the building with a bright smile on her face.

Hyuna then claps her hands. "Great. Now, let's see..." She glances between Jin and Jennie. "I think...yes, you'll do."

She tugs on Jin's sleeve and leads him over to the counter where expensive coffee machines line up in a row. "You're going to be my mysterious, cute barista. Okay? And then your short friend over there is going to be the hot-yet-adorable waitress."

Jin nods in agreement. At least he didn't get the position where he'll have to talk to people. He mainly just has to take orders and make coffee, which doesn't seem too hard.

After sending Jennie off to put on a waitress's apron and get a serving tray, Hyuna explains the process of working the machines to Jin. He nods along, not totally understanding everything, but willing to do his best.

At the end, she introduces him to another barista.

"This is Chaeyoung." Hyuna says, gesturing to the sweet-faced girl with strawberry blonde hair.

Jin stares at the girl before him with wide eyes. Slightly panicking, he manages to croak out, "H-Hi. I'm Jin." He gives a small smile.

He's not good with introductions. In fact, he wishes Byulyi was here right now so she can hold his hand or something. Anything involving Byulyi, would ease his nerves.

Chaeyoung returns the smile. "Nice to meet you, Jin. I'm excited to work with you!"

"Uh, y-yeah. Me too." He coughs, scratching the back of his hair. 

He then turns from his coworker and examines the shop.

This is it.

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